Jiang was so angry that his hands were shaking.

What are these people talking about!

Are you still human?

Her son was so young, and he would come up with ideas and even use sticks when he provoked whomever he provoked!

But the dead blacksmith is still smiling!

What are you laughing laughing!

Laugh at your sister!

That’s what you’re thinking!

Vicious! So vicious!

Her gums were chewed to bits, but the man chatted endlessly with his neighbors. She had never thought he was such a talkative person before!


She wanted to save it again.

But the guy interrupted her directly, "Didn't you say that the children are hungry? What are you doing here, why don't you go cook quickly?"

Jiang: "."

He said "I'm going back first", turned around and left.

In front of the bun shop.

Lao Wang glanced behind him and said with a chuckle, "You kid, what's going on today? Did Mr. Jiang offend you? Be careful not to cook for you when you go back."

Song Shi glanced at him, "She said it as if I was happy to eat her food."


Several people looked at each other.

They all saw each other's flames of gossip burning up instantly.

"How do you say this?" The aunt was surprised, "She is not good at cooking?"

This is also normal.

I come from the countryside, remote and poor, and have never seen good things. All year round, there are either radishes or cabbages, and I have to count the rice before adding it to the pot. Once I arrive in the city, I might not even be able to put in an extra spoonful of oil.

It’s strange that vegetables without oil and salt can be delicious.

"It's not just impossible!" Song Shi pointed at his face with a bitter look on his face, "Look, look carefully, what do you see?"

Auntie, Lao Wang and his wife:.

The three of them looked closely for a while.

Finally, "See the traces of the hard years of life?" Lao Wang thought for a long time before thinking about the words.

To be honest, he really didn't see anything.

It seems that there is no difference from before!

Song Shi rolled his eyes at him, you said it and pretended you didn't say it, you might as well just say no.

"Look at my face, it's so green that I'm almost green."

In this regard, Lao Wang said that as a man, it doesn't matter whether he is green or not, as long as he is not green.

Lao Wang's wife laughed: "It turns out the blacksmith wants to eat meat. Just tell your wife if you want to eat it. Why doesn't she still buy it?"

"There is no shortage of meat in my house."

Three people:.

I heard him sneer and say, "After all, the old lady of the Zhou family can't bear to leave her grandson. Every once in a while, she asks my mother-in-law to come and deliver chickens, meat, fish, and snacks to my cheap sons. She's afraid that I can't support them by forging iron." , To be honest, what kind of future can there be in blacksmithing? It is just to fill my stomach. I am not afraid of being laughed at. If she is worried, she can take her away and raise her. I can still save some money for retirement. Come."

The three of them understood why he was acting abnormally today.

The aunt clicked her tongue and shook her head, "That daughter-in-law of yours is so scheming."

What did you say?

Smart is mistaken by smart.

There are a few people who are fools when it comes to matters related to money.

"That's not my son in the first place. I don't want to compete with other people's serious blood relatives for credit. If they grow up and become successful, we won't ask for favors."

To stop losses, you have to do it in time.

The aunt lowered her voice and said, "With your body, it is impossible for you to have a child? I heard that there is a famous doctor in the county. Why don't you go and have a look? You have to leave a heir while you are still alive. In the future, someone will burn paper to worship him."

Song Shi waved his hand, "Let's talk about it, we don't have money and we can't look down on a good doctor."

The aunt stopped talking.

After chatting for a while, Song Shi returned to the shop.

Continue to squint in the sun at the door.

When someone comes to buy ironware, they take out what the blacksmith has beaten and sell it.


Jiang, who only took one bun back, faced another lawsuit.

In the end, all four children ate, but none of them were happy.

Everyone looked at the person next to them.

I always feel like others have more meat.

Jiang could not help but slander Song Shi in front of them again. "It's all because your stepfather is not a human being. He's not even willing to buy a bun for you. He keeps asking you questions and beats you like a stick."

She beat around in the kitchen for a while before making porridge and boiled a few eggs.

As soon as it was cooked, Song Shi came in.

I scooped out a big bowl, added two hard-boiled eggs, took it and left.

Jiang: ".?"

Really, I feel too guilty to pursue it.

Secretly he scolded the blacksmith again.

There are two eggs left out of four. It is not appropriate to give them to anyone. Anyone who gets them will be sued.

Finally she sat down in front of the stove and ate.

Don't tell me, it's really delicious.

A mouthful of half an egg is undoubtedly luxurious.

The whole day, there was no sound of forging in the blacksmith shop. Not only Jiang felt it was quiet, but the entire Tonghua Lane felt unaccustomed to it.

Jiang was still angry at first.

But after several days of this, she couldn't sit still.

This blacksmith doesn't make iron, let alone study and eat.

She originally wanted to cool off the blacksmith for a while, but she couldn't help it anymore. Hehe, if she continued like this, she would have to cool off first.

That day, after dinner, Song Shi was washing feet in the yard. She walked over and said in a low voice, "Don't close the door later. I have something to tell you."

What are you talking about, just a couple talking at night.

Song Shi said, "I'm going to sleep in a while. If you have anything to say, I'll tell you now."

That voice is louder.

"Keep your voice down!" Jiang gave him a look, "You're just pretending you don't understand."

"Oh" Song Shi suddenly realized, "That's what you said."

Jiang blushed with embarrassment, "You still said that!"

Song Shi shook his head regretfully, "Forget it then."

Jiang: "."

I was a little confused for a moment.

Forget it. Forget it?

Forget it?

"What do you mean blacksmith?"

"I can't give birth to a child anyway, so why should I waste my efforts? The seeds are already cooked, so why should I bother the buffaloes who have to work hard to plow the fields?"

He looked like a mess.

Jiang's face turned pale when he heard this.

"you you"

What do you mean you won’t plow the fields after you can’t have children?

What's the difference between her and a dead man?

"It's better to save your money. Life is so comfortable now. If you don't want to hit the iron, don't hit it. If you want to stretch your muscles, just hammer a few times."

Jiang's whole body was chilled by what he said.

You're done with it, what about her sons?

She thought so and asked.

Song Shi looked at her in surprise, "What's going on? Don't they still have the Zhou family? The old lady of the Zhou family can't bear to leave these eldest grandchildren. When they get married, they won't have to spend a few taels of silver." After pondering for a moment, he said, "While I am young now, if they want to learn a craft, I can teach them."

There will always be no food to eat in the future.

Jiang was dissatisfied and brought up studying again.

This time she spent a lot of money, "As long as you are willing to send Huzi to a private school, I will let the fourth son change his surname to yours, add it to your Song family's genealogy, let him call you daddy, and provide for you until the end of your life."

Song Shi laughed and said, "Then I'm mentally ill to support the Zhou family's grandson instead of supporting someone named Song."

After thinking about it, "In my opinion, I should support the fourth child. He is only three years old. Two years of enlightenment is just right. I can still save some money to change his temper since he was a child, and I am not afraid of raising a white-eyed wolf." Come."

As for how to pull it.

Oh, for thousands of years, the culture on filial piety has been extensive and profound, and there is always something suitable for it.

Jiang was really moved.

The fourth child is still her son after adoption.

The blacksmith didn't agree with it originally, but now that she can agree with one, it's all her profit.

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