Chapter 381 Sugar Cane No. 5

"That's true." Others nodded and asked, "No news yet?"

Song Shi rolled his eyes.

Hey, hey, you are just making trouble to watch the fun.

Who in the whole town didn't know that it was difficult for Blacksmith Song to bear the scorching yang energy for many years and have a son.

The doctor said it was difficult, but it’s hard for people to say it too directly, but we have to understand what it really means. If we can deceive others, can we also deceive ourselves? If we can’t give birth, we can’t give birth.

Otherwise, what else could happen to the Jiang family?

The man laughed twice, with a hint of sympathy in his laughter. He patted Song Shi on the shoulder, as if he could empathize with her.

"How about a hug? I have a relative's daughter-in-law who is about to give birth recently, but her family is too poor to support her. If you are willing, I will tell him."

Song Shi shook his head, "I have four at home. Why raise so many? Besides, who will take care of the children?"

"Your wife!"

"What you said is ridiculous." Song Shi sneered, "She can't even take care of her own son, and she has the energy to take care of other people's children? Everyone knows the difference between biological children and non-biological children. If it were you, I would ask you to take care of other people's children. Child, that child will fight for your property in the future, are you willing?"

"Who wants to compete with the son of labor and capital? Labor and capital can't kill him!" the man blurted out.

Song Shi did not hide the sarcasm on his face, "Look, look."

The man: "."

I touched my head, okay.

The backyard finally became quiet.

The three candied haws on a stick were divided among the four children, but in the end it was too much for the fourth child.

He is only three years old and very easy to coax.

But the three big ones are hard to fool.

No one suffered a loss, but they felt unhappy.

Sugar-coated haws on sugar-coated haws are sweet yet sour, and their lives are pure sourness.

That's what it's like to be a child without a father.

It's even more unpleasant to watch Song Dynasty at night.

Mom said he was the one who took the candied haws bought for them. How could he be so embarrassed as an adult?

If Song Shi knew what they were thinking, he would probably reply, "It's very embarrassing for your family to eat, drink and live in mine. Why am I embarrassed to eat the candied haws I bought with the money I earned through my own skills?"

Dinner is roast chicken.


Song Shi glanced at the plate, was this chicken disabled? Doesn't it have legs?


Next month's living expenses can be reduced by part.

There is no need to spend one tael of silver on a vegetarian diet every day, less than half of it.

Since the grandmother of the cheap sons is willing to support them, but he is unwilling to raise these white-eyed wolves, everyone is happy.

Anyway, the original dregs will not be able to rely on anyone to support him in his old age.

Smart people must stop losses in time from now on.

He was completely unlike Yuanzhao who could drink a plate of peanuts with a meal. He left the good ones for his wife and stepson, and gnawed half of one under the eyes of Jiang and the Huzi twins.

No pressure.

No guilt at all.

The chicken drumsticks have become a gift given by the old lady of the Zhou family to her grandson as a tooth-beating sacrifice. Why don't he be allowed to eat anything else?

After eating, I went to the shop again, bolted the door, scooped out hot water and washed my face and feet, and then went back to the house to rest.

This body has been really tired for many years, and only retirement can relieve the strain.

Jiang put the children to sleep.

Freshened up a bit.

I applied hair oil and lipstick in front of the mirror, and also put on a silver hairpin. Looking left and right, I felt beautiful. I put on a light dress, looked back at my little son who was sleeping soundly, and then gently pulled the hair. Open the door.


"Lao Song, Lao Song"

she shouted softly outside the door.

It was still a bit cool in April.

She pulled up her clothes, and goosebumps appeared on her arms.

"Old Song Dynasty"

"What are you doing? You're up late at night, calling Hun'er!"

There was an impatient roar from inside.

Jiang was startled.

He shouted in a low voice, "It's me, open the door quickly!"

Song Shi lay on the bed motionless.

In this cold night, no one wants to let the labor and management get out of this warm bed.

"If you have something to say, just say it."

It was impossible to open the door.

It is impossible to go to the ground. Jiang bit her lip, her eyes moved, and her voice was charming, "It's not like you don't know what they want to do with you, so hurry up."

Song Dynasty:.

Very speechless.

You, a woman, are too bad.

During the day, the cows were made to work hard, constantly spinning, and they were not even fed three meals. At night, when they finally had a rest, they had to be shouted at to work overtime.

You are sick!

Your ex-husband’s family name is Zhou

No, not even Zhou Papi is as good as you.

"I'm tired of working and don't want to think about it!"

Jiang outside the door:.

Knocked speechless.

Are you stupid if you don’t eat the fat meat delivered to your door?

When had she ever received such cold treatment? In the past, the blacksmith was like a dog, eager to kneel down and lick her shoes for meat.

Is this a transgender person today?

"Old Song Dynasty"

She didn't give up, and turned around a few times with a voice that was charming and charming.

“It’s so cold here”

Song Shi quickly wrapped himself in the quilt, "Then you go back to the house quickly, my quilt is too small to cover two people."

Don't compete with me.

You can't win.

I won't let you.

Jiang: "I don't want your quilt!" She stamped her feet angrily.

"That's good." Song Shi breathed a sigh of relief, "You can go back and talk about it tomorrow if you have anything else to do. I'm sleepy, so I'll go to bed first!"

No matter what Jiang said after that, he would not respond.

It didn't take long for him to purr.

Jiang's face turned blue and white when he heard the snoring inside, and he kicked the door angrily.

Finally, I jumped on my feet and went back to the house with tears in my eyes.

As he walked, he cursed in his heart: Damn blacksmith, if you have the skills, you will never let me enter the house. If you come to ask me for help in the future, you will know how powerful I am!

The annoying flies were gone, Song Shi turned over and fell asleep peacefully.

Early the next morning.

Jiang woke up from his dream.

Sitting up suddenly.


This is not right!

But for a moment she couldn't figure out what was wrong!

He put on his clothes in a daze.

Glancing at her little son who was still sleeping, she got out of bed and put on her shoes.

He slowly opened the door and walked into the yard.

In the courtyard, there was no difference from yesterday, the day before yesterday, and the many days before.

But she just felt awkward.

It seemed that she had overlooked something, and that was very important.

Blacksmith blacksmith!

Jiang's pupils shrank sharply!

Yes, it's a blacksmith!

The blacksmith shop was as quiet as a chicken, and the annoying sound of blacksmithing in the past was gone today!

What does this mean?

This means that the blacksmith is not making any iron today!

He didn't forge iron and his shop didn't open, so he had no income!

This is much more serious than imagined.

"Blacksmith! Blacksmith!"

She shouted as she ran towards the shop.

The shop was dark.

Jiang's heart dropped.

Just like when she was rejected while standing outside the door last night, it felt so cold.

"What are you doing? If you don't cook, what are you talking about?"

A man's dissatisfied voice came from behind.

Jiang turned around suddenly, "Why didn't you hit the iron today?"


Song Shi looked like she was sick and making trouble unreasonably, "If you don't fight, you won't fight."

What other reason could there be?

He has 996 at work. Doesn't he, a craftsman, still have no time for vacation?

Do you understand that self-employed entrepreneurs have free time?

(End of this chapter)

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