Mrs. Yu lost her temper and hoped that Song Yuan could bring back good news, but that was an imperial edict and no one dared to disobey it.

In the end, he had to be taken back by his parents' family.

Under Song Shi's "kindhearted" reminder, the imperial edict specifically stated that she could take away the entire dowry.

Song Yuan led his family to move to the outer city.

no way.

The house prices in the inner city were too high and he couldn't afford it. He had a big family to support, and he couldn't live in a smaller yard.

From then on, a life of rapidity began, a real life of rapidity.

Song Yuan also has two concubines in his backyard.

Mrs. Zhou didn't go back and moved in with her, saying she was worried that the child would be taken care of by her side.

It's useless for anyone to rush.

This place is much richer than Tianjiacun.

As for that good-for-nothing Lin Shan, she was obviously a hunter, but her family couldn't eat a bite of meat for a month. Over the past few years, she became so thin that she couldn't conceive a child. She was scolded by the dead old woman at home in every possible way. She had lived a frustrating and irritable life, and now that she had finally escaped, she would only go back if she had a headache.

Besides, she had already obtained the He Li Shu before coming to the capital.

She is free now.

It doesn't matter if she has been married before, isn't that guy Song Yuan also married? It's just fair.

Don't blame anyone.

Besides, Song Yuan is a white woman now, and there are so many children and concubines at home. How can an innocent young girl not let a young talent come and take over an old man to be his stepmother?

Isn't that stupid.

She lived very comfortably in the house.

It doesn't matter that the courtyard is smaller than the official residence. Compared with the Lin family, the previous Song family was infinitely better.

Anyway, she's adjusting well.

When nothing happens, he fights with his two concubines like black eyes.

The concubine couldn't talk or scold her. She was so angry that she cried and cursed her in the house.

Song Yuan became white and had a reputation with the emperor. His reputation was so bad that no one dared to use him.

He has a lot of connections these days.

Those were the brothers he got along well with at the border, and they treated him to drinks, but when the other party heard that he wanted to find a career, they started to fight.

In the end, I could no longer be contacted.

He was so angry that he yelled at home, those people were so unfaithful and so cruel!
  Mrs. Zhou saw the opportunity and brought the wine and food.

"Ayuan, let me have a drink with you. If you have wine today, you will get drunk today."

She poured a glass and brought it to Song Yuan's mouth.

The lights were dim.

Song Yuan looked at the beautiful and familiar face in front of him with hazy eyes, "Li, Liniang."

Zhou showed a gentle smile and said, "It's me."

She put on makeup specially today.

She put on blush and lipstick, and combed her hair into a newlywed look.

"Liniang, you, you, it's really you, I, I miss you so much."

He spoke slurred words, hugged the woman in front of him, and ignored the disobedience in his heart.

Zhou lay softly in his arms, "Ayuan, I miss you too."

  The next morning, Song Yuan woke up with a splitting headache and felt his arms were heavy. He thought it was one of his concubines, so he said without even opening his eyes, "Serve me to change my clothes."

Then I heard a familiar voice, extremely soft and intimate, "It's still early, let's sleep a little longer."

He was so frightened that he jumped up from the bed.

Staring at that person, he said, "Why are you here?"

The key is, where are your clothes?
  Zhou shrank into the quilt with only one shoulder exposed, and blinked innocently at him, "Ayuan, why do you ask, why am I here? Have you forgotten, I came to you last night to discuss Dabao's affairs? Look at Dabao, he is ten years old and has not yet enlightened. In the past, when you were away, no one cared about him. Now that he has a father, should he ask a teacher to teach him a lesson? As a result, before I even said a few words, you did it. Hold me, say, say you miss me so much."

As she spoke, she squeezed out a few tears and said, "I am a weak woman, and I already have you in my heart. If you want me, how can I refuse you?"

Will not.

How can I legitimately live in this house if I refuse?

She lowered her eyes.

It would be great if I could have a baby.

Song Yuan was simply irritable.

She grabbed her hair and wanted to rip her head off, but she also hated Zhou for coming uninvited.

Zhou knew that he regretted it when he saw him like that.

However, she still controlled it and chuckled, "Ayuan, don't you take it to heart? It's not like we have never done this as a couple. Dabao is already ten years old."

She said, getting up.

