Campfire Shelter.

Chapter 5 Unknown early years, covered in red hair

Chapter 5 Unknown early years, covered in red hair

An indescribable sense of satisfaction surged in Colin's heart.

The hunger in the stomach was appeased for a moment.
Power surges in the body.

Although the symptoms of "beastization" were deepening, it was unexpected that the violence in his heart had temporarily stagnated.

Not because of some kind of repression, but itself gradually calmed down by contentment.

Colin took a deep breath, trying to calm his mind and avoid irritating this thing.

"Mom. I'm hungry"

"I'm going to find something to eat, you just wait here, mom will be back soon."

"Well, can I go together too, it's dark here, I'm afraid."


An intermittent voice came from his mind. Colin was startled at first, and then realized that it might be the mother's obsession.

She comforted the hungry children and went out alone to pray for food
From this point forward, the memory began to be obviously fragmented.

"Mom picked up a piece of bread and brought it back to you right away"

"I'm sorry, mom came back late. I've been hungry for a long time. This is your favorite bun. Come and eat."

"Don't be afraid. Eat quickly. Eat enough. Grow up quickly"

"That way you won't be afraid of the dark. My mother has been here without crying or crying"

Standing in her inner perspective, Colin understood what she saw herself—a hungry and frightened child nestled in a dark corner, and also understood the meaning of the short hoarse voice she kept repeating at the end.
"Don't cry. Don't cry don't cry"

"Don't cry. Don't cry"

The strong and gentle voice broke through madness and chaos, and rang in his mind. Colin listened silently, as if he had been comforted, he squatted quietly on the ground, drawing blood through his fingertips.

He can't tell what kind of mood he is in now, but it probably won't be the impatience he had before
After nearly three hours, all the blood was drawn clean.

"If there is a chance, I will help you take care of that child."

After all, he stood up, but his appearance had changed almost completely from before.

The dim light of the torch revealed this new appearance.

I saw that the originally thin body was filled with bulging muscles and became extremely tall, his hands turned into huge animal claws, his pale skin was covered with blood-red bristles, his dark vertical eyes glowed with a bloodthirsty luster, his head was completely Turned into a beast, standing in the cell, like a bloody werewolf standing upright.

A strong ominous aura exudes from the whole body.

"...Since I can't beat the warden as an ordinary person, then I won't be a human being."

Colin stretched out his scarlet tongue and licked his fangs, carefully put away the hard bread, and then grabbed the iron bars with both hands.

The iron fence, which could not be shaken just now, was easily opened a passage in less than three seconds.

When Colin walked out of the prison, in the entire dungeon, more than a dozen pupils reflecting green light looked at him from different cells.

"It's almost like slices of bread with sweet butter"

A strong desire to eat came from Colin's stomach.

After further transformation, Ke Lin also had a further instinctive understanding of "lycanthropy", knowing that these imprisoned guys are no longer human.

If he "eats" them all, then his strength will definitely be improved.

But unfortunately, I can't eat it.

The still dominant reason told him that the end result of doing so would be a direct loss of control with a high probability.

The current strength is enough.

Rather than absorbing more power, he needs enough reason.

Only power that is firmly controlled by reason can be called power.

"Although I am still awake at the moment, this awake state will not last long and cannot be maintained"

Ke Lin shook his red hair, resisted the desire to eat, glanced at the closed iron door of the dungeon, and took a deep breath habitually while thinking, causing a "huh" sound in the air.

"It shouldn't be difficult to defeat the warden, but there is not much time. My reason can only last for a day at most."

"So, I have to quickly find that colleague and contact the campfire company, or I will go crazy in a short time."

"Well, before acting, use the last fragment to see what happens."

After thinking about it, Colin made a decision.

But before he could use his fate paper, the accident happened again, and someone came outside the iron gate of the dungeon.

These people lowered their footsteps, as if they had discovered something, and approached this side very vigilantly.

"Do you feel something is wrong? The dungeon seems to be a little too quiet, it has been a few hours, and there is almost no movement"

"Could it be that they are all asleep?"

"It is impossible to rest for so long at the same time. This situation has never happened before. Here is a rare individual that the warden pays special attention to."

"Go and check."

Several dungeon guards obviously lowered their voices when they talked, but Colin could still hear them clearly. Not only that, he could even tell them apart by smell.
There were five people in total.

Damn, shit, two of them seem to be glued, why did I let Lao Tzu smell this way, Colin blew his nose, and kept silent because his nose had suffered the grievance it shouldn't have.

"It will be approaching within ten seconds at the most, and it's too late to use the 'Book of Fortune'. I was always worried that the movement would be discovered if it was too loud, but I ignored it. Judging from the performance of the 'lycanthropy', too little movement is also a problem."

As Colin thought about it, his body retreated into the darkness of the dungeon, and the dark vertical pupils reflected the locked iron door of the dungeon through the darkness.

Outside the door, the sound of dense and gentle footsteps is getting closer and closer.
When they approached, the other "lycanthropy" in the dungeon seemed to realize something, and immediately rushed into the cage restlessly, howling with unknown meaning.

Several dungeon guards secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

If there is any movement, it will explain
Things should still be fine.

One of them was a little careless because of this, and without checking the door opening first, he directly opened the door bolt, ready to go in to see the specific status.

However, the moment the latch was pulled, the iron door was slammed open, and the dungeon guard behind the door barely reacted before being knocked away by a huge force, and fell unconscious on the ground.

The other four were taken aback for a moment, and then their faces showed fear, seeing a giant red-haired beast with an ominous appearance rushing out of the door.

The huge beast looked down at them condescendingly, making people daunting.

"Be careful--"

Someone came to his senses and wanted to fight back, but before he could raise his hand, the terrifying giant swung him violently and slapped him flying against the wall.

Of the five people present, two of them fell to the ground and passed out in less than two seconds.

The other three people took advantage of this gap and swung their hand axes to chop, but they couldn't even cut off the blood-colored long hair, let alone the skin.

(End of this chapter)

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