Do you need a reason if you don’t want to go to work? You just need to go to work.

He crossed Jiang's side and moved the door panel away.

The morning sunlight rushed in, instantly dispelling the darkness in the room.

Seeing the bread shop owner sitting at the door and winking at him with an ambiguous look, Song Shi grabbed a handful of coins and went over to buy two big meat dumplings to eat.

Jiang's eyes widened when he saw it.

Why did you eat this?

The key is, they haven’t eaten yet!

He walked over quickly, glanced at Mr. Wang from the bun shop, and then asked Song Shi softly: "Are you eating buns at home this morning?"

That's good.

Saved her a lot of work.

The steamed buns sold by Wang's Steamed Bun Shop are thin in skin and thick in soup. Her sons have been clamoring to eat them for a long time, but she really can't help it.

The neighbor across the door.

If she went to buy something, the news would spread all over Tonghua Lane in half an hour.

Now that she could eat openly, she would certainly not let go of such a good opportunity.

I had already planned in my mind that I would have to trick the blacksmith into buying a few.

"Well, let's eat steamed buns, Boss Wang, and one more." He handed over two more copper coins.

Mr. Wang from Baozipu looked at him in surprise.

"Take it, hurry up and pack the buns!" Song Shi urged.

"Oh, okay." Lao Wang hurriedly took it, quickly wrapped it in oil paper, and handed it to him.

Song Shi put it directly into Jiang's hand, "Here, eat."

Jiang: "."? ?

Just, that’s it?

She held the bun blankly and looked down, just one?

"One, one?"

"Blacksmith, are you mistaken? There are still children at home."

Lao Wang is also listening.

His wife was chewing melon seeds and leaning against the door, as if she was waiting to eat the melon.

Song Shi was already chewing on the second one.

The delicate and sweet dough is extremely soft. I heard that the old man of the Wang family worked as an apprentice in a large restaurant in the provincial capital when he was young. The master was hidden deeply. He finally learned the skill of making steamed buns. After returning to his hometown, he opened this restaurant. Home steamed stuffed bun shop, the fragrance spreads ten miles away.

You can still eat the raw residue from time to time before getting married.

Jiang never ate again after entering the house.

Especially when the three cheap sons in the family take turns to go to school. Not to mention steamed buns, they even give up noodles and rice. They usually eat pickles with radish, cabbage and pickles.

Later, three of them were elected and became officials, but only Jiang was taken away.

He ended up living on the streets, freezing to death and starving to death.

His biggest wish before he died was to take another bite of Lao Wang's hot steamed buns. Unfortunately, he was just like the little match girl, unable to take a bite until he closed his eyes.

Very pitiful.

Hearing Jiang's question, he didn't even raise his head, "It's not like we don't have rice at home. Just make some porridge."

This sentence shocked Mr. Jiang to the point where he had nothing to say.

One breath almost filled my mouth with fragrance.

You happily eat fist-sized meat, steamed buns, and stuffed buns, and your mouth shines brightly, but you let your children drink porridge?

Thank you for being able to tell!     You are still their father!

Are there any fathers like you?

Sure enough, it's either a kiss or not. No matter how nice you say it, it's useless. Just look at what you do, it's not something your biological father can do!

She was furious.

Pian Songshi acted so matter-of-factly that no one else thought there was anything wrong with him.

She bit her lip and said, "How about buying a few more?"

Before she could finish her words, she was interrupted by the aunt sitting next door on the bench choosing food, "I mean, blacksmith's wife, you are not too talkative. If you don't make money, you don't know how hard it is to make money. As the saying goes, a half-grown man will eat to death." Lao Tzu, how much food do your three boys need to eat in a month? And your youngest son, I heard that he has to eat egg noodles every day. Tsk tsk, if you ask me, he’s not from a wealthy family, so why does he need to eat so well? , a meal of multi-grain rice with pickles, rice porridge with steamed buns, solid and economical. Anyway, they didn't do anything. They were playing around all day long and no one could find them. They could still temper themselves after eating almost, and it also saved them from thinking. How much money do we have at home? If we don’t do the main business, we’d rather be thinking about things that we can’t reach.”

Her ears are the most amazing.

There is nothing in Tonghua Street that she doesn't know about.

She passed by the blacksmith shop yesterday and happened to hear two people talking inside. Although the voices were low, she still heard things like reading.

With a little thought, you can guess that it was Jiang who was trying to force the blacksmith to send Huzi to school.

She's just a country girl. If she goes to school, won't she be compared to her grandson?

How can this be!

She was very angry just thinking about that damn boy who beat her grandson last time!

Jiang's tears almost fell.

Hated very much.

He just lowered his eyes and retorted, "The buns are delicious, and the children want to try them too."

Who doesn’t love to eat delicious food?

Song Shi swallowed the last mouthful and drank another bowl of hot soy milk.

Finally he sighed contentedly.

Narrowing her eyes and smiling, she said, "Auntie is right. The delicious food is not reserved for the elders in the family. Children are just playing in their hearts. They know what is delicious and not delicious. Besides, would they dare to feed it to them? , and are not afraid of shortening their lifespan. There is no elder in this world who eats the food first and the younger one uses the chopsticks first. That is a great unfilial piety and will result in the loss of good fortune. Aren’t Huzi and the twins going to take the imperial examination? This blessing will be lost. They don’t want to be high officials. Son!"

Jiang immediately wanted to spit on his face.


What the hell are you talking about!

You're so arrogant about what you're saying about losing your fortune and longevity!


There is such a saying!

But what does that have to do with you!

Their surname is Zhou and your surname is Song. Are they related to you?

What kind of elder are you?

There is no blood relationship, as long as they don't recognize it in their hearts, you are nothing!

The bun was deformed in her hands.

"But, but the children will make trouble, especially the fourth child. He has always regarded you as his biological father. Hu Zi and Da Shuang Er Shuang will also be awkward."

The aunt rolled her eyes and curled her lips, "Just give me a beating."

How could there be so much trouble?

Then he said to Song Shi, "You are just too soft-hearted. You pity them for the death of their biological father, but you indulge them into lawlessness. Let me put it bluntly, it was not you who killed Zhou Laosan, but you have something to do with it." Mao relations. As the saying goes, a filial son emerges from under a stick. There is nothing that cannot be solved with a beating. If there is, then give it another beating."

His words were full of contempt.

Is it considered a man to be pinned down by my mother-in-law and step-son?

Song Shi sighed and shook his head, "Auntie is right. If it were my biological child, no one would be able to say a word about it no matter how I deal with it. However, he has a biological father. If his biological father dies, he is also his biological father. It's Zhou. If I beat my grandson, the Zhou family might come and smash up my blacksmith shop the next day. It’s really unnecessary. Besides, they have their own mother in charge. Who will get me? They are not trying to eat my Song family. He grew up drinking water from my Song family."

"As long as you are kind, if you see someone else becoming a stepfather, then beat that person to death!"

"It's really unnecessary." Song Shi still shook his head.

(End of this chapter)

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