Doctor Wang really didn't dare to trust him. This was Xiu Caigong's nephew. If anything happened in his hands, he couldn't bear this responsibility.

He asked his apprentice to grab a pair of typhoid-repelling medicine, boil it, and quickly pour it into the child.

Song Shi touched Song Dabao's still red face, paid the consultation fee, and took him in a rented carriage toward the county seat.

Zhou was in a state of panic throughout the whole process.

She looked at her son, who was in a coma due to fever, and then at her brother-in-law, who had a straight face and kept away from strangers. She gave a fake smile and said, "No, it'll be okay. He's just cold. Eat more." The medicine will heal. Children are like this. Uncle, don’t be too nervous. Your husband is in heaven and will protect Dabao."

But he got a sharp look from the other party, and saw the always gentle and polite brother-in-law sneered coldly, "It's best to do what my sister-in-law said. If Dabao doesn't survive and dies, it will be over. My sister-in-law will remarry." If he really becomes a fool and is unable to take care of himself like a young child, then my sister-in-law will have to support him for the rest of his life. This is the only bloodline my brother has left in the world. Not only me, but also the clan will keep an eye on him. It’s yours!”

Zhou's eyes widened and tears fell, unable to believe what she heard.

She bit her lip, "Uncle, what do you mean? Do I want Dabao to become like this? He is sick, and I feel very uncomfortable and blame myself!"

As he spoke, he wiped away his tears pitifully.

Song Shi snorted coldly and said nothing more.

The carriage drove very fast and arrived at the county in an hour.

It was already noon.

The two of them ran towards the largest medical clinic in the county without caring about eating.

After diagnosis and treatment, the doctor still complained of wind and cold.

And the symptoms are quite serious.

He stroked his beard, his brows furrowed tightly, and the smell of money smelled out of his mouth.

Song Shi naturally understood.

He immediately expressed his position, "Please Dr. Wu to protect the student's nephew. This is the only bloodline left by the student's brother in the world. No matter how much money is needed, as long as he can be saved, the student is willing to sell everything."

Zhou also nodded.

"Please doctor, please save my son's life."

"The little woman is kowtowing to the doctor!"

As he spoke, he was about to kneel down.

Doctor Wu glanced at her and stopped him, "You don't have to do this, I will save him."

As long as he didn't have the money to come to him and give him a credit, so that he could see the doctor in vain and pay for the medicinal materials, then everything would be fine.

Zhou became busy.

Nodding, "The doctor has a kind heart, I trust him."

Doctor Wu quickly wrote down a prescription with a swipe of his brush and handed it to the apprentice. After the apprentice grabbed the medicine, he took it to the backyard to fry it.

Boil three bowls of water into one bowl.

When it was served, Song Dabao had convulsed twice.

Zhou was so frightened that she almost fainted.

Song Shi took the bowl, thanked him, pinched his nephew's face, and poured it into his mouth.

The little apprentice who was waiting to help and stretched out his hand said:
There is absolutely no use for him.

scratched his head.

He took the empty bowl and ran back to the backyard.

Doctor Wu was also a little surprised when he saw how he poured the medicine cleanly with his hands. Scholars are all full of poetry and calligraphy, but they have no strength. Who would have thought that this Song Dynasty scholar could be like this? craft.

It was really unexpected.

Song Shi explained, "I come from a rural farming family. Children in the village always give medicine like this when they are sick."

Doctor Wu understood.

Mrs. Zhou touched her son's forehead, hesitated for a while, and asked worriedly, "Doctor, I...I heard people say that the wind-cold was not cured in time, and even if it was cured later, people would be stupid. I, my son, he."

Doctor Wu understood what she meant.

After pondering for a moment, he said, "It depends on his luck."

Zhou: "."

Damn it, you are a doctor and you say such things!
The smile was extremely forced, "I, I think he should be fine. He has already taken the medicine, and he is not as hot as before."

Song Shi snorted coldly.

She trembled with fright, and tears flowed out again.


The other doctors in the hospital looked at Song Shi in the wrong way.Whisper.

He said he didn't want to see his widowed sister-in-law.

Song Shi turned his head and smiled, "If I really want to see you, I'm afraid you will jump out and say something else."

Everyone was taken aback.

Someone said something fair, "There are many disputes at the widow's door, so we should not meddle in other people's affairs."

If it were you, would you dare to meet a widow?I'm afraid that the tigress in the house will eat people!

No one dared to speak again.

Zhou's heart also felt cold and cold.

She always thought that her brother-in-law had thoughts and thoughts about her, and it would not be like this today.

He didn't even look at himself the whole time today.

There is only Dabao in his eyes.

Perhaps, in the past, he was gentle and polite to him because Dabao was the grandson of the Song family.

When she realized this fact, her heart became even colder.

In ancient times, medical treatment and medicine were very expensive and were considered luxuries.

Song Dabao was seriously ill.

I used a lot of good medicine.

After this trip, he spent a full five taels of silver to save his life.

As a result, Song Shi's pocket was completely empty.

Of course he could just use magic to defeat the virus without spending a penny.

But why!

Yuan Zha’s nephew has something to do with him!

You should bear the consequences of your own troubles!
Besides, isn’t there still a mother-in-law here?

Anyway, no one can get even a single piece of wool from him!
Zhou paid for the fare back by pawning a hairpin, otherwise, they would have to walk until midnight, which obviously neither of them wanted to do.

The carriage pulled directly into the village.

It was getting dark when we arrived.

Next door, Aunt Tian Er heard the noise and hurriedly ran out. Her eyes flicked back and forth between the two of them. She followed them in and asked with concern, "How is Dabao doing?"

The original slag would never say a word to such a village woman with evil intentions, but not Song Shi.

The more people who know about this, the better.

He handed the child to Mrs. Zhou and asked her to take it back to her room. He also told her to cook, boil water and make medicine, and then said to Aunt Tian with a wry smile, "It's not good."

Aunt Tian: ".!"

Today, this great scholar actually paid attention to my mother!
But, not good?


"It's the wind and cold." Song Shi pursed his lips, "When I went to town, Doctor Wang said he couldn't see it well, so he took Dabao to the county and saw the best doctor in the county, Doctor Wu, and used countless good medicines. I drank it down and barely managed to save my life."

Aunt Tian's legs almost weakened when she heard the cold wind, and then she breathed a sigh of relief, "It's okay, it's okay."

"It's nothing!" Song Shi said with a bitter look on his face, "Doctor Wu said that his child was seriously ill and was delayed for some time. Although his life was saved, it depends on God's will whether he can wake up. .”


He lowered his eyes, "Even if you wake up, you will most likely become a fool."


Aunt Tian exclaimed and covered her mouth, "You mean?"

Song Shi nodded.

His face was filled with sorrow.

Aunt Tian's eyes widened, and finally there was some sympathy in her eyes, "I don't know what happened to your family in the past two years. Bad things happened one after another. According to Auntie, you might as well go to the temple to worship and invite a Bodhisattva back. Protect the family and the house, Dabao is so young, it would be terrible to become a fool."

Song Shi sighed, "Who says it's not the case?"

"Don't worry too much. If that happens, it's God's will." How can a mortal disobey God's will?

I saw the young Xiucai Gong purse his lips, "I don't know how my sister-in-law took care of the child. She only found out that the child was hot all over at dawn. Nowadays, Dabao has a lot of money for medicine, but what should I do?"

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