Campfire Shelter.

Chapter 2 Lycanthropy

Chapter 2 Lycanthropy

A middle-aged man with a beer belly and eight months of pregnancy walked into the prison with a thin young man and went straight to the door of Colin's cell.

When they came close, Colin also saw their appearance clearly. They had pale skin and brown hair. They were wearing coats like chain mail, with normal civilian clothes under the coats, and swords on their waists. Chinese.

More precisely, unlike modern people
If he didn't know that he had traveled through time, Colin might have thought that this was the set of a medieval movie.

At this time, the two pointed at Colin and discussed matters related to him in a language he could not understand.

However, gradually, Ke Lin suddenly felt that the other party seemed to understand what he said.
"Your Excellency, the warden, I can't believe it. Is this really what you should look like after suffering from 'lycanthropy'? He doesn't look crazy at all. I can even feel that he was observing me just now, without malice!" The skinny young man stared at Colin, holding the hilt of his sword with his right hand, his tone uncertain.

"Hey." The middle-aged man with a beer belly and a pregnant face laughed, "Otherwise, why would I tell you that this is a very rare and special case? Among the hundreds of people we have taken over in the dungeon in the past two months, this is the only one." One example."

"Then, shall we hand him over to the 'Holy Healing Church'?"

"It still has to be handed in. Moreover, I have already submitted the application a week ago, but it has been more than a week, and I still haven't seen a response, hum."

The middle-aged man pursed his lips, obviously dissatisfied with the church's neglect.

The young man glanced at Ke Lin, and then looked back: "But, he looks like he has been sent in for ten days, that is to say, in five days at most, he may enter the second stage of 'lycanthropy', and then... It is very likely that the symptoms will explode and die directly!"

Colin, who secretly pricked up his ears to eavesdrop, was stunned—isn't he fine, why is he dying soon?

What is "veterinary disease"?
"If the church doesn't respond, we can't move. It's hard to say whether he's crazy or not. Although his symptoms are getting worse, it seems to me that he is becoming more and more rational. Look, his eyes are a little bit Not crazy."

The middle-aged man pointed to Ke Lin, then looked sideways at the assistant, and casually smiled, "To be honest, even if you told me that he would be able to speak soon, I wouldn't be even a little bit surprised. "

"Really? What is lycanthropy?" Some hot voices came.

"Well, lycanthropy is."

The middle-aged man answered subconsciously, but soon his smile froze—his subordinate didn't speak, but the one who spoke was...
There are dirty things!

The middle-aged man jumped back with an agility that didn't fit his figure, and jumped two meters away, looking at Ke Lin with horror.

The young man suspected to be his subordinate pulled out his long sword with a "wow" and pointed it at Ke Lin, his face full of dignity and vigilance.

In an instant, the atmosphere of the dungeon froze.

There was silence for several seconds.

The middle-aged man was the first to break the silence, stepped forward to grab his subordinates, pulled back a few steps, and then asked after a long distance, "You can still talk?"

What's so surprising about that?You didn't say it yourself, so you wouldn't be surprised if I said it, Colin thought and nodded.

He was about to ask again what he just said
However, the middle-aged man who is the warden of the dungeon seemed to think of something, and spoke first:
"Do you remember your name?"

"do not remember."

Colin shook his head. He didn't seem to have inherited the memory of this body, but, like instinct, he inherited some language or something.

"That's really a pity, otherwise we might be able to figure out where the 'lycanthropy' came from, but 'lycanthropy' amnesia is also normal."

"What is 'lycanthropy'?" Colin interrupted his emotion.

"This." The warden looked at Colin, thought for a while, and then said, "Why don't you take a look at your hands first? Especially those hairs on your hands."

He wanted to see if he could help the other party recover his memory, so as to find out the reason related to "lycanthropy".

If you can crack it yourself, that would be a great achievement!
Hearing this, Colin lowered his head in doubt. He had been eavesdropping just now, and he didn't seem to find anything wrong.
What the fuck?

Ke Lin opened his eyes wide and looked at his arm, only to notice that his hair was two or three inches long, and the nails on the top of his five fingers were sharp, like the claws of a beast.
Colin suddenly understood what the word meant.

At the same time, he also noticed that there was still an inexplicable violence in his body, like a suppressed anger.

It's just that it seems to be temporarily suppressed by something.

"You are the appearance of the first stage of lycanthropy. Generally, you will enter the next stage at the earliest the next day, and half a month at the slowest. You have been with me for ten days. After five days at most, you will enter the next stage. Either die suddenly, or become a second-stage patient."

