What was Song Shi doing at this time?

He went to cut his losses.

The position of Minister of Industry has been enough. It's time for the emperor to see his other shining points.

Royal Palace.

The chamberlain came in and reported, "Your Majesty, Song Shi, the minister of the Ministry of Industry, came to the palace to plead guilty."

The emperor, who was correcting the memorial, paused, "Please forgive me? What has he done recently?"

The chamberlain lowered his head and replied: "I heard that Lord Song has found his long-lost brother."

"Oh?" The emperor raised his eyebrows, "Xuan."


The chamberlain retreated.

Soon, a young man in court clothes was ushered in.

"I am here to see you, Your Majesty." Song Shi bowed and saluted.

"Ping Sheng. I heard that my beloved is going to plead guilty to me? Why is my beloved so guilty?" The emperor smiled with a smile in his eyes. He was obviously ready to watch the fun. He happened to be dozing off after reading the memorial, so he needed to refresh himself.

Song Shi sighed.

"This matter is a long story."

"Then you -" the emperor swallowed back the words "to make a long story short" and coughed lightly, "speak slowly."

What are you panicking about?

What's the point of hearing the ending without the patience to listen to the story?

Asking for forgiveness is nothing more than doing something wrong.

And there are thousands of ways to do this wrong.

Mr. Xiao Song, who has always been as cunning as a loach, actually did something wrong one day?
  This directly aroused the emperor's curiosity.

"Little plum, go and get me a cup of tea."


Soon, the palace maid came in and not only poured tea but also brought refreshments.

The emperor took a sip of tea and said, "Song Aiqing, what is going on?"

Song Shi raised his eyes, his eyes were far away, as if he was stuck in memories: "Weichen was born in a very remote mountain village. He has parents and brothers at home. Because he is the youngest in the family, Chen has been favored by his family since he was a child, but My parents are busy with farm work, so as long as I can remember, my brother has taken me with me, and I have followed behind him."

The emperor nodded, "Most civilian homes are like this."

"Yes." Song Shi continued: "When the year came, my parents sent Wei Chen and his elder brother to a private school in the village. It was run by an old scholar. He took the imperial examination all his life and finally passed the exam at the age of forty. When he became a scholar, Weichen and his elder brother followed him to learn how to read and gain enlightenment."

"My brother is four years older than me, and he is lively and active. He really doesn't want to study, so my father took him into the mountains with him and taught him how to hunt."

"Later Wei Chen went to the town to study, and then to the county town."

"My parents died unexpectedly not long after my brother got married. My sister-in-law is from a neighboring village. She is gentle and virtuous. A year later, she gave birth to the eldest grandson of our old Song family."

"My parents, Izumi Izumi, should be happy."

"My nephew was more than a year old. One day, someone from the village came to my house in a panic and said that my brother had been arrested in the town and taken to the border."

At this point, the emperor's brows were already frowning.

What does this person mean?
  Is it connoting him?
  Song Shi seemed not to notice the emperor's gaze, and said to himself, "That year, I was only fourteen years old, and I had never even been on stage. Such a big thing happened at home, my nephew was crying for food, and my sister-in-law was in tears. I I was confused all day long, and because there was no rice at home, I went to copy books for a bookstore in exchange for money with the help of my classmates. Those days were really difficult. I had to study with my husband during the day and stay up late to copy books at night, but I There is nothing we can do.”

"I guess I was scared."

"My parents are gone, my brother is gone, my sister-in-law and nephew are my only relatives. If my sister-in-law leaves again, I really don't know what I will do."

"Fortunately, my sister-in-law is sincere to my brother and has been waiting for him."

"My brother went to the border and there was no news for a long time. Until two years later, many people in the village secretly said that he might have died on the battlefield, but we received the money he brought back from the border. Letter."    "The whole family has hope."

"But one day, the clan elder came to the house and said that my brother died in the war!"

At this point, the emperor frowned, "Didn't I hear that your brother came back from the border and made meritorious service?"

There is nothing in the world that can be hidden from him.

Song Shi smiled bitterly, "Yes."

"Then" the emperor thought of a certain possibility, and his face became extremely pale.

"Your Majesty must have guessed it. In this case, there is no need to hide my old face anymore." He said with a bitter look on his face, "Yes, someone came to the village and said that my brother was arrested and sent to the border. It was a lie."



fake! !
  Is there any hidden secret in this?
  "My brother is a hunter. After he hunts in the mountains, he will take it to the town or county and sell it to restaurants in exchange for more money. He said he was caught, but he actually ran away with someone."



The chamberlain covered his mouth, "But Master Song, doesn't your brother have a wife and children?"

How could you still do such an unreasonable thing?

"Isn't that true? That girl's family is very rich, so it's impossible for her to be a concubine. Moreover, I heard that my brother didn't mention that he already had a wife."

Song Shi sighed, "My family is too poor. He probably wants to live a good life. If he doesn't take shortcuts, he will have to work hard for many years!"

"My brother ran away with someone."

"But someone came back and said he was caught, and wanted to get rid of us as a burden."

"Later, the girl's family wanted to kill the liar who deceived the girl into being uneasy and kind-hearted. He had no choice but to run away again."

"Brother, if you are good-looking, you will have better luck with the opposite sex."

"Others were so tired that they fainted from hunger and starved to death or were dragged away by wild dogs, but my brother was different. He was picked up by a passing carriage."

"What a kind man there is in the carriage."

"Isn't it said that since ancient times, there is a saying of "promise"? What's more, the owner of the carriage is a girl from a young general's family. She is rich and powerful. As long as she has connections, she is afraid that she will not be able to reach the sky in one step. Smart people in this world don't know There are many things, but what we lack most is an opportunity, which is rare for Bole! Brother, what reason does he have to refuse?"

"He got married to that girl, but his relatives back home, that is, his brother, wife and children, told him that he was dead."

"Fight to the death!"

"My sister-in-law is still very young and comes from a womanly family. She remarried after more than a year."

"I'm taking the county exam and the government exam."

"I passed the exam all the way and became an official in the court. I originally wanted to ask the emperor for a leave of absence at some point, but unexpectedly he went to Beijing himself, saving me a lot of time."

After hearing the cause and effect, the emperor asked, "Did you already know that he lied to you?"

"I didn't know at first. Besides, I didn't have the money to investigate before. I joined the court a few years ago and became an official. Thinking about my brother going to the border, I became more and more suspicious, so I checked, and the result was"


"I really can't follow the clues!"

The melon I took out was so big and fresh that I didn’t know who would eat it up in the end.

After eating, we all got together and said, ah, how did you touch this melon?

"Then you want to apologize?" the emperor asked.

"Brother, he always uses a false name when he goes out. Such an insincere person who deceives the world and steals his reputation is not worthy of serving your majesty. Therefore, I immediately went to the palace to confess to prevent your majesty from being deceived."

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