But this is not a question of whether you believe it or not!

Jiang also regretted it at this moment.

"Blacksmith, stop making trouble, let's go home and talk about anything."

If this continues.

No matter what the final outcome is, it's her fault!

If I had known better, I shouldn't have deliberately said nonsense just to be greedy for that little money.

But the blacksmith seemed to have his mind really full of iron. He was not turned into a finger-wrap by her at all. Instead, he looked at her like she was a fool and said, "What are you talking about? The mayor is making the decision for us and you still have to fuck with me." What a heart!"

It saves time, effort and worry.

Why bother yourself anymore.

It's not self-abuse.

Jiang shook her head and cried, "No, it's not like that. My mother didn't send anything."

The blacksmith's eyes widened, "Really?"


He quickly shouted to the mayor, "My wife said it's not her natal family, so it must be the Zhou family. Send the child to the Zhou family!"

Mayor: "."

I'm so annoyed.

"In this case."

"Oh my god, what kind of injustice is this? Lord, my family only has two chickens and three ducks. How can I get so much meat for you? Can you persuade me to quit just for travel expenses? Why are you wronging me, Mr. Jiang? I have wronged you. What good is it! Do you hate me? You just hate me! I, I will fight with you! Fight!"

Mother Zhou shouted and rushed towards Jiang.

Jiang couldn't avoid it and was knocked to the ground. Before he could react, there was a stinging pain on his face.


I go!

"Are you sick!"

With a backhand, Zhou's mother's hair was scattered.

Zhou's mother screamed in pain, slapped her former daughter-in-law twice.

Soon, chaos returned.

The mayor had a terrible headache and asked Song Shi what his plan was.

The blacksmith looked confused: "What do I plan? I have no plan. I just came back from outside and saw two families competing to raise my stepsons. The stepsons have no blood relationship with me. Since they want to If you want, then just raise it for them, I can’t afford it anyway.”

He spread his hands and said, "Mayor, which one of them do you think is suitable?"

The mayor's face was expressionless.


No matter which one, it’s just yours that’s not suitable!

"I'm also afraid that they will blame me when they grow up, saying that it's my fault that they have no future. It's hard to be a stepfather. I'd better not do such a thankless job and let their relatives take care of it."

Song Shi said sincerely.

Pull the two families apart again.

This time it looked even worse.

Is the mayor easy to fool? It was like a bright mirror in his mind.

Who else will send something?

It was clear that no one gave it away, everything was just a trick played by the blacksmith's wife. She took the blacksmith's money and wanted to wipe out his kindness.

The blacksmith was fooled for two years and figured it out.

Now I no longer want to be taken advantage of.

That’s why today’s episode came about.

He is the mayor, so of course he is on the side of his own people.

No matter what happens.

Just distribute them, "Four children, two on each side of the Zhou family and the Jiang family. If you can't let them go, take them back and raise them. They are also your own blood."

Who in the Zhou family and the Jiang family would be happy?

This is not just a matter of adding two pairs of chopsticks for no reason.

Especially the daughters-in-law.

Your own children haven’t received it yet, so why should they be distributed to outsiders?


"I disagree!"

"Whose family's children will be raised!"

"What does this have to do with our Jiang family? I've never heard of anyone raising a grandson!"    "That's right, since ancient times, I've never heard of anyone remarrying their own mother and coming back!"

The mayor sneered, "If you don't want to, then go and reason with the county magistrate. If you don't even want your own blood, spreading the word will really bring shame to your village!"

The two families stopped talking.

But resentment abounded.

Song Dynasty didn't care about this.

He looked at the mayor with a smile on his face, "It's better to choose a day than to hit it. Both families happen to be here, so we won't delay their family reunion. We can't go against God's will."

The mayor understood instantly.

On the one hand, he scolded the blacksmith in his mind for not being as honest and easy to fool as he appeared. On the other hand, he said to Jiang, "Hurry up and pack your luggage!"

Jiang was completely confused.

This, her sons are going to be sent away?

What a bolt from the blue.

Looking at Song Shi in panic, "Blacksmith, you, you can't do this."

Brother Ganzhe looked at her with hatred, "A woman's kindness, if you miss the future of Hu Zi and the others, be careful to catch you in your sleep in the middle of the night on Wednesday."

Jiang didn't dare to say anything anymore.

She twirled her fingers.

His eyes were full of confusion and helplessness.

The Zhou family pinched their noses and could only recognize it, but after all, it was the blood of the Zhou family, and they would not suffer any loss even if they raised it.

But the Jiang family is different.

I have never heard of anyone raising a grandson.

The mayor was so sure, and the Jiang family was extremely dissatisfied.

Especially the two daughters-in-law of the Jiang family.

Zhisang scolded Huai in a weird way, and wanted to sit on the ground and make a fuss.

They didn't dare to scold their parents-in-law or the mayor, so they scolded men.

Talk about getting together and leaving.

I have to take the child back to my parents' home.

Jiang's mother didn't expect that things would develop to this point. She was stunned for a while and then screamed, "This matter has nothing to do with me at all. I didn't send anything here at all. It's her."

She pointed at Mr. Jiang, "She wants to calculate the blacksmith's money. She said that the blacksmith has a big appetite and eats a lot of everything, so the children can't eat much. But she can't let the blacksmith not eat, that's all."

I can only make up a story to deceive people.

The Zhou family didn't expect that there would be such a problem. The thought of having to feed two outsiders with only a small amount of food in the family made them furious. When Jiang's mother revealed the reason, they were even more angry.

"You bitch! I have long thought that you are a bad guy hiding an adulterer, and you are indeed! You have already remarried and are still causing trouble for my family. You are such a pest!"

"That's it, broom spirit!"

"I'll beat you to death!"

Jiang ran and hid.

Those who ate the melon and watched the excitement also opened their mouths wide. This melon is fresh and big, and can be eaten for many days.

Maybe even some Easter eggs can be found.

"I didn't expect that Mr. Jiang would have such thoughts. It's too scary."

"The blacksmith has been working day in and day out for a year, and yet he was tricked by the person next to him. His bones and flesh were all taken away from him. It's so miserable!"

"So, let's all be careful."

"This is either the original wife's or she has ulterior motives. According to me, if no one wants to marry, then there will be no one. Just bring in a concubine and pinch the sale contract. Will that person dare to make a mistake? Maybe in a few years, we will be lucky. It’s great to be able to add a son and a half daughter to the family.”

"It's just that the blacksmith made a mistake."

"Hey, you said it as if you could foresee it, it's not all an afterthought!"

The mayor expected that Jiang was the one scheming, but he didn't expect her to be so good at it.

The abacus beads were so loud that the next town could hear them.

Looking at the blacksmith again, he is very pitiful.

My parents died young and I met a vicious woman. What kind of 'one-in-a-million' good luck!

Song Shi suddenly realized, "So, those so-called good things brought by the Zhou family and the Jiang family were actually bought with my money?"

Eaters: "."

Could you be any stupider? Is this something that is not obvious?

How stupid!

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