Chapter 400 Sugar Cane No. 5
"Not sincere enough."

Song Shi smiled, "After all, the Jiang tribe has cooperated with our Yan tribe for many years, and the relationship is as good as a family. After all, distant relatives are not as good as close neighbors. Although the gold-swallowing beast is the representative of the animal kingdom of our tribe, it is still essentially a beast. , in ancient times, the gift for good relations between the two countries was the princess, so let’s give it to a beast.”

He clicked his tongue twice and said, "It's not such a frivolous way to put etiquette over affection."

The heads of departments in each area were stunned.

But soon he was overjoyed.

Thinking that not long ago, the proposal to set aside an area for the private use of the Jiang tribe was unceremoniously rejected by the die-hards. Now that the tribe leader is not here, if the proposal is passed and the proposal is passed, someone else will bear the responsibility. Damn it, I am innocent and left the field, those old antiques have nowhere to vent their anger.

About to propose.

They saw the young man sitting at the square table staring at them with bright eyes, "When giving gifts, we can't just give cheap ones. How can a few beasts represent our attitude? If we want to give gifts, we must give valuable ones. You are right. Bar?"


"Mr. Xiao Song is right."

"The gold-swallowing beast belongs not only to our Yan tribe, but also to the world."

Occasionally, the voices of opposition and accusation were suppressed by the voices of support.

Song Shi looked down with a smile.

Wait until it quiets down.

Then he said, "As the saying goes, human life is at stake. It can be seen that talents are the most precious in the world. Since you all support it." He tilted his head and looked at the people who showed the most enthusiasm just now, "Minister Zhang, District Chief Chen Dong, "Wang Fa changed his head." He called the names of a few more people, "You are so supportive, and I can't help you. I can't erase your loyalty and love for the tribe. From now on, I will select the outstanding members of your family." The descendants are sent to the Jiang tribe to show the sincerity of our Dayan tribe.”

Several people whose names were called were stunned.

Choose their family members?

Damn, you are kidding!
Some people were dissatisfied and objected immediately.

Why send people away when you can do it with just a few beasts!
Song Shi retorted, "Didn't you say we want to be friendly? What are you objecting to now? What do you mean? You are destroying our neighborly relationship with the Jiang tribe. It took two hundred years for the two tribes to change from the original feud to the current one. Such a harmonious and friendly neighborly relationship, how much effort our Yan tribe has put in before and now. In my opinion, your loyalty to the tribe is just lip service, but in fact you don’t care about the tribe at all!”

Who dares to respond to such a big hat being knocked down?

Even if you really think so, you won't admit it, and you will still have to quibble, no, explain.

Table faithful.

"No, I am sincere to the tribe and I am willing to give everything. Even if the tribe wants my life now, I will not blink an eye!"

"That's right, Mr. Xiao Song, don't slander us!"

"Our hearts towards the tribe will not be allowed to be trampled upon by anyone!"

"The tribe leader will definitely be disappointed in you if he finds out!"

"I'll tell you if my dad is not disappointed. But now, I'm very disappointed. Seeing how you are evading each other, I don't understand. Your descendants can't do what the gold-swallowing beast can do? Then the gold-swallowing beast has been a gold-swallowing beast for so many years. Where are the peace envoys? Your children are no better than beasts? Shouldn't you do a better job to bring glory to the tribe?" Song Shi raised his eyes and smiled, "Or is it because of your loyalty? Fake."

The people down there are miserable.

Who can tell so clearly what is true and false in this world?

Now it's better, we can't move forward or retreat.

Once it is related to the word loyalty, there is no other way.

No one speaks.

But the expressions are not very good.

Song Shi didn't let it go, and immediately shook his head, "Sure enough, you acquiesced."

Several people:".?"


What the hell?

But I saw that the young man in the right position had a face filled with regret, "My Dayan Tribe cannot tolerate people like you who have resentment towards the tribe!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the door opened. A group of people wearing green and black combat uniforms, with oil paint on their faces and a murderous air on their bodies, walked in.

He just took a few people and left.

The door was closed again.

Completely isolated from the dissatisfied curses and roars of several people.

The conference room was completely silent, with disbelief written on everyone's face.

This, this situation?

Just drag the person away?
Where was it dragged?

and then?
Someone who was close to one of them started slapping the table and said, "What are you doing! Why do you take them away! What qualifications do you have!"

Song Shi's eyes lit up, no, the monkey jumped out on his own!
Lifting his eyelids, "So you are complaining about them?"

The man was not stupid and did not admit it. He only said that it was against the rules.

"Then I understand."

When the man heard this, he thought it was a joke.

The next second, I heard the guy say lightly, "It seems that you are indeed aggrieved for them, and you are not loyal to the tribe."

That person said, "Don't talk nonsense!"

Immediately retort.

But you absolutely cannot bear such a scapegoat!
"I am loyal to the tribe! It is you who are using your loyalty to exclude dissidents from misbehaving!"

Song Shi nodded, "Okay then, I believe in your loyalty."

"It just so happens that the tribe has a lot of new plans recently, but we still have a little money. I think Minister Zhu will definitely be willing to contribute to the tribe. After all, you are very loyal to the tribe!"

The man surnamed Zhu was completely confused.

What do you mean?
If you are short of money, ask him, right?
He is in charge of the tribal economy, not a philanthropist!

Why would he take out his money like this!
"Mr. Xiao Song, you are joking. My loyalty is obvious to all and I don't need money to prove it."

Song Shi curled his lips, "You can't even part with a little money, and you still claim to be loyal. Who would believe it?"

Lao Zhu: "." There's nothing wrong with what you said.

"My contribution to the tribe cannot be measured by money!"

"Money is like dung. If you can't even part with dung, why would you give up anything else?"

"I won't argue with you! My loyalty to the tribe is evident to all!"

"Oh, hey, I won't argue if your little idea is revealed. That's fine. I don't need your money. You can hire someone else. Let me think about it. Oh, your youngest son and grandson are quite good. Why don't you go to the Sauce Tribe Exhibition instead of the Gold Swallowing Beast? , no, communicate.”


"Look at you, if you are asked to pay, you will not do it, and if someone is offered, you will refuse. You will not contribute money or efforts. If you are loyal, you will just let it go. Today, I have seen that, in economics It's really cowhide. This plan can really harvest a sheep in a matter of minutes. No wonder the tribal people's happiness is not high recently. It turns out that you were behind the harvest. I finally caught you today. I can't let you go. Worm!"

Lao Zhu was horrified and pointed at him, "You are talking nonsense!"

Song Shi looked out the door and said, "Come on, please ask Zhu to cooperate with the investigation."

The door opens again.

Dragging Lao Zhu who was cursing endlessly, he went out.

Kill the chicken to scare the monkey.
Neither the chicken nor the monkey escaped.

No one else dared to speak easily.

Song Shi sat on a chair and looked at the silence. This silent resistance made the venue feel like a tomb.

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