Campfire Shelter.

Chapter 4 Be part of me

Chapter 4 Be a Part of Me
"Who is this 'he' referring to? This is the second time I have mentioned it. Why did I mention it specifically? I always feel that it is implying me that the breakthrough is in it, but I die before this ceremony every time."

Ke Lin wondered if he should think of a way to figure out who this "he" is after the ceremony?

And the difficulty with this is that
How to make the Hanhan priest of the Holy Healing Church give up treating him.

At present, whether it is "purification" or the follow-up so-called "blood therapy" at the bottom of the box, the effect is very stable, and the stability is beyond words.
What the hell, he shouldn't die that fast no matter what.

After thinking about it for a while, Colin probably had some ideas, and he was going to use up the last [Book of Fortune-telling Fragments].

Although there is only this one left, you can't hesitate to use it when it's time to use it, otherwise, at a critical juncture, you may not have the chance to use it when you want to.

However, what Ke Lin didn't expect was that this use had ended before it even started.

I spent too much energy the previous two times, and now I feel dizzy and my brain hurts.

"No, it's overdrawn. You have to delay for several hours before you can use it for the third time."

Colin's back was covered with cold sweat, and he leaned against the iron railing and took several deep breaths before he managed to recover.

It is foreseeable that with one's own mental state, one can forcibly use this ability for a short time.

It is likely to lead to a direct loss of control.

At least a few hours of rest and a nap are required.

However, before Colin could close his eyes and take a good rest, there was a scream in the prison, followed by a low growl:
"My boy! Let me out, I'm going back to my boy! He's so young, he's just a kid. I'm going to eat him, I'm going to, let him.. eat, eat, eat me, Eat him, eat."

The madness in the words became more and more serious, and Colin's eyelids suddenly twitched, and he suddenly realized one thing——

This disheveled, thin mother seems to be not far from her next door.

[Book of Numerology Remnants] It was mentioned twice that someone got out of control tonight.

Could it be this one?
Colin sighed, knowing that there should be no accidents, he couldn't stop and interfere.
At this time, he suddenly heard the illusory sound of dice coming from his ears, as if someone had thrown a dice beside him, but he didn't see it from the left and right, it was just an illusion.

There were only movements from some "lycanthropy" patients at the scene.

The loudest among them was the mother.

Colin can feel her love and obsession for her child from her madness.

It's understandable, it's understandable, he is deeply tired at the moment, but he still feels noisy, just thinking of the other party's experience, it's hard to say anything angry.

He couldn't help shaking his head, and said a word of comfort:
"The warden's character is not bad. If he caught you, then your child should be taken care of properly. Don't worry."

After finishing speaking, Colin was about to suppress the noise and close his eyes to rest, but what he didn't expect was that the messy roar stopped suddenly.

ear suddenly clean
He turned his head in doubt, but happened to meet a pair of bloodshot and crazy eyes.

In the next second, Ke Lin's scalp tightened, and he saw the mother slightly opened her mouth, her breathing suddenly became rapid, her chest rose and fell violently, and hot air was emitted from her mouth and nose. At the same time, the body hair exposed outside the rags began to grow wildly and thicken , like a wolf howling.

In the process, her face began to protrude like a canine, and the teeth in her mouth became sharp.
The originally clear black and white eyes also changed, reflecting a crazy and brutal green luster.

The second stage of "lycanthropy"!
Colin gasped suddenly. Being stared at like this, he felt chills all over his body, as if being locked on by the top hunter.

Moreover, unlike what was described in [The Book of Numerology Fragments], she did not rush into the cage at this moment, but stood trembling in the cage, holding the iron bars with both hands, staring at him.

There seemed to be an incomprehensible persistence in those eyes full of blood and violence.

The aura from her body is still deepening continuously.

Even if Ke Lin has never seen the "lycanthropy" in the third stage, he can probably sense that she seems to rush to the third stage without any stagnation after crossing the second stage.

The two future foreknowledges seem to have sparked a change of fate.

The original world line no longer develops step by step.

At this moment, she, who had not made any other movements, suddenly let go of the iron railing. With an appearance that didn't fit the madness, she reached into the pocket of her rags and took out a crushed object.

Then, she grasped the thing with her abnormally long arm, and stretched it towards Colin slowly and tremblingly, a hoarse sound of unknown meaning and incomprehensible came out from the animalized mouth
She's going to give that to me?What is she trying to say?Colin swallowed if he felt something, and boldly stretched out his hand.
Although the opponent may grab backhand and directly break his arm.

But Colin reached out anyway.

Soon, he got the thing in the opponent's hand—it looked like a flattened bread, it was hard, covered with mud, and gave off an unpleasant sour smell.

"what is this?"

Colin held the bread in his hands suspiciously, and wanted to ask, but was startled suddenly.

Because, he saw that after giving the item to him, the body of the second-stage "lycanthropy" in front of him suddenly collapsed without warning, melting into thick bloody water like a heated candle.

When Colin looked down at the pool of blood, there was a faint sound of gnawing, chewing, and swallowing coming from nowhere.
Stomach twitched and let out a hungry cry.

Deep in the soul is the desire to eat.

At the same time, the other "lycanthropy" patients in the dungeon also became restless, howling like crazy baboons.
It's a pity that the solid iron bars trapped them tightly in the cage.

Colin was not affected by the voices they raised. At this moment, he suddenly thought of using the same sentence mentioned at the end of the page of [Book of Numerology: Fragments] twice in his mind.

he became part of someone
The Church of Healing doesn't seem to be throwing away the fluid they've become out of control.

Instead, they are still collecting.
Think about it from another angle.

You can be a part of others.

Can others be a part of themselves?

Colin swallowed his throat, and suddenly realized that his way of life might not be thinking about how to prevent those idiot priests from casting spells on him, nor was he thinking about how to meet that "him".

close at hand.

The "ink" in the body is constantly boiling and restless.

If there were no two predictions, Colin would definitely choose to avoid contact with the pool of liquid, but now
He hesitated a little, then squatted beside the iron railing, stretched his hand out of the iron railing, and touched the large pool of bloody liquid on the ground that was slowly flowing and spreading as if it was still wriggling.
In an instant, the blood converged to the fingertips, passed through the skin unaffected, and merged into the body.

(End of this chapter)

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