Campfire Shelter.

Chapter 6 Escape

Chapter 6 Escape
The hair actually has a protective effect. Colin stretched out the back of his hand again to knock the man into the air, and then stretched out his hand to grab another guard.

Although these guards seemed to have been trained to a certain extent, to Colin, they were no better than a three-year-old child.

After he pressed it directly against the wall with his palm, there was a sound of bone cracking in his fragile body.

Colin also noticed that this guard seemed to be a subordinate of the warden a few hours ago.

He even drew his sword against himself, he dared to draw his sword against himself, a damned ant like him dared to show hostility towards him!

just push a little harder
Squeeze him to death!
The tyrannical aura flashed in Ke Lin's eyes, and the image of him biting off the opponent's head and crushing the opponent's body flashed in his mind, blood splattered, and he was bathed in scarlet.

A strong and incomparable sense of refreshment rose in my heart.

no, no
Although I don't look like a human now, with red hair all over my body, unidentifiable hair, and beating people into disabilities with my hands, I know that I am still a good person.
I am not a beast!

Ke Lin was stunned, reason regained the upper hand in his dark vertical eyes, and forcibly diverted himself from his violent desire.

He let go of his hand, and threw away the person with broken arms, ribs, shoulder blades and many other places.

He didn't want to kill unless necessary, he only planned to escape from the dungeon and find his colleagues after the defeat.

Of course, if necessary, he will not show mercy.

It's just that it has to be a decision he made with his own will, not a decision made by madness.

But at this moment, Ke Lin's heart shuddered, and a picture of a long sword stabbing out from behind appeared in his mind, piercing himself.

There is a sneak attack!
Ke Lin didn't hesitate. The moment he turned his body sideways, he saw a warden who was two meters tall and only a circle smaller than himself stabbing him with a sword.

The long sword passed through Colin, but it did not cause any damage, only cutting off a few bristles.

React so fast?
The warden was shocked, surprised that Colin avoided the blow, and then thought of something——

Some out-and-out stage [-] wandering "lycanthropes" are similarly acutely alert.

It seems to be able to predict the instinct of attack from any angle in advance.

It's just that most of the time it's useless to predict, because his strength suppresses the opponent, but the current situation is obviously reversed.
Ke Lin took advantage of the gap between the opponent's old strength and new strength, and slapped him out, directly knocking off the sharp sword in the warden's hand.

Then retracted its claws, clenched its fists, and smashed down like a storm.

Against this one, he didn't hold back too much, and he didn't dare to hold back too much.

Facing the tsunami-like fists, the warden was able to catch them at first, but gradually began to feel powerless, and turned into hugging his head and crouching while being beaten.

But compared to his physical inadequacy, what made the warden even more aggrieved was that while the other party was beating him, he was pouring dirty water that didn't even exist!

"I told you not to let me go! I asked you to strengthen the cage, and I asked you to send Lao Tzu to the Holy Healing Church!"

"I asked you to beat me up! Let you fucking ignore your subordinates!"

"That's it? Too weak, too weak, too weak!"

How come I don't know I've done something like this before? ? ?
While parrying, the warden cried secretly, and finally couldn't help shouting: "When did I do such a thing?!"

However, what responded to him was Colin's heavy kick.

This kick sent him flying.

"Well, I feel much better."

Colin vented for a full 3 minutes, and he felt a lot more relaxed.

He let out a long breath, ignored the opponent's state, and did not love to fight, and rushed towards the corner of the stairs.

Through some scents, he already smelled the exit, and a route was vaguely generated in his mind.
"This ability is also a bit buggy."

With a grunt in his heart, Colin ran wildly along this route, and soon came to the corner of the stairs.

There seems to be nothing behind the false door
But the moment Colin approached, one person on each side stabbed out with a spear in their hands.

Colin, who had already confirmed that there was someone behind the door through the smell, was already prepared for this. He didn't use any fancy abilities, and slapped the spear away with a slap. The whole person rushed towards the exit under the horrified eyes of the guards.

And in the process of escaping, he also roughly understood the architectural structure here, a dungeon with a negative three-story structure.

It is estimated that there are only about a hundred prison rooms.

In addition to Colin's floor, there are also some ordinary criminals detained on the first and second floors of the dungeon.

When these criminals saw Colin, they were terrified and screamed, and some even lost control of their feces and urine, and the stench filled——

Anyone who fell asleep, dreamed a dream, was in the midst of beauty, and was awakened by the ringing of the bell, and saw a non-human giant beast, would not be much better.

However, Colin didn't think too much about them. After breaking through the barriers a few times, he rushed directly to the last gate of the dungeon. This process was far simpler than he thought.
But when he pushed open the last door and saw the outside scene clearly, Ke Lin's face showed a humanized astonishment.

Outside the door is an empty space, and there are no other buildings, only five stone pillars lit with flames, arranged in the pattern of a five-pointed star at the entrance of the cave.
To Ke Lin's surprise, the flames on the pillar of fire were small, but the flames were extremely bright, literally lighting up the field of vision within a radius of 100 meters.

Yes, at least 100 meters in radius!

Ke Lin compared the school's [-]-meter straight road in his heart.

But beyond the flames, there was an unusually thick darkness.

The boundary between light and darkness is not a gradual transition like the earth, but there seems to be an inexplicable barrier. Everything within the light range is clear, and everything outside the light is dark. There is no dark zone in the middle.

At the same time, there were no stars, no moon, nothing in the sky, and the darkness seemed to have swallowed everything except the firelight.

That is when Colin focused his eyes and attention on the darkness in front of him.

A wave of fear welled up in his heart, like a raging torrent, swallowing him whole.

So that the huge body trembled unexpectedly.
There seemed to be a looming word "Danger" above his head.

There are great horrors in the night above the dome!
"It's not that I'm afraid, it's this body."

Colin could clearly feel that the fear did not come from himself, but from this body
It wasn't until he retracted his gaze that the overwhelming fear gradually subsided.

However, this also made Colin give up the idea of ​​plunging into the darkness and running away directly.

Because that would surely lead to death.

And the scene outside also made Colin understand why there are only so few guards in the prison. As far as the outside world is concerned, even if prisoners escape from prison, they don't know where to escape.

Thinking of those prisoners, Colin glanced back at the sloping downward dungeon stairs.

The urgent bell still rang, and the noisy movement below could be heard, but no one came up to stop him
instead of stopping
He even closed the door between the floors, as if to prevent him from returning to prison.

(End of this chapter)

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