Chapter 31 I Surrender!
The hero saving the beauty makes people cut off the beard.

The boys expressed their disappointment.

But didn't say much.

After all, the result is good, as long as people are fine.

Afterwards, they comforted Lin Siqi, patted her chest, and said nonsense like 'I'll come to them next time I have this matter, they are authoritative, and they are easy to use'.

It caused the girls present to roll their eyes wildly.

It's enough for such a thing to happen once today, do you want to have a next time?

After those boys said this, they also realized this belatedly, and their faces were suddenly full of embarrassment.

Fortunately, Lin Siqi also understood that this was the kindness of the boys, and did not delve into this matter.

Just said softly 'um'.He packed his things and left the classroom.

Although it doesn't appear on the surface.

But what happened today, Lin Siqi's impact is quite large.

She needs to be by herself for a while, to take a good rest.

At the same time, in the security department.

After joining hands with a group of 'colleagues' to bring Dong Shengjie in and resettle him.

Zhang Beixing exchanged pleasantries with the security captain, and then separated from them on the pretext of going on patrol.

In this regard, the security captain did not feel that there was anything wrong.

Instead, he sighed that Zhang Beixing is such a good security guard!
Look, after going through such a thing, he still hasn't forgotten his duty, and he is dedicated to patrolling and maintaining the safety of the campus.

If it were another security guard, what would it be like to be so loud!
"It's really a piece of material that is born to be a security guard!"

The captain of the security commented that he hadn't seen someone with such a heart for a long time!
This made him more determined to recommend Xiao Zhang to the superior.

But as everyone knows.

In his eyes, Xiao Zhang has a heart of innocence.

At this moment, he had just finished using the toilet, and was standing in front of the boys' toilet in the teaching building, chatting with Zheng Jituo on WeChat.

What patrol?
What maintains campus security?

The reason why Zhang Beixing left was because he was about to lose his temper and was about to be exposed!

After all, he is not really a security guard.

He was able to bluff the security captain before.

On the one hand, it was because the incident happened so suddenly that the security captain had no time to think about it.

On the other hand, it must be attributed to Zhang Beixing's accumulated experience in the workplace in his previous life.

Although that period of cattle and horses is very unbearable to look back on.

But, it did let him learn some tricks that seem useless, but in fact you can't do it.

Relying on this little trick, it's no problem for him to deceive the world for a while.

But if you want to last for a long time, it is definitely impossible!

Don't say anything else, as long as the security captain asks more, find out which group Zhang Beixing belongs to.

Zhang Beixing had to show his true colors.

So, instead of waiting for yourself to be exposed, it will be embarrassing.

It's better to run away ahead of time, and let's talk after this period of limelight.

"Should I say it or not, in the university, as long as you don't violate the school rules, as a security guard, you can really do whatever you want!"

"As long as you are reasonable, it's fine to hit someone in the classroom. If you were a college student, you would have been dragged over by a group of teachers to criticize the education, and you should write a review."

"But think about it, college students, college sacrifices."

"It's just a pity. At that time, I was patronizing to fight, but I didn't let Ji Tuo record it."

"One-on-five crushing game, if this is filmed, buddies can hold it for a year!"

Looking at Zheng Jituo's reply 'not recorded' on the phone, Zhang Beixing felt very regretful.

Then I shook my head, switched to Douyin, and started swiping.

Being immersed in the online world, he didn't notice it at all.

As time passed, behind him, a long queue had already lined up.

And in this long queue, many people clamped their legs tightly, staring at the closed toilet door, eager to see through.

These people were very anxious and very puzzled.

Obviously, on weekdays, in the toilets of the teaching building, only the women's toilets are in a queue.

Why is there a queue in the men's toilet today?

All those grievances about urgency, frequent urination and incessant urination are all gathered together today, and they are sitting in the toilet to communicate about their illnesses, right?

"Damn, what's going on ahead? It's been a few minutes, why don't you move on? Fuck, can you hurry up, I can't hold back!"

Some people really couldn't stand the pain in their bladder and roared loudly.

As soon as this remark came out, it immediately caused a chain reaction.

All kinds of urging words and scolding words followed one after another.

Hearing their voices, Zhang Beixing came back to his senses.

He looked back, and after seeing the dozen or so people in line, a look of doubt appeared on his face.

Then he moved away silently.

Seeing this, the rest of the people immediately stopped cursing and took a step forward, fearing that if they were slower, some people who did not speak martial arts would jump in line, and continued to wait anxiously.

Seeing them like this, Zhang Beixing looked like an old man on a subway phone.

Expressing incomprehension of this confusing behavior of humans.

Obviously I can't hold it anymore, why don't I go to the toilet and stand by the door.

There is no one in the toilet!


Zhang Beixing complained in a low voice. After thinking about it, he thought this might be a brand new XP.

So I let go of the helping complex and chose to respect the fate of others.

Get out of the classroom.

Twenty minutes have passed since Dong Shengjie and the others found fault.

Zhang Beixing patted his stomach, thinking about whether to spend extravagantly, when he went to have a meal outside the school.

"Mighty, mighty, mighty—"

Screeching sirens came from outside the school.

Looking around, Zhang Beixing saw two police cars driving into the campus, one behind the other.

Several policemen got out of the car, and one of them noticed Zhang Beixing, who was wearing a security uniform, so he walked over, took out his ID card, and said, "Hello, comrade, we are from the Shishi Police Station. There has been a mob fight with extremely bad circumstances, please cooperate and assist us in our investigation."

Hearing his words, the corners of Zhang Beixing's mouth twitched.

For a moment, some didn't know what to say.

Let’s say they don’t cooperate, that’s definitely not acceptable.

But let's talk about cooperation, he is one of the people involved in this mob fight.

What kind of precision strike is this?

At this moment, the song "In My Song" sounded inexplicably in Zhang Beixing's mind.

The lyrics of this song seem so appropriate now!

'Without a bit of defense, without a bit of concern, you just showed up'

I looked at the police uncle in front of me, and I couldn't figure it out, so the onlookers had eaten college students.

After thinking about it for a while, Zhang Beixing raised his hands and said honestly, "Well, if I say that I am one of the people involved in this matter, does it count as surrender?"



The scene suddenly fell into silence.

Everyone stared at Zhang Beixing in a daze, with a bewildered look on their faces.

Fortunately, the police are the police after all.

Having seen various scenes on weekdays, they quickly came to their senses, said "Let's go", and brought Zhang Beixing into the car.

Afterwards, the policemen split into three groups.

A group of people went to the classroom, asked the reporter to confirm the situation, and asked what was going on at the time.

Another group of people contacted the security department of Shike University and asked them to cooperate.

The last group of people was actually only one person, and he sat in the police car and was responsible for watching Zhang Beixing.

Two 10 minutes later.

The five Dong Shengjie were taken back by the police and put into a police car.

Under the watchful eyes of the unidentified melon eaters, the vehicle started and drove away from Shike University.

(End of this chapter)

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