Get dressed quickly.

After dressing himself, he picked up Song Yuan's clothes and said, "You can dress yourself. I'll go see my son."

After saying that, he left without looking back.

Song Yuan: Am I really too sensitive?
  Little did they know that as soon as Zhou, who walked briskly, walked out, his face changed instantly.

Silver teeth crushed it.

Take a deep breath, don’t rush, the days ahead are long.

She absolutely, absolutely never returns to Tianjia Village to be a peasant woman!
  Song Yuan and Zhou really didn't care.

I also feel that my layout is a bit small.     Besides, rounding up, Mrs. Zhou is also counted as his woman.

Song Yuan went to find Yu.

Of course he had to go find Mrs. Yu. Compared with him, Mrs. Yu was still an official lady.

Ran goose-

"What? Your lady is getting married? Who? Who is getting married?"

The concierge had seen him.

At this moment, his face was expressionless, "Mr. Song, you'd better not make trouble. In a few days, it will be a good day for our eldest daughter. If the future uncle's family finds out, the eldest daughter's life will not be easy. Your relationship for many years will not last long." You also hope that she will live well in the future."

Song Yuan's eyes widened, "Yes, but that's my wife."

"Mr. Song has forgotten that the emperor has granted permission for you to reconcile. Speaking of which, if you hadn't deliberately coaxed us, how could our girl have done it?" The concierge stared at him coldly, "If you don't leave, don't blame the young ones for being rude." !”

Song Yuan was holding back a ball of anger in his heart, pointing at the concierge and yelling, "I'm cheating? I really know how to clean up my innocence. Do you really think that your family doesn't know that I have a wife and children? I was 22 when I met Yu. Who is a normal man?" You're so old and haven't gotten married yet, who are you kidding yourself? When I sent money to my family, your lady personally agreed to it."

He shouldn't have said these words.

But he couldn't help but said it.

When Mrs. Yu found out inside, she was so angry that she cried.

She didn't want to marry, and it wasn't a good family. She still expected Song Yuan to take her away, but...
  What kind of face does she have!

It’s better to get married!

Song Yuan was beaten and thrown into the street.

He was lying on the bluestone floor with a bruised nose and swollen face, and all the bones in his body were aching.


hateful! ! !

A few days later, Yu was successfully reincarnated.

The emperor's grace is vast.

Song Yuan was depressed for a while.

But the days go on.

The official career is impossible. After all, whoever dares to use someone who has been named and criticized by the emperor will be working against the emperor.

Years of business were ruined.

He could only think of other ways.

However, he doesn't know how to do business, and it's a shame that the son of a businessman can't take the scientific examination.

In this case, the only option is to continue to be a farmer.

Song Yuan plans to buy land.


He went to inquire about the land price, and having made up his mind, he took a car to the inner city.

In front of the residence of the Minister of Industry.

"Ah? Looking for our lord? But our lord has been sent to another place! Aren't you his elder brother? Why don't you know about this?"

The other party's eyes were suspicious and wary.

Song Yuan looked confused, "I, I don't know." Then he asked where Pai had gone.

The concierge told me a location.

Song Yuan was even more confused.

Where is that?

He didn't even hear it.

"Well, did he tell me about the butler? I want to see the butler!"

Song Shi is gone, so what kind of cash machine does he have?

He wants to see the butler!
  No matter what, you have to take a handful of wool from the housekeeper's hand.

The concierge sneered, "You can also see the housekeeper?"

The housekeeper of the official residence can be a servant arranged by himself, or he can be assigned from above and belong to the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Unfortunately, Brother Gancane was afraid of trouble and just used the prepared ones.

He was from the Ministry of Internal Affairs and was also the emperor's spy.

Let the emperor act with peace of mind and convenience.

Master Xiao Song was transferred to another place, and he did not take the housekeeper with him.

Why bring it?

The previous person had such an obvious personality, and as the person who had the most contact with him, the housekeeper would definitely be able to easily spot the difference between him and herself.

Forget it.

Life matters.

As for the eldest brother's family.
  In a green-covered carriage on the official road, the handsome young man lowered his eyes. He was merciful by not killing his family.

I hope they can enjoy the gifts I left for them.


There was a strange smile on the pale face.

The carriage drove slowly into the distance.

(End of this chapter)

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