But, please?
  How to ask?
  No matter how you say this, it is a heartless man who abandons his chaff in order to seek glory and honor.

Moreover, the situation of this person at the same border is much clearer than the person who is thousands of miles away and does not know the truth. In short, Song Yuan can use the injury and amnesia to deceive Song Shi, but there is no way to deceive the same person. Soldiers who came to the capital from the border to receive titles.

So when he knelt in front of the general and confessed everything, the general just wanted to slap him on both ears.

"How could you do such a thing!" This is so scumbag!

Song Yuan lowered his head and admitted his mistake, "The last general, the last general realizes his mistake."

  So what if you acknowledge your mistakes? Could it be that just by acknowledging your mistakes you can erase the mistakes you made before?

However, this person is a subordinate, so he must be protected.

If Master Song really brought the matter to the attention of the Emperor, even his immediate superior would become the laughing stock of the whole court!
  And those civil servants looked down on their military generals. They felt that their military generals were illiterate and relied on brute strength to earn military merit. They were vulgar and rude. If they were really labeled as "abandoning their wives", then, then, Then I don’t know how those super talkative literati are going to criticize their generals!

It’s so annoying!

"You said you, why did you just..."

The general hates iron for being unable to become steel.

Song Yuan knelt on the ground, not daring to raise his head, "This subordinate is confused, so I asked the general to help me this time. The general's great kindness will never be forgotten by me."

The general glanced at him.

Don't dare to forget.
  He had heard too many such words.

Does it matter?

You guys should really take good care of yourselves and not cause trouble to your employees and management. Keeping yourselves and obeying the rules is better than the oaths of each other that act like cows and horses!
  Taking a deep breath, "This matter is not a big deal. I heard that Mr. Song, the minister of the Ministry of Industry, although he looks young, is very trusted by the emperor. He is also your biological brother. As long as you can keep him from talking nonsense, this trouble will naturally disappear. "

Then he said, "You said you still have a wife and children back home."

Speaking of this, he had a headache. What the hell is this?

Why are there such unreasonable people in his army?

"It would be better if you could convince your wife and children back home to step back."

He just remembered.

Song Yuan's current wife was the matchmaker played by his wife, and she was the daughter of another of his subordinates.

At once.
  A bad debt.

Song Yuan was stunned for a moment and then understood what the general meant.

If the Zhou family can be allowed to agree to demote his wife into a concubine, then all the problems he is facing now will be solved.

He hurriedly handed over his hand and said, "My subordinate understands."

After coming out of the General's Mansion, Song Yuan immediately returned home.

He ordered people to go to Tianjiacun quickly and pick up Zhou and Dabao no matter what.

After discussing with Mrs. Yu, we went to the Minister's Mansion the next day.

Song Shi had no reason not to let him in.

Have someone take him to the flower hall.

However, when he saw Mrs. Yu following Song Yuan, he frowned, "My two brothers are getting together, and the elder brother brought a concubine to figure out what's going on."

Song Yuan: "."

Yu: "."

I'm so angry.

"I am not a concubine, I am your husband's wife."

Song Shi didn't even look at her, but asked Song Yuan, "Brother, do you think so too?"

Song Yuan: "." It gives me a headache.

This matter is unclear.

He turned to Mrs. Yu and said, "Husband, I have something to discuss with my little brother. You should go back first."

Mrs. Yu lowered her eyes: "Yes."

Song Shi nodded, "She looks like a concubine."

Mrs. Yu left with a lot of anger.

Song Yuan originally wanted to teach his younger brother a few words, but when the words came to his lips, he swallowed them back. Song Shi saw that he was only drinking tea, as if he wanted to pour all his grievances into his stomach, so he said, "I wonder what brother wants to see me for?"

Song Yuan: Don’t you know what I want to do with you?

Sighing, "Brother, I know you have grudges against me."

"Can't I have a complaint?" Song Shi curled his lips, "How comfortable are you living in the border area with your lovely wife and concubine? Do you know that I have been the one taking care of the family since you left? In other words, your wife, you I am raising all your sons. You said that if you died, you would be dead, so I would raise you. But you are not dead, and you have become an official. If I hadn’t been successful, I’d probably be in the dark for the rest of my life. In my heart, I have to remember to burn paper for you every year on your birthday. How much money will it cost for decades? In the end, it will all be burned and you will be lonely."

Open your mouth to fight.

Song Yuan was so shocked that he broke out in cold sweat, and could only nod his head to admit his mistake, "Yes, yes, it's my brother's fault. It's my brother's fault that I made you suffer, little brother."

Speaking of which, my younger brother was only fourteen years old at that time, still a half-grown child.

He was taken away suddenly.

After arriving at the border, I spent two years as a small soldier, rushing to the front line.

I don’t even know when I will die.

No moonsilver either.

Any money I have is spent on filling my own stomach.

I don't have any spare money to send it back. Besides, there's nothing I can do to send it back.

Really, it's so painful.

He has seen too many brothers who were still chatting together one night and gone the next day.

Too cruel.

So when the girl from his boss's family took a fancy to him, he agreed without any hesitation.

if not.

Die at the border?

He didn't want to die, no one wanted to die.

Of course he also feels guilty about his wife and children back home. Yes, he feels very guilty.
  But more is gone.

Song Shi took a sip of tea and breathed a sigh of relief, "Fortunately, when I found out that my brother was still alive, I sent someone to my hometown to pick up my sister-in-law and nephew. Counting the time, well, it will be here in the next two days."


Song Yuan's eyes widened, "What? What did you say?"

Song Shi: "I went to pick up my sister-in-law and nephew. Why did my brother have such a big reaction? This is natural. Thinking that my brother's backyard is controlled by a concubine, I said that my brother felt uncomfortable." He let out a long sigh and said, "It's my fault too. I've read too many books about saints and sages and my eyes can't tolerate even the slightest bit of irregularity!"

Song Yuan: His face is dull.

I think you're talking about me but I have no proof.

He wiped his face, extremely embarrassed.

"A time."

Hesitant to speak.

Song Shi looked at him, "Brother, if you have something to say, I'll listen."

Song Yuan has something to say.

After hesitating for a long time, he sighed, "Ah Shi, Brother Wei knows that you care about Brother, but can you stop taking care of this matter? Can you just pretend that you don't know? This is Brother Wei's family matter. Brother knows how to deal with it himself."

Do you know what you look like now? ah? You are like a shit stick, messing up my peaceful and beautiful life.

Song Shi looked in disbelief, "Brother, do you think I'm nosy?"

Song Yuan said nothing, but that was what silence meant.

"Oh, family matter, brother said this is your family matter. It turns out that in brother's heart, I am not your family member, only your concubine is. Okay, okay, I understand. From today on, Song Shi and I will follow Your Song Yuan family is separated, from now on, we are not brothers, we are just relatives with the same surname of Song!"

Song Yuan panicked, "Ah Shi, brother, that's not what you meant."

"I think that's what you mean, but brother -" Song Shi said expressionlessly, "Even if you don't treat me as a family member, as a member of the Song clan, I still have the right to take action against you for spoiling your concubine and killing your wife. To deal with it, don’t forget that there is a censor’s platform in the middle of the court.”

Song Yuan: "!"

That was really unexpected.

(End of this chapter)

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