Song Yuan felt very annoyed, so much so that they separated the family.
  God knows none of this would have happened in his plan.

Nothing will happen.

The years are quiet, and life is progressing steadily and orderly. He has laid the foundation and is just waiting for his sons to take the imperial examination, become officials in the court, shine on their families, and return to their hometowns in twilight years, leaving a mark in the history of the family. A brilliant stroke.
  After becoming famous, who would care about the mistakes he made when he was young?

But now, why is it that the family is separated?
  The clan elders are coming again
  If someone is expelled from the family, the court will not want a person who has been expelled from the family.

Song Yuan felt that he had entered a dead end, and this road was brought to him by his biological brother, who was a compatriot of his own.

At once.
  Song Shi looked at his leaving figure and shook his head, "This brother of mine is too indecisive, so he only got an eighth-grade official at the border for nearly ten years. Hehe, he still got there by eating soft food."

The housekeeper was speechless.

Since you know he has bad teeth, why are you still making things difficult for him?

It's like fighting a famine.

If someone who has been hungry for a long time wants to smash his bowl, doesn't that mean he has a grudge against him?

But as a servant, he couldn't say anything about his brother, so he had to remain silent.

He can still understand the master's thoughts.

After Song Yuan returned, he smashed everything in the house.

Incompetent fury.

The next day, a carriage entered the city and appeared in front of Song Yuan's mansion. Not long after, Song Shi also came.

Mrs. Yu still wanted to act like a mistress, but when Song Yuan married her, she didn't tell her parents, her family, or her clan. Third, he didn't even have his real name. To put it bluntly, the person you married didn't even know. There is no such person.

In other words, when you marry someone, you actually marry someone lonely.

This marriage may not count at all.

This matter could have been buried in the ground forever if it had not been discovered, but it was discovered.

The only thing is that Mr. Zhou got married again.

Song Yuan was really relieved when he heard that Mr. Zhou had remarried.

The anger stuck in Yu's heart finally dissipated.

Since the so-called first wife has married someone else, what is there to say? She is still the legitimate wife of the Song family. Zhou's silver teeth crushed it into pieces.

If I had known it earlier, I would have known it earlier.
  Song Shi looked at Song Yuan, "Brother, I heard that your and Yu's daughter is eight years old this year?"

Song Yuan pursed his lips and did not answer.

Song Shi: "Really?"

He looked at Yu again, "Yes or no?"

Yu: "Yes."

Song Shi snorted coldly, "So when you had an affair with my brother, Mrs. Zhou was still the eldest daughter-in-law of my Song family. Since my brother's original wife is still alive, who are you?"

"Ah Shi, why do you care so much? Mrs. Zhou has already remarried. No matter what happens, she will never be my wife again." Song Yuan had a headache.

Song Shi nodded, "So, brother needs to welcome a new lady into the house. This one is unreasonable and unreasonable. Others will think that my Song family has no rules. If word spreads, how will the descendants of the Song family marry in the future without being laughed at?" Big teeth.”

The clan elder stroking his gray beard agreed very much, "That's right."

Song Yuan: "."

I feel so depressed.

So you just don’t like me and want to go against me, right?

He frowned.

Stopping the dissatisfied Mr. Yu, he asked her to go back to the courtyard first and evacuate the servants. When only he and Song Shi were left in the room, he took a deep breath and said, "Ah Shi, what do you really want?"

He tried to keep his voice calm.

Song Shi blinked, "What do I want? Isn't this what my brother wants?"

What can I do.

If I ask you to pay for Yuan Zha's wrong and miserable life, would you be willing?
  The initiator is not entitled to forgiveness.

What do you think.

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