Before they could speak, the blacksmith curled his lips and said mockingly, "Also, don't give me three taels of silver for anything else. I can't even pick up the meat and eggs you gave me according to legend. Although I, Blacksmith Song, can't make any money, I only have a few silver coins, but I also have a strong body. Who doesn’t know that I, Old Song, am the most shameless person in this town? I really can’t afford the bad reputation of being raised by my mother-in-law’s ex-mother-in-law!”

Then he said: "Speaking of which, you still have to give me money. You say you give this and that, but if I haven't supported them in the past two years, eating, living, and wearing mine, I am the worst off." "

Jiang's face was in disbelief, "Blacksmith, how could you."

Song Shi interrupted her unceremoniously, "I can't help it. I give you one tael of silver per month as living expenses, and I really don't have any extra to supplement you. After all, I have to blame you for accepting it so cheaply in the first place. Now that they don’t use other people’s things, it’s up to you to take care of it yourself.”

Jiang: "?"!

Not only the Zhou family, but also those watching the excitement were all shocked.

One, one or two? !

Or one or two a month!

Oh My God! Did you buy some dragon meat bird's nest? !

Especially the neighbors, they see the blacksmith wielding a sledgehammer every day, causing sparks to fly. The clothes he wears have not been changed for many years. It is better to say they are clothes than patchwork.

Just this, I can give you one tael of silver a month

They were all a little embarrassed and regretful.

After Zhou's mother was surprised, she made a fuss and asked the blacksmith to pay back the money.

The blacksmith said, "You said you sent things to my house, but I am at home every day and have never seen you come to the house. My mother-in-law comes often. Maybe you want to take the credit of the Jiang family. I just give it to you." , that’s also for those who really sent meat to their families.”

Anyone who wants to take advantage has no chance!

The Jiang family reacted immediately upon hearing this.

Jiang's mother jumped out immediately, "No, these neighbors are all witnesses. Every time I come to my daughter's house, I don't carry baskets full of things!"

He yelled at the Zhou family, "How shameless! Stealing other people's credit!"

Then he defended loudly to the spectators, "I know, they must have heard that my daughter is living a good life and that my son-in-law can make money, and they also heard the rumors that were completely changed by someone who didn't know who. People’s thoughts are so good at extorting money!”

"We heard about this and rushed here."

Of course the Zhou family wouldn't admit it.

This is not something as simple as a sentence. When it comes to money, there is nothing simple.

Just deny it.

The two families quickly quarreled.

There is a lot of intention to take action.

Song Shi read it with great interest.

Jiang's mother grabbed Jiang's hand and said, "Tell me, who gave me the gift?"

What else could Jiang say.

Of course it's you.

The Zhou family doesn’t recognize it.

"That's your daughter, she must be leaning towards you!"

"Your three melons and two dates are not enough for you to share with the girls who are married out?" Mother Zhou sneered, "Will your son and daughter-in-law agree? Can your other daughters and sons-in-law agree?"

"That's none of your business! Do you care?" Mother Jiang retorted not to be outdone, "It sounds like your family has good things. It's just two chickens and three ducks that haven't laid eggs for half a year. How can you take them? You can't even give me a cent to support your grandson!"

"Nonsense, nonsense! I'll tear your stinky mouth apart!" Zhou's mother pounced on her.

There were quite a few people coming from the Jiang family. When they saw this, they joined the fight like a beehive.

Song Shi quickly took two steps back.

Afraid of blood splattering on me.

He also teased Jiang, "Why don't you go and help your mother?"

Jiang looked at him in panic and confusion.

It’s like I don’t recognize this person anymore.

After a while, he said, "Aren't you going to help?"

Song Shi was even more confused than she was, "Huh? Help? Me? Who should I help?" Jiang Shi: Who else can you help?

Song Shi understood the look in her eyes and expressed his embarrassment, "Although the Jiang family is your natal family and I should help without thinking, the Zhou family is the grandpa's family of the four Huzi brothers. Their roots, I. You said before that you wanted the fourth child to take my surname. If I beat the fourth child’s biological grandparents, uncles and aunts, then he still won’t bear grudges against me? I, I. You still don’t want to It’s embarrassing for me.”


Jiang's ".!"

Has ascended to heaven.

But the blacksmith was still muttering in a low voice, "I can't let my child have any problem with me. I will have to rely on him for my old age in the future."

Jiang was extremely angry.

Neither the Jiang family nor the Zhou family are fuel-efficient lamps. They are evenly matched and both lose.

Finally, the mayor came after hearing the news.

Then someone was sent to pull them apart.

"How dignified is this! How dignified is this!"

Looking at Song Shi again, "Why don't you pull them away!"

Song Shi blinked and said, "As the saying goes, beating means scolding. It doesn't feel good if you don't hit or scold. The mayor didn't know something. My father-in-law and mother-in-law and the Zhou family used to be in-laws. Although they were in the past, they were indeed the same. , it is understandable that I was a little excited when I saw this. Moreover, my status is not suitable for me. I, an outsider, cannot interfere in the affairs between their in-laws. "

He spread his hands.

He told the mayor, ‘It’s really helpless to stand by and do nothing’.

Mayor: "You"

I really can't accept what you said.

Can't take it anymore.

It seems to make some sense.

And the other party added, "My wife didn't move, so why should I move."

Mayor: "." OK.

I don’t want to talk to this stubborn blacksmith.

Ask them, "What do you mean, you came to our town to cause trouble?"

Both Jiang and Zhou families hated him very much.

Afraid again.

What ordinary people fear most is officials.

The mayor of the town is much older than the chief of the village.

After hearing his question, my back instantly bent and my hands were shaking.

"No, it's okay." Zhou's father trembled.

The mayor glared at him and said, "It's okay, why are you making a fuss!"

"I" I really regret it too!

Song Shi kindly explained his doubts, "That's right, my wife Jiang said that her ex-law's family, also known as the Zhou family, often sent meat, chickens and eggs to the house, saying they were to replenish the health of my stepsons. No, that week My family was unwilling and came to ask for the things from the past two years to be exchanged for money and returned to them. However, my daughter-in-law Jiang’s natal family had a different voice, saying that it was not like that at all and that they had given things to the family in the past two years. But they are not the Zhou family, and I don't care about family affairs. I really don't know which of them is telling the truth and which is false. Besides, I don't have any money, and I haven't eaten those things. Mayor, you happen to be here today. Well, why don't you help me think of a solution."

"You are so stupid!" the mayor scolded.

The blacksmith was extremely aggrieved, "Yes, I am stupid and stupid, I can't make any money, and I haven't married yet. Who would have thought that it would cost so much to raise a wife and several children? One or two silver dollars a month is only enough to buy some food." If you come here to eat radish with leaves, you can’t even afford a piece of meat, and you have to be helped by others.”

".?" The mayor thought he heard wrongly, "What? What did you say?"

One tael of silver for household use?

Just enough to buy radishes but not enough meat?

What fantasy are you talking about!

One tael of silver can buy half a pig! It's so good!

Who taught you such a detached view of consumption!

(End of this chapter)

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