He was so persuasive that he actually practiced extraordinary

Chapter 29 Captain Don't Shoot, Yourself

Chapter 29 Captain Don't Shoot, Yourself

Lying on the ground, Dong Shengjie heard that Zhang Beixing wanted him to confess who was behind the scenes.

A struggle flashed across his bruised and swollen face.

But soon, he made up his mind.

Damn, I can't complete the commission anyway, if I still confess the employer.

Then the agreed 5000 yuan will definitely be useless.

"Today's beating cannot be in vain."

"I will not say!"

Putting down this extremely hard and ruthless sentence, Dong Shengjie gritted his teeth and slammed his head on the ground.

Hearing the sound of "嘠", Dong Shengjie rolled his eyes on the spot and passed out.


Seeing him like this, Zhang Beixing was taken aback, and he looked at the other four.

It was found that the other four people also followed suit, kowtowed and pretended to be unconscious, and there was even one who wanted to confess and be lenient.

But as soon as he opened his mouth, before the words could be uttered, his head was held down by the accomplice next to him, and he hit the ground directly.


A crisp sound is a good start.

Look at those straight legs again.

Sleep quality must be good!
In just a few seconds.

In the public classroom on the third floor, there was a piece of 'dead corpse'.

Looking at the five people who lay extremely peacefully.

Zhang Beixing was stunned.

He was just about to get up and say something.

There was a sound of messy footsteps coming from outside.


The door of the public classroom was kicked open. Immediately afterwards, a group of security guards swarmed in. The head of the security guard held a plastic baton and shouted loudly: "Shike University security team, everyone stay where you are!"

Hear him.

Zhang Beixing paused for a moment. After a short thought, he still chose to stand up, raised his hands, and said, "Captain, don't shoot, your own!"

Hearing his words, the security captain turned his head to look.

It doesn't matter if you don't look at it, when you look at it, you can see five people lying here in a mess at Zhang Beixing's feet, with bruised noses and swollen faces, very peaceful.

Seeing this scene, the security captain only felt his brain buzzing as if someone had smashed it.

After a long while, he asked with a trembling voice, "Did you kill someone?"

Zhang Beixing: "???"

I'm not, I'm not, don't talk nonsense!

Zhang Beixing's group.

Even though he hit very hard just now, he didn't take any effort.

But in the final analysis, he is just an ordinary person whose strength has only broken through 70.

It's okay to injure people, but to kill people, Zhang Beixing said that he still can't do that.


Later, after inspection, it was found that although these people were beaten terribly, they were only in a coma and still breathing, which made the security captain heaved a sigh of relief.

His grandma, if someone died in the school during his tenure, then his responsibility would be great!

Losing his job is a small matter, the key is that he is still very likely to be implicated by this incident and stay in the game for a while.

"All these people were solved by you?"

With no further worries, the security captain also relaxed, looking at Zhang Beixing asking, a little in disbelief.

Zhang Beixing nodded: "Yes!"

"Hiss~ good boy, I really didn't realize that you are so fierce!" The security captain was shocked.

You know, although people like this kind of society don't have much ability, they have a lot of experience in street fights.Ordinary people don't necessarily have a chance of winning one-on-one against them.

But now Zhang Beixing beat five of them one by one, and beat them all to the ground.

If Zhang Beixing was not the son of the Lian family, he would definitely not believe it.

But now, rather than asking whether Zhang Beixing is Lian Jiazi, there is a more important question in front of the security captain, and that is:

"Little brother, are you new here?"

From the first moment he saw Zhang Beixing, the security captain had been wondering about it.

Young, handsome, tall, and a Lianjiazi.

So many elements are gathered in one person, according to common sense, he should not be unimpressed.

But, if this incident hadn't happened today, if he hadn't seen the sky-blue security uniform on Zhang Beixing's body, he really didn't know that there was such a great person in the security team of Shike University.

Hear the words of the security captain.

Without blushing or panting, Zhang Beixing nodded and said, "Yes, captain, I just joined the job a few days ago! You can call me Xiao Zhang. I have been on duty for the past two days. Please take care of me in the future."

"Oh, so that's the case, haha, look at my brain, I forget it when I'm busy, I'm sorry Xiao Zhang, I'm busy this time, after all, it's almost May [-]st, and the students are going to have a holiday, let's rest another day , I treat you to dinner!"

Hearing Zhang Beixing's explanation, the security captain believed it to be true, he laughed and dismissed the matter.

Then he looked at Zhang Beixing and said, "Well, Zhang, can you tell me what's going on here? After all, after we arrived, everyone was subdued by you. I don't know the details, you know , I have to make a report to the leader, look at this"

"Of course there is no problem, leader, this matter is like this."

Zhang Beixing readily agreed, and then began to talk about the cause and effect of this incident.

The general content is nothing more than Dong Shengjie and others came to harass the female students of Shike University.

When I saw it when I was passing by, I came out to stop it, and these people came to beat me.

In order not to be hurt, Zhang Beixing counterattacked normally.

Then put all five of them down.

Record all Zhang Beixing's words.

The security captain patted Zhang Beixing on the shoulder, and said with satisfaction: "Well done, Xiao Zhang, you are the pride of our security team of Shike University for protecting the students and daring to fight against evil forces. The leader submitted an application and asked him to promote you, you are so good at it, it would be a waste to just be an ordinary little security guard!"

"The captain is overrated. If the captain hadn't trusted me and asked me to patrol the most important area of ​​the campus, I wouldn't have discovered this in the first place. Besides, as a security guard, I was protecting one side. Ping An, I love to eat bear biscuits, and I like Xiaorou, the school flower! I hope that every time I see her, I can hear her say, good morning, treasure!"

Zhang Beixing has now completely assumed the identity of a security guard, and he is saying one thing after another with nice words and jingles.

Hearing what he said, the security captain also laughed, and did not reprimand Zhang Beixing for his indecency in the second half of his sentence.

After all, in his opinion, Zhang Beixing was a young man.

For young people, it's normal to like beautiful women, although other beautiful women definitely don't like a little security guard.

What's more, this young man's personal strength is still outstanding.

"Then I wish you to realize your wish as soon as possible, take down Xiaorou, the school beauty, and call you 'good morning, treasure' instead of 'morning, security'."

The security captain encouraged Zhang Beixing.

Then he looked at the people in the classroom and said:

"I'm sorry, students, today's incident is our dereliction of duty at work. It scares you. I'm very sorry. We will definitely strengthen the inspection of outsiders in the future to ensure that today's incident will never happen again."

"Now, we won't disturb your studies anymore, all security guards obey orders and close the team!"


Zhang Beixing responded among the security guards, and gave Lin Siqi a sneaky wink. She immediately covered her face with a chuckle, nodded, and raised her mobile phone, meaning to contact her later.

Then Zhang Beixing carried Dong Shengjie and five people, and left here with the large army.

(End of this chapter)

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