Song Yuan went to see the Vice Minister of the Ministry of Industry with mixed feelings of anxiety, excitement, doubt and caution.

He was thinking all the time.

Why do people come to him for no reason?
  To be honest, he really couldn't think of any other reason except to win over.

But he, an eighth-grade official, is not worth winning over in Beijing!

However, when he saw the handsome young man standing outside the house, he was stunned.

This this.
  "you you are"

His eyes widened in disbelief.

Is he who he thinks he is?

But when he saw the other party looking at him seriously, he sighed, "It's really you, brother."

Song Yuan moved his mouth, and after a while he shouted, "Ah Shi."

"it's me."

Song Yuan: ".!"

"You, are you an official?"

Song Shi nodded and smiled, "I helped the emperor accomplish a few small things, and now he is a fourth-grade minister." He was worthy of his ancestors and his family name.

Song Yuan's mood was extremely complicated, feeling disappointed but also feeling proud, and finally turned into a sigh, "That's good, that's good. In this way, my parents can rest in peace."

The housekeeper was also shocked.

He never expected that his master would have such a young and promising brother.

He said hurriedly, "Master, please invite Mr. Song in first."

Song Yuan also reacted and patted his head, "Look at me, I was so happy to see my little brother that I forgot in the excitement, Ah Shi, come in quickly, come in quickly!"

He also ordered the butler to quickly pour tea.

He led Song Shi inside.

The two of them sat down in the lobby.

We talked about what happened over the years.

When asked why Song Yuan was still alive and serving as an official even though he was dead, he sighed quietly, "It's a long story."

Song Shi smiled, "Brother, please tell me slowly. We brothers haven't seen each other for ten years, so we have plenty of time to reminisce."

Not for anything else.

I just want to hear what kind of bizarre stories you can come up with.

  It shouldn't be an amnesia joke, right?
  I really lost my memory, can I still recognize him? Not to mention that I regained my memory some time ago, even a fool would not believe it.

Song Yuan: "." He smiled bitterly, "It's not a happy thing."

Song Shi lowered his eyes and drank tea, "Brother has suffered."

"When someone from the government came, they said that my brother had died in the war and they had given him a pension. The sky was falling down at home. My sister-in-law wanted to follow my brother for a while, but for Dabao." He paused and looked up at Song Yuan, "Brother, what a shame. Remember the son you held in your arms and rode on your neck? He would be very happy if he knew that his father was not dead."

Song Yuan froze and wiped his face, "To tell you the truth, I am a brother and I have a family again" and we have another child.

"My current wife is an official lady?"


I heard the other party sneer, "No wonder you don't want to come back and even fake your own death. Brother is really good. I remember that my parents never taught us to be treacherous and ungrateful and throw away the chaff."

"Master Song is so powerful and powerful, and he actually went to someone else's house to show off his power!" A sweet shout came out.

Song Shi followed the voice and looked over, and saw a pretty, pretty-looking woman wearing silk satin and a jade hairpin, coming out with a cold face.

He frowned, "Brother, is this the concubine you abandoned your wife at the border?"

Song Yuan was stunned for a moment and hurriedly explained, "Brother, she is not a concubine, but a wife." The woman said angrily, "I am the wife he is marrying!"

"The matchmaker is marrying?" Song Shi sneered, "What kind of matchmaker is Ming, and what is marrying? Have you told your ancestors, have you visited the ancestors of the Song family, have you paid homage to the high hall, have you entered the genealogy of the Song family? Nothing. No, do you dare to say that the matchmaker has married into the Song family? Or, Song Yuan, if you don’t recognize your ancestors or your parents, you will be considered an unfilial and disloyal person! Then I have to ask the emperor, what are the ancestors of this family? What kind of thing is a person who doesn’t want anything!”

After saying that, he slapped the tea cup in his hand on the table and left.

Song Yuan panicked.


He hurriedly caught up, "Little brother! Little brother! Misunderstanding! It's all a misunderstanding!"

Song Shi shook off his hand and stared at him fiercely, "Song Yuan, hey, you don't even want the name your parents gave you. It shows that your ancestors have been abandoned by you a long time ago!"

Song Yuan was filled with bitterness.

"Ah Shi, it's not like that. Alas, it was all just a temporary obsession of mine."

"Then you have been obsessed with it for a long time. If I hadn't succeeded in becoming a Beijing official and showing my face in front of the emperor, I'm afraid you would have been obsessed with it for the rest of your life." He said and looked at the eldest cousin. The unhappy woman sneered, "It's normal for this man to have three wives and four concubines. Brother, you have been at the border for many years and you are lonely. It's not incomprehensible to you. As long as you generously write a letter and say that you want to take in a room of concubines, Even if my sister-in-law disagrees, the elders and I will advise her to be generous. Let alone one room, she can have two, three or four bedrooms. Why would she do such an unscrupulous scumbag act? Besides, you are such a scumbag. And where can I put the eldest grandson of my Song family? No matter how many of them are concubines, they are still concubines, and together they are not as important as one legitimate son!"

Song Yuan was speechless by what he said.

This, is this a lonely thing about concubinage?

This is about the future!

"Ah Shi, I."

"I'm not saying that brother is blind, but you, my concubine, can't even compare with my sister-in-law, even the green flowers that have given you things before at the entrance of our village. I don't know whether brother, you are blind or blind."

"Sir Song" found that his wife really couldn't bear it and wanted to seek justice for herself angrily.

Song Shi raised his hand to stop her, raised his chin as if he were superior, "No matter what your status is, you are not qualified to talk to me. Brother, you should take good care of your concubine." He paused and smiled. "I am confused. My brother's backyard is empty. There are only a bunch of concubines. Where did the mistress come from? I will write a letter and ask my sister-in-law and Dabao to come over. My brother is kind, but there is no rule without rules. When the time comes, I will raise someone Some people are so arrogant that they treat their concubines against their direct descendants. Oh, if the back house is not repaired, it will be the source of chaos in the family!"

After saying that, he ignored Song Yuan's plea and left.

Song Yuan chased him to the door.

As the carriage was driving, Song Shi opened the curtain and said, "Don't worry, brother, we will reunite your family as soon as possible."

Song Yuan: "."

I really don't want you to meddle in my own business.

Can't we just let the mistakes go?
  So annoying!

It would have been a joy to have the brothers reunited, but now he was only filled with anxiety.

Ms. Yu came over, her face full of anger, "Husband, what do you mean by your brother?"

Before he finished speaking, he interrupted, "What did you do to come out! Who asked you to come out!"

Mrs. Yu was stunned by his yelling, "I have a guest at home. I am the mistress of the house and my sister-in-law. How could I not come out to see you? Who would have thought?"

Who would have thought that he would be an unreasonable master!

Thinking of this, Mrs. Yu gritted her teeth with hatred.

Song Yuan also hated it.

No wonder when we were at the border, we always heard the generals say that civil servants were not easy to deal with, and even before returning to Beijing, they specifically told them to be careful of those civil servants.


He now fully understands the talk of civil servants!

Song Yuan gritted his teeth, "I'll beg the general!"

There is no other way.

(End of this chapter)

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