Campfire Shelter.

Chapter 1 The Bonfire Company

Chapter 1 The Bonfire Company
"'Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis'. It is generally called 'Asymptotic Frost Syndrome'. Your condition is developing in some troubles, and the prognosis of treatment may not be ideal, but you can try to pass it."

"No, no need"

Ke Lin sat in the wheelchair and shook his head, "Doctor Wang, it's been almost a year, and I already know everything I need to know. Can I go straight out of the hospital?"

Doctor Wang's words froze, and he opened his mouth, as if he wanted to say something, but when he saw the calm face of the young man who seemed to be ready for everything, he thought about the family situation that the other party had filled in the medical report.
He finally sighed, but still didn't say anything.

"Let's prescribe some medicine, it can relieve it to some extent," Dr. Wang, who is nearly middle-aged, paused, and added, "Don't worry, the price is not expensive."

Not long after, watching the young man leave the office in a wheelchair, he couldn't help but sigh.

They are only 20 years old, so young.

As a doctor, he certainly hopes that every patient leaves the hospital in good health.

But sometimes.
Life is so cruel.

However, what he didn't know was that Colin, who had returned home, was not as "desperate" as he thought.

When I got home, it was already noon, [-]:[-].

Colin sat on the edge of the bed, frowning as he looked at a letter in his hand.

[Bonfire Company Invitation Letter].

I received this letter this morning when I was waiting for the test results in a daze on the hospital bed. Inside was a letter paper that looked like parchment paper, and there was a funny sentence on the letter paper——

"Want to get rid of despair and regain a new life? Do you want to truly see the truth of this world? Join the Bonfire Company, and you will reverse everything!"

It looks like a classic line from a novel more than ten years ago.

But compared to this sentence, what is really interesting is the second paragraph below this sentence!

"If you agree to join the company, please print your thumb below before the countdown '00:57:59' ends."

The countdown on this line is actually constantly moving!

The moment Colin saw the countdown to walking, he was sure that some kind of power beyond reality might have come to him.

But at the same time, some doubts also popped up in his heart.

Why did this company find him?
What is so special about him that deserves an invitation from such a special company?
Compared with those who are so outstanding, he can't be regarded as outstanding, right?

This is also the reason why he has not pressed the fingerprint for a long time.

Sitting in the room, Colin's thoughts diverged, and his brain made meaningless associations.

"Could it be because the risk of dying people being tricked into cutting their waists is low? That's why you came to me?"

"Thinking about it this way, it seems to be true. Useful body parts are taken off, and the corpse is thrown out at a random place. In addition, there is not much money and an incurable disease. If it is suicide and reported missing, no one will pay much attention. En ?etc"

"'The Dying Man'."

Colin suddenly realized something while muttering to himself, he rolled his eyes, looked at a full-length mirror in the room, and looked at his pale and thin face in the mirror that could not conceal his temperament.
He noticed that aside from those unrealistic and unprovable ideas, he seemed to have an "advantage" that could not be ignored.

That is.
He was dying.

Usually, people like him, whose life is not long and can only wait to die, suddenly find that they still have a glimmer of life, even if there is only a sliver.
Ke Lin believes that under the instinct of survival, no matter how unreasonable the request is, someone will do it, and they will rush to do it!

"However, this does not include me. If you really want to pass this point and turn me into a puppet who obeys orders, it is an insult to the bottom line of my conscience!"

Looking at the countdown that was about to start, Colin wanted to say that, but then he thought about it.
Although I have been good at morality since I was a child, and I can always stick to my heart in the face of dangerous temptations, but this does not mean that others can also withstand such temptations.

What if it doesn't succeed in itself and goes to harm other people?
Colin's eyes sharpened.

The good virtues molded by the old dean since he was a child made him unable to sit idly by in the face of possible innocent victims!

"Let me see your real face!"

Colin stretched out his thumb and pressed it under the letter without hesitation.

The countdown to walking is frozen at the moment the finger is pressed down.

Looking at the countdown that was almost over, Colin secretly breathed a sigh of relief——

One didn't pay attention and almost missed it!

Well, almost missed the time to save those who might have gone astray.

At the same time, new content emerged on the parchment paper.

[The entry trial task is about to start, and the "Advent Protocol G-1" is starting. Bonfire Company (full name: Campfire Camp Special Item Storage Company) wishes you all the best for this event! 】

【"Arrival Protocol G-1" has started】


The distant, heavy, and ancient bells rang in my ears.

The unknown gray fog does not know when to cover the sky.
Colin felt himself sinking.

This seemed to represent that he was being sent to an unknown and mysterious place.

Just at this time.

【Report! We deeply apologize for the inconvenience caused by strong interference during the operation of "Advent Protocol G-1". 】

【The solution to this problem is being quickly checked for you.】

[The plan has been formulated, and the following methods are available:]

[1. Please establish a new connection by reciting the full name of the company after your consciousness is clear]

【2. Please.】

After failing to finish watching, Colin's eyes went dark.

After waiting for an unknown amount of time, the moment he regained consciousness and opened his eyes again, he was completely stunned.
"Where is this place?"

Colin propped up his body, looked around blankly, his vision gradually changed from blurred to clear, and a prison-like scene came into view.
He saw the rusted iron railings, the torches hanging on the corridor wall, and the man lying beside him under the light of the torches.
Corpse? !

Ke Lin woke up suddenly, and he jumped up and stood up on the spot, instantly getting rid of the muddled state of his brain.

There was a dead body lying beside him!
To be more precise, it is a mummy with no flesh and blood!

It didn't know how long it had been dead. Under the rag-like rags, there was only a skeleton wrapped in a thin layer of human skin. The hair was disheveled, the roots of the teeth were exposed, and the eye sockets were deep-set.

How much Colin is relieved is
These mummies were completely dead, and they didn't jump up and punch him when he was careless.

Taking a deep breath, Colin calmed down a bit, and soon realized that he seemed to have crossed directly?

As for the reason for crossing.
"What happened?"

Colin was sitting on the other side of the cell away from the corpse, his mind was full of memories, as if he had been hit by a dump truck, and he couldn't remember the specific details.

"It feels like a voice is asking me to remember something."

The last memory must be very important, but just as he was sorting out his mind a little bit, outside the prison corridor, there was the sound of an iron door opening suddenly, interrupting his thinking.

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(End of this chapter)

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