"What? I didn't say anything!" The blacksmith said aggrievedly, "Mayor, you happen to be here, why don't you make the decision for me, regardless of which one of them sends the things, this can prove that they are capable enough to raise food. If they can afford and raise several children, and they can’t worry about their children, let them take the Huzi brothers back. Instead of following me to eat cabbage and radishes every day, at least there will be no shortage of meat when we go back. I can’t say that their grandparents feel sorry for them. They lost their father when they were young and still read to them. Leave it to me, I..." He rubbed his head in embarrassment, "I still want to raise a biological child."

If you can't support four, why can't you support one?

The mayor has a dull face.

Still raising it?

Just forget it.

Don't raise a good child to waste with your stupid head.

Jiang was horrified when he heard this.

"Blacksmith, what are you talking about!" She screamed, her voice was extremely harsh, not at all gentle as usual, "You promised at the beginning that you would treat Huzi and the others as your own!"

"I did it, didn't I? It's not like I didn't raise them." Brother Ganzhe frowned, feeling that Yuanzha's daughter-in-law was making trouble for no reason, "But didn't I fail to raise them? They followed me and suffered. , I feel really bad about it, as elders, we cannot delay our children’s future."

"Besides, don't you think I'm not raising you well? Otherwise, why would you accept other people's things? It's still from your ex-law's family."

He looked her up and down, "Or are you just trying to take advantage?"

Jiang: "I"

I'm taking advantage.

But it’s not theirs, it’s yours.

But this cannot be said.

She pursed her lips, "Anyway, I don't agree. I will never agree with you sending Huzi and the others away!"

Song Shi looked at the mayor and said, "Please help me find out who is subsidizing my stepsons so that they can take them away."

Jiang's eyes widened and she screamed, "I said I don't agree!"

Song Shi smiled.

Didn't change his mind.

When the Jiang and Zhou families heard this, their faces changed.

"That's not something my family gave me as a gift. My family doesn't have that many things as a gift!" The Zhou family was the first to deny it.

There are so many good things, so I must eat them at home first. If not, I can exchange them for money.


Huzi and several others are their grandchildren.

But there is no shortage of their grandchildren. These days, they can't wait to lose a few. Wouldn't it be nice to save some food?

They don't have much affection for Lao San, let alone Lao San's son.

Then he pointed to Jiang's mother, "Didn't the old woman say that she comes to the town every month to visit her daughter and grandson? She is never empty-handed. It shows that she loves and cherishes her very much. That thing must be a gift from her!"

Jiang's mother took a sip, "Old man! That's your grandson! That's just my grandson. I have a grandson. Am I stupid to give things to outsiders?"

"You can't say that, aunt. After all, so many people will see you when you come to town. My mother has never been here before, and she has never been here to give anything to her!" Sister-in-law Zhou pouted.

"You!" Mother Jiang gritted her teeth, "That's not me either. I didn't send it."

"Didn't you send those good things that fell from the sky?" Sister-in-law Tuesday rolled her eyes, "Your daughter said so herself."

Still want to admit it?

No way!

Not to be outdone, Mrs. Jiang said, "She's talking about your family!"

"My family didn't give them away. With so many children, it's not their turn to give things to outsiders." Sister-in-law Thursday sneered, "My family doesn't have the travel expenses to travel so far!"  "Your family can't travel this far, how many people are standing here? What a ghost! It’s funny, who doesn’t know what you are thinking!” Jiang’s mother said.

"You make it sound like you're not!" Zhou's mother retorted.

The two families quarreled again.

The mayor has a headache.

Song Shi understood very well and came up with an idea, "With four children, it is better to have two in a family. They are all relatives of the children. In this way, the family will bear less, and the money saved can be given to the children for repair. The children’s future is entirely due to them.”

What a great event to honor our ancestors!

The mayor pondered, "This matter."

Jiang and Zhou's expressions instantly looked like they had eaten an Ollie: "You can't do this, Mayor!"

They are here to take advantage. This has nothing to do with them!

They all whitewashed themselves and pushed it to the other party.

The Zhou family has indeed never been to the town. They have evidence, but the Jiang family does not.

Song Shi said, "Since my father-in-law and mother-in-law can't bear to part with their grandson, and they can afford to raise them, let's send them to their homes. Anyway, none of the grandsons are in my family's genealogy, and they are not my biological children, so I can't raise them either." Let them raise it.”

After saying that, he said to Jiang with a smile, "Mother-in-law, don't worry. When you surrender your grandson and they become high officials, you will be the old lady of the high official family. What are those official families called? Oh, yes Ancestor! You will be an ancestor then, and a group of descendants will kowtow to you and wish you a long life. How blessed you are! The tigers are all good and smart, and they will definitely remember your kindness. They If you don't remember, you have someone go to the emperor to sue them. When they become officials, they love face most and will never let themselves be stained. They will treat you as a clay Bodhisattva on the altar and offer them well. So majestic, no one in our ten miles or eight villages has such a blessed old lady as you!"

"After a few years, they will become famous, marry and have children."

"Ah! Just thinking about it makes me excited for the Jiang family. Having such a few grandsons with unlimited future can bring the whole grandpa's family to life."

"It's unbelievable to think about changing the courtyard. It will be famous forever!"

Jiang's mother was so angry.

Who agreed!

Who agreed!

Who the hell wants to provide for a few outsiders? Who the hell wants to be raped!

So angry!

"I do not want!"

Wouldn't it be great if she had the money to train her own grandson?

For my grandson to study, hehe, you can imagine that, even if you really offer it, people will go back to find someone from the Zhou family to kill him!

"I never sent anything at all, don't try to blame me!"

As soon as she finished speaking, before Song Shi opened his mouth, those who watched the excitement spoke for him.

"Old sister, what you said is a lie. Everyone is blind. Every time you come to carry such a big basket, it is almost full. That is because you feel sorry for your grandson!"

"That's right, we are all still envious of the blacksmith for having such a close relationship!"

"Before, Mrs. Jiang was out blowing stuff every day. Oh, she said it was the Zhou family who delivered the things. She also always hinted that the blacksmith was not allowed to eat. If he did, he would be eating soft food. Who doesn't know this street?"

"Blacksmith, divorce Mr. Jiang and I'll introduce you to the daughter of my aunt's brother's cousin's sister. I'm sure you won't have to spend more than one tael of silver a month on your household expenses. Three hundred coppers will be enough!"

Those who watched the fun roared fiercely.

Jiang was so angry that she shed tears, "Blacksmith, please listen to my explanation."

Brother Ganzhe looked at her tenderly, "It's okay, I believe in you, and I also believe that my mother-in-law can take good care of Huzi and the others. If you are afraid that my mother-in-law's family will not be able to support so many, I beg the mayor to let two children on each side, both of whom are the children's closest relatives." , I believe they will be good to their children."

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