It's really a small thing.

It is common for a man to find a mouthful of fragrant soft rice and discard the chaff. It is common for his group of courtiers, let alone the common people at the bottom.

After all, it is all a choice of interests.

The emperor saw clearly.

He didn't intend to care about this matter. After all, the Minister of Industry still had a sacred heart, so it was just a matter of giving him face.

But Song Dynasty did not do it.

I heard the emperor say that he didn't have to worry about it.

His eyes widened, with an expression like 'You are not a wise king, how can you bend the law for personal gain?', and there was a bit of disappointment in his eyes.

The emperor laughed angrily, "Why, are you still not happy that I let your brother go?"

What an attitude!
  Song Shi had an upright and inviolable look on his face, "He did something wrong and he deserves to be punished! Besides, my old Song family's century-old reputation must not be ruined in his hands!"

Emperor: This is a bit exaggerated.

"Your sister-in-law has already remarried." You can make mistakes.

Song Shi frowned, "I understand what the emperor means. The Zhou family is no longer innocent, but my brother has also remarried. In addition, he also has two concubines, while the Zhou family only has Marrying a man, if you think about it seriously, if you are not honest, my brother is even more innocent. What right does he have to dislike Zhou? If he hadn't faked his death, my sister-in-law would not have remarried. His fault."

  I was speechless.

How can this be calculated like this? Men can have three wives and four concubines, but can women?

He still wants to persuade.

Song Shi thought for a while and said, "My brother remarried while he had his original wife, so no matter what reason or identity he had for eating this soft meal, it is unfair and unfair. If there is a first wife, then all the concubines will be concubines. Otherwise, if the concubines can be promoted to wives, how many of the principal wives will have to die in the backyard. The minister came here today, and it is said that it is for the sake of the emperor. The emperor was still young when he ascended the throne. The family has a deep foundation, which also allows them to see the emperor’s favoritism towards them.”

After all, how could a girl from a wealthy family become a concubine?

To protect the original wife is to protect the family and to gather power.

The emperor pondered for a moment, "What Ai Qing said is absolutely true. My brother is indeed a bit too much."

"And his current wife is really pitiful. A good girl was deceived into becoming a fake wife and a concubine. The emperor's grace is so great, why not grant her grace and let her remarry. As the saying goes, this marriage Human beings are a woman's second reincarnation. It's a pity that she was unlucky enough to meet a bad boy like Brother Weichen. Now that the emperor has given her the grace to be reincarnated, I think she will definitely shed tears of gratitude."

As he spoke, he sighed, "Who in this world can have the opportunity to be reincarnated three times? This is all given by you, the emperor. I think after this lesson, she will be able to keep her eyes open next time to choose a good man."

Emperor: Hehe.

He seemed to understand.

He, Master Xiao Song, is not here to plead guilty, but to be punished by him.

There is resentment in my heart.

Fortunately, he had already seen the other party's crooked reasoning and was not too surprised.

In the Song Dynasty, he came out of the palace.

Went back to the house directly.

The next day, after lunch, he heard the housekeeper come to report that Song Yuan was here.

Oh, by this time he had already called Song Yuan's name back.

no way.

The emperor requested it.

The imperial edict simply said that he had given up the name given by his family for the sake of glory and wealth, and had forgotten his ancestors countless times.

What can he do!
  The first imperial edict he received in his life, well, it was probably also the last one, was to smash the weak job he had finally earned.

Mrs. Yu was allowed to return to her natal family and remarry.

  What the hell! WTF!

Is Ms. Yu his wife? Go home and get married again. Who is he?
  But that is an imperial edict and cannot be disobeyed.

I have to kneel on the ground and feel aggrieved, but I have to smile and shout 'Thank you Lord for your kindness'!
  "Ah Shi, did you do this! Did you do this!"

There is no such intimacy as brothers recognizing each other again.

His eyes were about to burst, his eyes were bloodshot, and his fists were cracking.

Song Shi frowned, "I'm doing this all for my brother's sake!"

"Brother, why do you look at me like this? You should thank me."

"Thank you?" Song Yuan laughed angrily at him, "You caused my wife to break up and you still want me to thank you?" Thank you!
  But he saw that the other party's face was full of confusion: "My wife and children are separated? Brother, haven't you been separated from your wife and children a long time ago? That's not what I did, you didn't want it yourself."


Song Shi raised his hand to stop him, with a serious expression on his face, "I would advise brother not to talk nonsense. The emperor speaks so eloquently, is it possible that brother wants to say that the emperor made a mistake?"

Song Yuan: "."

A mouthful of old blood was almost spurted out.

"That is the crime of deceiving the emperor." Song Shi added.

Song Yuan gritted his teeth.

But now that he has been raped, he has no right to speak at all.

The two brothers looked at each other for a long time, and finally he left unwillingly.

Song Shi suddenly thought of something and hurriedly shouted, "Brother, Dabao is your only legitimate son. You have owed him many years, so you should be nice to him!"

Song Yuan paused.

His face is expressionless and I want you to take care of it!

Song Shi looked at his angrily back and couldn't help complaining to the housekeeper, "What do you mean by talking about my brother? I'm doing it all for his own good. Why are you showing off to me? He's just a woman. I'm helping him to regain his dignity." You have returned to the Song family in a fair and aboveboard manner. If this had happened to anyone else, the emperor would have long been held accountable."

The butler's mouth twitched and he lowered his head, "Mr. Song is probably not angry with you, sir. He is probably in a hurry to go back and move."

Song Shi suddenly realized and slapped his forehead, "Let me just say, my brother has loved me the most since I was little. How could he hate me? He is not an official now, so naturally he can't live in the official residence. I don't know where he plans to move. , It’s a pity that my salary is only that small, so I really can’t help him.”

"When my brother moves in, help me choose a gift to send over." He told the housekeeper.

Butler: "Yes."

I was complaining in my heart, but I just found a reason and you actually believed it.

Return to the Song family
  Oh, my lord, do you think everyone has the same strong sense of family honor as you? If he cared about his family, he wouldn't have changed his name and run away.

Mrs. Yu was confused.

She, she. "I am Madam! Yes Madam!"

What concubine!
  "I won't marry! I won't marry!"

She smashed things on the floor, scattering various fragments all over the floor.

"Where is the master? Where is the master?"

The maid didn't dare to look at her and whispered, "The master has gone to find Mr. Song."

"Song Shi!" Yu's eyes were bloodshot, "He, why did he do this! Why!"

She knew from the first meeting that this brother-in-law didn't like her, but she didn't expect that the other party would go to this point. If she had known, if she had known, she would have sent someone to kill him!
  Let him have no chance to jump again!

But now, everything is ruined.

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