The two of them were talking and didn't even notice a figure flashing past the main room behind them.

The door was gently pushed open.

Close it gently again.

Not a sound was made.

That night, Song Shi naturally ignored Jiang's "something to say" and went into the house to sleep after washing his feet. No matter how the people outside the door shouted, he ignored them and said, "Since it can't bear fruit, there's no need to waste effort." Stick to your principles to the end.

Jiang was so angry that he stamped his feet outside and called him a tough guy.

In this regard, Song Shi said that this was not iron, but the pragmatism of a blacksmith.

Isn’t it stupid to continue to pay even though you know there will be no results?

The little canes in the illusion world all know not to do useless work.

Pragmatic men are the most handsome!

Turned over and fell into a deep sleep.

Jiang, however, stayed awake for most of the night.

When I woke up in the morning, my head was groggy. On this day, Song Shi still didn't make any iron.

She's used to it.

It's no use urging.

Fortunately, there is still stock in the shop.


Seeing Song Shi coming out of the house, she hurriedly shouted, "I have something to tell you."

Song Shi was very surprised.

"Do you have something to do during the day? Don't you only have something to do at night?"

Jiang: "What nonsense are you talking about!" She glared at him, "I'm talking about business."

Song Shi snorted, dipped a willow branch in salt and brushed his teeth, "Then tell me."

She glanced inside.

The children are still sleeping.

Walking to Song Shi's side, he lowered his voice and said, "That's right, I thought that now that the weather is getting warmer and the fourth child is over three years old, I can let him live with his brothers. There is no reason for us to live separately as husband and wife. "

Song Shi knew what she was thinking.

Looking sideways at her, "Aren't you afraid that the fourth child will catch a cold while kicking under the quilt at night?"

"Huzi and the twins are now grown, so they should be able to take good care of their younger brothers." She wasn't sure.

Song Shi spat out the water in his mouth, "Huzi and the others are still children themselves. They sleep so hard at night that they can't even wake up. To put it bluntly, they still take care of their younger brother. It's good if they don't snatch the quilt."

Jiang: "."

How to fix it?

There's no way she really wants to be a widow.

There was no blood connection between the two in the first place, and there would never be one in the future. If they were separated again, what would be the point of living her life now.

If she couldn't win over the blacksmith, she wouldn't be in charge of the money in his hands. She couldn't touch the family's money bag. As for her four sons, the eldest, second and third were going to marry each other in a few years, so what could she say?

She didn't think the blacksmith could produce many meters!

There is also the matter of reading

Seeing that the registration time for Li Xiucai was about to end, if he didn't go, there would be no way to go.

Thinking of this, she gritted her teeth and said, "How can a boy cling to my mother all the time? I have to let him be independent. At worst, I will get up more times at night to cover him with a quilt."

Song Shi shook his head, "You can't do this."

"No? Why not? What's wrong?" Jiang thought he was worried that he would be too sleepy to get up, so he immediately promised, "I have a light sleep, I can get up."

"You can get up. What if you wake me up? Do I have to work anymore?" He still shook his head. "I have been sleeping alone for so many years. I definitely can't sleep with many people around me."

"You" What are you doing? You've been lazy these days, okay?

Jiang almost lost control.

She took a deep breath, "Blacksmith, what do you mean?"

Don’t you want to live this day?


She admitted that she looked down on the blacksmith, and it was she who proposed to take the children into separate rooms at first, but, you are a man, you...

Song Shi looked at her with extremely blank eyes and replied in an extremely innocent voice: "What do you mean? I don't mean anything."

"Then why?" She bit her lip.

"Then why are you? Our life has always been like this. I think it's very good. Why do you have to change? What's the use of moving in with me? What can you change? Nothing can be changed. Then Why change it? It will only add trouble."

It's like raw dregs.

You know that you are going to raise a bunch of white-eyed wolves, but you continue to raise them, and you still use love to influence them, and you work hard and use up your brains to twist the other person's temper. However, the other person may not be able to control it as you want, maybe he is superficial. I'm respectful to you, but I'm actually just a piece of cake.

Why bother.

Not his biological son.

If you want to do charity, go to Shantang. The blacksmith also has an eldest sister, and the eldest sister's family conditions are not very good.

Jiang became angry when he saw his philistine expression.

It’s not like you didn’t know what you were doing earlier, so why are you getting married!

Why don't you agree in the first place?

You should be an orphan!

The two parted unhappily.

Fortunately, on this day, the blacksmith who had been on vacation for a long time finally started working.

The sound of hammering could be heard in the shop.

The depression in Jiang's heart gradually disappeared with the sound of 'clang, clang, clang, clang'.

Forget it.

There is ample time.

She didn't believe that the blacksmith, a normal man, would never want a woman in his life.

As long as he makes money from blacksmithing and his family makes money, that's fine.

Little did she know that these days she was worried that one day her family would run out of food.

That's really scary.

But in the Song Dynasty, iron was forged, but it was not like the original slag, which was hammered from dawn to dusk.

From time to time he stopped to observe.

Then he went to see the fire in the stove.

Various adjustments.

At the end of the day, I have beaten more things than the original dregs, and I am not that tired.

For dinner, Jiang rarely cooked braised pork.

He also poured wine for him.

A smile full of all kinds of eagerness.

Song Shi even suspected that she had added extra seasonings to the food and wine.

There was an unexpected knock on the door in the middle of the night.

He paid no attention to it.

The next morning I packed up and headed to the provincial capital.

Blacksmithing made little money and was tiring, so he still had to think of other ways out.

He said, "I'm going out to do something." and left.

Jiang asked him for money.

Living expenses are required.

Song Shi also gave it.

It's just that he wasn't as generous as Yuan Zha, so he only counted two hundred copper coins for her.

Jiang was dissatisfied.

Too little.

Thoughts were not enough, so he kept thinking about his stepfather and what he was.

Song Shi didn't like hearing this from her, so he retorted directly, "I am originally a stepfather. If you think it's not good for me to be a stepfather, go and find a good one for them!"

Jiang was stunned by the scolding.

Song Shi didn't even look at her, picked up the bag and left.

Jiang was left standing at the door with a gloomy face.

It doesn’t matter if you send it, and it doesn’t matter if you don’t send it.

He has been gone for half a month.

On the way, Jiang's wife came to the house, carrying a basket on her back, covered with a layer of cloth, with a few green leaves exposed.

The old Wang family stretched his neck to look at the blacksmith shop.

Talking to the lady next door, "What do you think the old lady from the Zhou family gave her grandchildren this time?"

The aunt burst out laughing, "It's probably dragon meat, bird's nest, delicacies from the mountains and sea."

"Why don't I have such a good mother-in-law? Oops, I'm so envious of Mrs. Jiang. Why would she marry if she has such a good mother-in-law?"

"You narrow-minded devil!"

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