"Well, the one you were locked with seems to be dead, 'lycanthropy' will quickly turn into a mummified corpse after death."

"There's nothing to talk about. Continuing with the topic of the second stage. At this stage, it's not quite human-like, and then within a week, it will melt directly. I don't know why this happened."

When the warden said this, he was suddenly interrupted by a scream. In another cell on the side opposite to Colin, someone let out a crazy howl:

"Let me out, I'm not crazy, my child. My child hasn't eaten yet, let me go, my child, he, me, I haven't eaten yet!"

It was a woman with crazy hair growth and a crazy expression. She was constantly smashing her head into the iron cage, and her head was bleeding, as if she didn't feel it.

Colin's heart trembled and his scalp went numb.

After a full minute, it gradually stopped.

"See? This is what it looks like in the first stage, and she only had an attack yesterday, but you are already in the late stage. Normally, you are much more crazy than her."

Pointing at the other party, the warden shook his head and sighed, "This disease has been present for more than two months, and you are the only special one. Unfortunately, your memory is gone. Otherwise, if you remember what happened before, you might be able to find something. Get rid of this trouble sooner.”

What happened before?What could have happened before.
Some memories suddenly popped up in Ke Lin's mind. He remembered that he seemed to be alone at the restaurant, eating hot pot and swiping his phone, and then dipped a large ball of mustard with tripe and put it in his mouth.
Choking on a mouthful of mustard?

Uh, it shouldn't be so ridiculous to die.
This should be the last memory that can be recalled, not the last memory before time travel.
But now the important thing is
What should I do about the "vestification" on my body?
Colin took a deep breath, calmed down, raised his head and asked, "What did you just say about the Holy Healing Church? Can they solve my troubles?"

"They? Hey, I didn't see them anyway."

As soon as the warden opened his mouth to taunt a few words, the subordinate next to him let out a "cough". He suddenly thought of something and closed his mouth.

"Holy Healing Church" is one of the three orthodox churches in the Knight Kingdom after all
Can't be bothered.

Colin's heart skipped a beat. Doesn't this mean that he would be gone after being sent?
He still wanted to ask something from the other party, but a bell sound suddenly came from outside the iron gate of the prison corridor.

"Okay, it's time for me to leave. Someone will clean up the corpse in your room tomorrow. I hope I can see you remaining sane tomorrow."

After finishing speaking, the warden took his subordinates to leave together. Before leaving, he could vaguely hear his subordinates lecturing:
"In the future, if you encounter something, don't think about confrontation at the first time, you know! You have to retreat one after another. One of my teammates died because of this habit. your dad"

The sound became farther and farther away, and the dungeon became calm again, except for some heavy breathing and the occasional grinding of teeth.

"I just crossed over and I'm going to die?"

Colin sat powerlessly in the prison, looked at his hands, and felt that lycanthropy seemed to be deepening unconsciously.

The tyrannical aura in his heart was like a festering sore that could erupt at any time.

The relationship between that thing and him is like an Okamoto 0.01 filled with ink is put into a bucket of clear water. It swells like a balloon that is constantly being injected with cloudy ink, and it will burst at any time, and he will also be polluted at any time.

Everything is not without redemption.

Colin had a vague feeling that if he could recall the details of his memory and the experience of the last day, the current situation would change.

Thinking of this, he forced himself to calm down, and then he focused on thinking about the offal from that morsel.
Finally, through Colin's unremitting efforts, follow-up memories emerged little by little-there was indeed something wrong with the mustard beef offal.
Going down with one bite, stimulating the upper part, the whole body tensed up, and then the body lost its strength and fell to the ground.

When he opened his eyes, he was sent to the hospital.

Then he found that his body was weak, and he was diagnosed with "gradual frostbite". To be precise, he had it a long time ago, but the mustard caused his symptoms to flare up.

Later, during a year-long treatment, he had his own wheelchair at a young age.

"Before crossing, I got terminally ill, and after crossing, I got terminally ill again, so am I not traveling in vain?"

Colin couldn't help complaining.

Then, I honestly buried myself in my efforts and continued to recall.
Not long after, he finally remembered that when he had spent all his savings and still hadn't made any progress, and he no longer wanted to persist, an organization sent him an invitation to join the company.

The name of this organization is
"'Bonfire Camp Special Item Containment Company'."

Colin muttered to himself, and when he recalled this word, he suddenly woke up, and suddenly felt that something had established a connection with himself at this moment.

A message popped up in the brain.

[Interference items have been ruled out to re-establish contact with the "Special Investigator". The events of this special mission are being loaded, please wait a moment.】

(End of this chapter)

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