Campfire Shelter.

Chapter 3 Remnants of the Book of Numerology

Chapter 3 The Book of Numerology Remnants
[Trial mission - "Unknown World". 】

[Description: After completing any of the following three event requirements, you can become a full-time employee, and depending on the task clearance evaluation, you can get a certain stage reward. 】

[Event [-]: Not long ago, the company received a cross-border distress signal from a former company employee, and you will go to find the signal as a special investigator. 】

"Remarks: After completing this event, you can take the initiative to return and receive certain phased rewards."

[Event [-]: Completed the containment work of a three-stage "alienated individual polluted by the breath of ancient gods (that is, "lycanthropy")". 】

[Note: According to estimates based on limited information, individuals of this level have at least the strength to easily shake objects of more than one ton. Please be prepared when deciding to carry out this event (this entry is for reference only, please refer to the actual object for specific conditions.) 】

"Remarks: When you complete this event, you can actively return and get higher stage rewards."

[Event 167: The survival event in this world reaches the seventh day, and the remaining time is 23:33:[-]. 】

"Remarks: Regardless of whether the above two tasks are completed or not, when the event is completed, you will be forced to return and receive certain staged rewards."

"At first glance, it seems that the third event is the easiest to complete, but when I think about it carefully, my 'lycanthropy' doesn't seem to last until then."

Colin felt the information in his mind and browsed it several times.

First, I paid attention to "Event [-]" for a while, but after a little thought, I gave up on this.
His state could not last that moment.

Then, he glanced at "Event [-]" again, and then silently looked away
What is the concept of the power to easily shake an object of more than one ton?

That's the weight of a car!
Ke Lin believes that once he gets in touch, there is a high probability that he will be slapped as "Ke Lin Sauce".

"However, there is still a third stage of this 'lycanthropy'? Didn't the warden say that the second stage turns into bloody water? It seems that he doesn't know much about it and the name."

"Alienated individuals polluted by the breath of ancient gods" are much longer than "lycanthropy".

But it seems that it touches a certain essence and source more.

Colin didn't think deeply about this issue, but turned his attention to "Event [-]".

when the focus is on it.
He could feel very, very clearly that in his current nine o'clock direction, something seemed to be attracting him.

Not surprisingly.

That should be the former company employee who sent the distress signal.
But the problem is
"Now I am a mud bodhisattva and I can't protect myself when crossing the river. The warden looks easy to talk about, but he will definitely not let me go."

Colin rubbed his forehead, feeling that something was a little troublesome.

But at present, this incident should be the one with the greatest possibility of completion compared to the other two.

The minimum prerequisite to achieve it is jailbreak.
Thinking of this, he reached out and grabbed the iron railing and shook it vigorously, but it didn't move at all. The iron prison seemed to be specially built for them, and traces of recent welding could still be seen in some places.

However, just when Colin was at a loss, three pages suddenly appeared in his mind, like paper torn from a diary.

【"Book of Numerology Remnants": Use it to predict the fate that you need to experience next, so as to make adjustments to the future. 】

Explanations related to it emerged, and it was obvious that the company's assistance had arrived.

Gift pack for newcomers?

Ke Lin thought about it, and then used one of them under a certain guidance.

Soon, lines of characters emerged from the blank pages.

[Unless you can’t find a way to escape, you can only passively wait for the time to come. On that night, an accident happened, and you saw with your own eyes that someone in the cell next door lost control and entered the second stage of “lycanthropy”. 】

[It is an irrational monster with body hair like a wolf, protruding upper and lower jaws, like a werewolf. The power it explodes in madness makes you frightened. 】

【You see the iron bars you cannot shake being bent, you see the whole dungeon shaking, and you understand how horrible this stage of "lycanthropy" is. 】

【Throughout the night, you were worried that it would break through the prison door and tear you apart, but fortunately, such a thing did not happen, and it fell silent after a period of madness. 】

[The next day, the warden came again with his subordinates, and after sending this second-stage "lycanthropy" away in advance, he chatted with you for a while, and he told you: Keep a good mood, or you will die Accelerated symptoms like her. 】

