Chapter 399 Sugar Cane No. 4
How did you get sick?

Song Shi leaned against the chair, reached for the coffee and drank a cup. The bitter taste swept over his taste buds, making him frown slightly.

"Mom, don't you think it's time for dad to get sick?"

Zhang Ruosu trembled all over.

The worry was still on his face, and it instantly turned into indescribable fear.

Her eyes widened, and her hand moved subconsciously. With a splash, dark brown coffee spilled all over the table, dripping into the carpet.

"you you."

Song Shi looked at her with a smile, "So, can mom go take care of dad? Although dad's disease cannot be cured, you young couple respect each other like ice. I believe mom, you still have feelings for dad. Wait for me to deal with it. If it’s a good tribal thing, I’ll come and see you.”

Zhang Ruosu is not stupid either.

I immediately understood the meaning of my son's words.

how to say?

Her current mood is very, very strange.

Scared, excited, apprehensive, excited.
To describe it in one sentence, the dream that I thought would take a long time to come true suddenly came into reality. I thought there was still a long wait before dawn, but as a result, it dawned all of a sudden!
So sudden!
Completely confused.

So, the current situation is that her son has grown into a tribe?
I go!

For the sake of her future happy and worry-free time as empress dowager, of course she has to keep a close eye on the damn old man!

Zhang Ruosu quickly accepted this reality.

She and Song Shi patted their hearts and promised, "As long as Mom is here, you can rest assured to do what you want!"

Song Shi smiled and said, "Then, dad will leave it to mom."

"Put it on Mom!"

Guaranteed to be foolproof!
There's no way that eighteen-year-old beauties would be as happy as a sawtooth shark!
Zhang Ruosu pinched his right hand.

Very good, my fist is already hard and I can’t wait!
Song Shi: "Mom, please pack up. I'll have someone take you there early tomorrow morning."

"No need!" Zhang Ruosu waved her fair hand, "Your father fell ill suddenly, and his condition was rapid and violent. I was so worried that I couldn't wait even a minute. I wanted to go to him immediately to take care of him!"

no way.

The couple has a deep love for each other, so he can only support her as a cheap son.

However, people were still asked to quickly pack some of Zhang Ruosu's daily things. The mother and son talked heart-wrenchingly for a while before Zhang Ruosu got in the car and left.

The car disappeared into the night.

Song Shi didn't rest either.

This is bound to be a sleepless night.

Two days later.

A tribal meeting was held. This time it mainly discussed the economic development and urban construction of the tribe. In addition to the leaders in charge of various departments, there were also managers of various large areas.


It’s really a good opportunity to catch them all in one go.

People gathered in the conference hall early in the morning.

The meeting was held on time at ten o'clock.

Song Shi walked in and stood at the top of the square table.

The major leaders below who were still talking in low voices to the surroundings were stunned for a moment, and then frowned, their expressions full of disapproval.

What do you mean?
Where is Lao Song?
Don’t you think it’s a bit excessive for you to sit on the throne before Lao Song died?

But this is the next tribal leader, a sure thing, well, at least, that's how it seems.

Someone smiled and reminded: "Xiao Song, has the tribe leader arrived?"

Do you understand?
It’s time for you to come down!

But seeing such a handsome and energetic young man, he grinned and said, "My dad is sick, so I will hold the meeting today."

Leaders: "?"

"Sick? What disease does the tribe leader have? Is it serious? Have you found a doctor?"

"When did you get sick? I didn't hear any news!"

"There is a high incidence of flu in spring, so I guess it's a cold."

"The meeting is as usual. Secretary Li just needs to take the minutes. By the way, where is Secretary Li?"

Only then did everyone realize that Li Sheng, a close confidant of tribal elder Song, had not shown up either.

Song Shi smiled and said, "Uncle Li went to take care of my dad."

Everyone: "." It feels a bit weird, but I can't tell what's wrong.

After all, this man is indeed the legitimate heir.

But all the participants were already here, so it was impossible to get up and leave.

The meeting continues.

But they were all a little absent-minded.

The boss is not here, they have all been leaders for many years, and a green hook boy is not even in their eyes.

Besides, even if the general direction of the development of the tribe is determined, the subsequent details and the underlying implementation require more discussion.

Just think of it as a gathering of old friends today.

As for the kid in the main seat, just deal with it casually.

So what if the prince is the prince? He is not the emperor yet.

The meeting lasted for more than an hour.

Song Shi slapped the document on the table, making a harsh sound.

The people below looked at him with dissatisfaction.

You can't sit still!
What about education? What about etiquette? What about the pattern of a country’s crown prince?

When Lao Song recovers from his illness, he must sue this boy and let him discipline him!
Song Shi just wanted to say that he was overthinking.

"We have been discussing for so long and nothing has been discussed. It seems that no one cares about the future development of the tribe!" Song Shi tilted his head, "You don't really think I'm inviting you to tea, do you? ?”

No one responded.

The whole place was very quiet.

But his eyes showed a bit of contempt, obviously looking down on the person in the main seat.

Virtue does not match.

Song Shi was not angry when no one spoke. If the mountain didn't come, it would be me, and labor and management would look for trouble!

He thought about the information he received yesterday about the tribe next door using the Yan tribe's unique animal, the gold-eating beast, to produce experimental data, and he said with a smile, "Since everyone is not in the mood to talk about big things today, let's talk about something else."

"I heard that our family is sending the gold-swallowing beast to the Zijiang tribe next door. Does anyone know the specific situation?"

The leaders below all breathed a sigh of relief.

This topic is indeed much lighter.

Someone who knew about it replied, "The ones sent to the Sauce Tribe before were either old or dead. No, in order to enhance the friendship between the two tribes, we sent the rare animals unique to our tribe to the Sauce Tribe, and selected young and cute ones. It also represents the attitude of our Yan tribe.”

"That's right, the two tribes have cooperated more and more closely in recent years. They like the gold-swallowing beast. We happen to have it, so let's give it away."

Just animals.

I saw Song Shi frowning, "Do I have to give it away?"

The leaders were all stunned.

This means that it is necessary to give it away, but that is not the case.

But, I have given them away over the years.

Isn’t it not good if you suddenly don’t send it? I feel like others will think too much.

When I think about the selfish and vindictive nature of those people, they will definitely bear a grudge against our tribe. Moreover, if they do such an unpeaceful and friendly behavior, you don’t need to think about it. You know, YouTube will definitely criticize the tribe in all kinds of ways.

Forget it.

It’s really not worth it for a few animals.

"Better give it away."

"That's it."

"It feels a bit stingy not to give it away."

"Yes, yes, the layout needs to be enlarged. Animals are the same everywhere."

"It's just that animals have no thoughts and can contribute to the tribe, which is something that many animals can't envy. Besides, if they change places, they won't be short of food and drink."

Animals are fine if they have food and drink.

Why are you so demanding?

Song Shi nodded, "Then I understand, it's all for the sake of the tribe."

The people below also agreed.


The young man sighed, "But I think this is not enough."

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