He spoke so seriously that even if the ladies present knew the situation of the Zhou family very well, they couldn't help but be suspicious.

This man came from a neighboring town and knew so many things. He looked like, "If you don't believe me, just check it out. I'm not lying and everyone knows it."

Is it possible that the old Zhou family is really...


That's really hard to see.

However, "You said the Jiang family will also go to deliver things?"

This is a bit incredible.

Let’s talk about the Zhou family. After all, the four grandsons there are of their own blood, so it’s not impossible to take care of them. But the Jiang family doesn’t provide subsidies like this. I heard that their youngest son is planning to get married. If the old man can't carry it clearly, what girl would be willing to do so?


Some people looked in disbelief.

Brother Ganzhe was not happy and opened his eyes wide, "Fake? Madam, I, Xiao Yang, never lie when I speak. Our town is a bit far away. It's not easy to go there, but the blacksmith's wife's natal family is not far away from here. It's far away. If you don't believe it, you can go to the village and ask around to see if Jiang's mother often visits her daughter. See if she has to carry a basket of vegetables every time she goes there. I heard that there is still meat, so she can go there secretly. , you can’t hide from so many eyes in the village every time, someone will always see you.”

The aunt said: "Young man, do you have a grudge against someone?"

Such a painstaking effort to straighten things out.

Brother Ganzhe kept shouting, "Who do I have a grudge against! Besides, didn't you ask me this first? How did I know that the blacksmith married a girl from your village? Why don't you ask me about the prince Xinna?" My concubine, maybe she is also related to your village."

The aunt was speechless.

He spat at him, "What nonsense are you talking about! There is no shameless person in our village who wants to be a concubine!"

Song Shi blinked, "Oh."

The other person stared at him, his eyes wary, "Young man, what do you do?"

How do you know so many inside stories?

She is better at chatting than the old lady sitting on the street eating melon seeds.

Seeing the other party smile shyly, "I didn't do anything. I worked as an apprentice in the county to cut vegetables. When I finish my apprenticeship, I will go back to the town and open a small restaurant. Then the ladies will have to take care of my business, my dear." Give me a discount."

Auntie: "."


That would be boring.

No future.

The daughter-in-law of many years has become a mother-in-law, but being an apprentice is even more difficult than being a human daughter-in-law.

It's okay if you meet a good master, but if you meet someone who hides himself tightly, he will never be able to get ahead in his life, and he will have to work for nothing all his life. In Song Dynasty, he drank the water and left.

Didn't stop at all.

The aunt watched him walk out of the village and was silent for a long time.

"Do you think what he said is really true? Is the Zhou family so rich?"

one person asked.

"Who knows, but Mrs. Jiang is indeed married to a blacksmith. If the blacksmith wants to support several boys to study, tsk, tell me what did Mr. Jiang do in his previous life to have such good luck in this life."

It's not just good luck.

One man dies and a better one comes.

And the later man treated her sons better than his own.

To put it bluntly.

It is said that stepfather is not as good as biological father.

But if Zhou Laosan was still there, there wouldn't be enough money for a few boys to study.

The Zhou family is so poor, what can they give for it?

The few people didn't continue talking about this matter, and after chatting for a while about other people's parents' personal problems, they went home.

As for whether I met any "like-minded" old sisters to chat with on the way, who knows.

In the Song Dynasty, he did not go to Jiang's natal village.

He went to the county town by bullock cart.

After all, blacksmithing is a bit physically taxing. It’s all about blacksmithing anyway, so it’s better to blacksmith jewelry.

He ordered a complete set of tools and bought some materials. He spent most of the money he brought with him. While waiting for the tools, he wandered the streets every day, went to jewelry shops to look at other people's designs, and waited until he finally got the items. , just rushed home.


I just hope it won’t be too busy at home.

He was looking forward to it.

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