However, the house is not as lively as usual.

Not only people from the Zhou family came, but also the Jiang family.

Jiang's private support for Jiang's mother was not told to anyone. Apart from them, only Jiang's father knew.

Whose elder would tell their children and grandchildren the money they hold without reservation? Isn't that deliberately provoking a fight and plotting?

So when the sons-in-law, daughters-in-law and sons-in-law of the two families found out that their parents were subsidizing those outsiders, they almost broke up the family.

Especially the Zhou family.

A third child is dead and there are three daughters-in-law.

The originally harmonious situation suddenly seemed like a drop of cold water rolling into hot oil.


Why, your third son’s son is a grandson, isn’t the one they gave birth to? It was very pitiful that the third child died, but since he was dead and Jiang had remarried, that was the end of it.

Zhou's father and Zhou's mother were also extremely fine.

They even admitted it.

They said they would subsidize it.

Posted for two years.

Now that he was discovered, the family was in a state of turmoil. With a lot of snot and tears, Jiang asked him to return all the stickers the Zhou family had posted in the past two years.

"In fact, this family is about to break up. Otherwise, I wouldn't ask you to go back."

Mother Zhou cried.

Jiang was so angry that he was half dead.

Pointing at the old woman, "You, when have you subsidized us? Since my husband fell off a cliff and died, and the funeral has not been completed, you want to drive me away, and you bluntly said that you have no shortage of grandchildren, will you subsidize us? Damn old lady, you still Do you dare to be more shameless!"

Zhou's mother covered her face and cried: "I'm too sad. How old is the third child? He died at a young age. He was my biological son, my biological son. I was given away by a white-haired person to a black-haired person and I was not allowed to get emotional. Huzi four are the blood of my Zhou family, my biological grandsons, how can I not feel hurt? But now that your sister-in-law and siblings know about it, I can’t help but care about them. I, I don’t want you to give them all back. Me, you can break it into silver, three taels, just give me three taels, and I won’t care about it anymore.”

Three taels?

Why don't you go and grab it!

Jiang sneered coldly, "Let's just say it bluntly, I'm here for the money."

"Ms. Jiang, you are really funny. Mom has given you so many things, not to mention chickens, ducks, fish and bacon, but also baskets and baskets of eggs. In the past two years, there have been more than three taels. It's you who has to deal with this. You took advantage." Sister-in-law on Tuesday snorted coldly.

"Don't flatter yourself. In that rural area, the Zhou family only has a few chickens in total. I can't even eat two meals of meat in half a year. Why are you giving us anything? What are you giving us?" A hammer?" Sorry, I have a blacksmith at home and I have enough hammers.

"What do you know!" Thursday's sister-in-law put her hands on her hips, "We are poor in the countryside, but we have chickens and pigs. The children go out to catch bugs every day, and the chickens will lay eggs. There are also pigs, which are killed and pickled into bacon during the New Year. It can last for a year." When she said this, she sneered and said, "I said our bacon looked wrong, so I asked my mother, and she scolded me, saying I must have remembered it wrong. Sent to outsiders!"

"My grandson cannot eat a few mouthfuls of meat all year round, and he has to give it to outsiders for two years. It is really impossible to survive this life!"

She sat down on the ground and slapped her thighs, crying, "If we don't resolve this matter today, I, I" maybe realized that she had nothing to threaten her husband's family, so she simply became cruel and shouted sharply, "I... Just stay at your house and won’t leave!”

Jiang's face turned green with anger.

What does this have to do with her!

In the past two years, let alone meat, the Zhou family has never brought a word!

The two towns are obviously so far apart. How on earth did the Zhou family know what she said and come here to blackmail her so shamelessly!

So angry!

Mother Zhou wiped her tears and said, "Now that the matter has been exposed, my third daughter-in-law, I don't ask you to give me much, just three taels of silver to silence your sister-in-law and sister-in-law. It's really not much, and you all have money." Let Brother Huzi go to school, just pick out a little bit and it will be enough."

Jiang, who was still angry at first, was shocked, "Studying? What kind of reading!"

Immediately deny it.

Go and see the lively crowd.

I saw that they all showed very surprised expressions when they heard this.

"real or fake?"

"The blacksmith is so rich?" "What does this mean? The blacksmith and the Zhou family raise several brothers together, who gets the final credit?"

"I definitely wouldn't want it if it were me. The imperial examination is so difficult. Who knows if I can pass it!"

"That's right, isn't that just a waste of money? It's better to use it to buy meat."

Jiang was so angry that his whole body was shaking.

He did not respond to the matter of reading and only denied that the Zhou family had not sent anything.

There was none!

"You are simply making things up out of thin air! You said you sent something, so show us the evidence!"

Unexpectedly, Zhou Jiajun looked at her with disdain.

"Evidence? You have the nerve to say it!" Sister-in-law Zhou sneered.

"Really? This is what you said yourself, have you forgotten? If you have forgotten, come on, ask them, ask your neighbors, ask them if you said it yourself!" Sister-in-law Tuesday said. .

I almost started to drag someone.

Jiang almost spat out a mouthful of old blood.

What should she do?

The words she said personally were like the water that was poured out. They had been dried by the sun for so long, but the dried water did not mean that it did not exist.

So annoying!

I hate why the blacksmith hasn’t come back yet!

"I, I was just talking nonsense!" She gritted her teeth, "Don't you know if you have sent anything here or been to this town? If you say anything casually, you will be entangled like that blood-sucking leech. , I tell you, if you want money, there is no way! If you continue to pester me, I will go to the county magistrate to complain and ask him to arrest you all and lock you up!"

What she said really frightened the Zhou family.

Mother Zhou glared, "Okay! You obviously said this yourself, but now you don't admit it. You said we didn't send anything, but you show us the evidence. I will go to the county magistrate to sue you!" "

She put her hands on her hips.

A fierce look.

Jiang quarreled with her.

This old godly woman has been used to putting on airs since she was born. She suffered a lot and suffered a lot in the past, but now that she is no longer the daughter-in-law of the Zhou family, she naturally doesn't have to worry about anything anymore.

The three daughters-in-law of the Zhou family are not vegetarians either.

The relationship was not good when they were sisters-in-law, and they often quarreled over trivial matters. Now Jiang is an outsider and a vested interest. After remarrying, her life is much better than theirs, and she is particularly excited under the multiple emotions.

One party wants money to the death.

Either side will die.

I don’t know who made the move first, but this time it was out of control.

It happened that the Jiang family also arrived in a hurry at this time.

As soon as he saw his daughter being beaten, he immediately joined the fight without asking anything.

Zhou has a large family.

There are quite a few Jiang family members.

Anyway, it was such a lively scene when Brother Cane arrived with the cloth bag.

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