[In the chat, with some kind of fantasy, you revealed your idea of ​​whether you can leave. Although you did not agree as expected, your words reminded him—if you can still keep up with him in the second stage If you stay sane now, you will inevitably escape. 】

【So, in order to prevent you as a special individual from escaping, he specially sent people to strengthen the cage, and even the door was welded shut. 】

[In the afternoon, you were sent to the Holy Healing Church in advance under the urgent application of the warden. The whole process was tightly guarded, and you clearly realized that even if the cage was not reinforced, you would not be able to escape. 】

[After entering the church, the priest of the Holy Healing Church personally performed "purification" for you and wanted to conduct experiments on you. During the treatment process, the balance in your body was destroyed by the holy light, and you instantly entered the second stage and lost your mind, half crazy Half crazy. 】

【Seeing this, the priest of the Holy Healing Church was shocked, and urgently took out the "blood therapy" from the bottom of the box of the Holy Healing Church for you. However, this not only failed to restore your recovery, but accelerated your entry into the third stage.】

【It's just that during this process, the cells in your whole body collapsed and turned into a puddle of blood.】

【You are dead. 】

[Three days later, you became a part of him in a ceremony. 】

The effect of "Book of Numerology" ends here.

The content of this page disappeared after being imprinted in my mind like a brand.

Although the above description is just words, Ke Lin vaguely has a hallucination of personal experience.

"Is this a prediction of the future based on the premise that I'm 'stable' waiting for the opportunity? This... waiting for the opportunity to adapt to the situation will not work."

Colin was startled.

He didn't read too much, after all, there was only one piece of most important information——

Waiting for the opportunity quietly will not work.

"Perhaps, you can try and escape from this prison with the idea of ​​unscrupulous means?"

Ke Lin thought for a while, and used the second "Book of Numerology Remnants".

[At night, the lycanthropy infected person next door got out of control, but this time you didn't panic too much as long as you were mentally prepared. 】

[The next day, the warden arrives, and you talk to him, pretending to be kind, and then take advantage of his carelessness, launch a sneak attack, grab him by the neck, try to control him as a hostage, and force his subordinates to let you escape. 】

[Unfortunately, you underestimated this fat middle-aged warden with a beer belly. 】

[You don't know what he did, but you saw that he twisted your arm with a very quick reaction, and pulled the collar of the uniform, the huge belly retracted, the body was raised, the muscles swelled, and it became A two-meter-tall, muscular man with very little fabric on his upper body. 】

[Although "lycanthropy" makes your body mutate, your strength increases, and you can even easily swing objects weighing tens of kilograms, compared to the strong human beings in front of you, it's like a child facing an adult. 】

【You overturned.】

[The warden locked you up after beating you up, he didn't kill you by accident, he just thought you were half-crazy, so he reinforced the cell, put you in a cage, and sent you to prison. Holy Healing Church. 】

【You come to this place again, looking at the approaching priest of the church, you warn him not to use "purification" on you.】

[However, the priest just said with disdain: You patient is actually teaching me how to heal the priest?Authoritative judgment beyond doubt!I have saved more people than you have eaten! 】

[He has to save you today, even if the god of death "falls" over, he won't be able to take you away, he said! 】

【So, you went crazy, and collapsed into a puddle of blood during the subsequent blood therapy.】

【You cannot avoid death. 】

[Three days later, you became a part of him in a ceremony. 】


At the end of this premonition, Ke Lin first felt a phantom pain all over his body, as if he had experienced a severe beating in advance, and then he couldn't help but rubbed his forehead, mentally tired, as if he had done more than a dozen math questions at the end of the college entrance examination .
The brain is overwhelmed.

"This item consumes a bit of brainpower"

Colin took a deep breath before he had the time to look at the specific information—the foresight process was similar to what he thought, and he also planned to attack the warden, but he didn't expect that the other party seemed to have special abilities and could become a big muscle guy
"No wonder he doesn't seem to be so afraid of 'lycanthropy' in the dungeon."

I'm afraid the warden is not an ordinary person.

It's just that what Colin cares more about now than the warden himself is the last sentence of this foresight
"Three days later, in a ceremony, he became part of 'him.'"

(End of this chapter)

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