Campfire Shelter.

Chapter 10 Isn't it fake medicine?

Chapter 10 Isn't it fake medicine?

The breeze is blowing, the bright sunlight shines on people through the windows, and the unique noise of modern society can be heard in the ears. After a short and magical experience, all these familiar things make people feel more intimate
"came back"

Colin looked down at himself.

The clothes are neat, the fatigue disappears, and the state before entering the different world is restored.

The legs became weak again.
And on the knees, covered with a piece of parchment that looked yellowed——

[Countdown to next arrival: 167:58:44. 】

"Another seven days, from now on, seven days over there, seven days here, eh? No."

Colin saw the electronic clock on the wall beside him——

It is now, Monday, three o'clock in the afternoon.

He clearly remembered that it was twelve o'clock in the afternoon before he entered, that is to say, only three hours had passed in reality.

But he obviously stayed in that world for more than ten hours!

"Could it be that the flow of time is different?"

If Ke Lin realized something, he didn't understand this kind of thing, but he couldn't say he couldn't accept it.

At this moment, lines of characters began to appear on the paper.

[In this incident, your evaluation is: A-. 】

[You have completed this incident with excellent performance. 】

[The following is the settlement you will get after this event task - "Bonfire Points * 2100", "Random Props Extraction Volume * 1", "Grade F Genetic Compensation Potion", "Silver Customs Clearance Voucher * 2". 】

[All items have been transferred to the "storage room", please check. 】

"Transfer to the storage room? What is the storage room? Where do I get a storage room?"

Colin frowned
At this time, the task completion content on the parchment scroll disappeared, and new writing appeared.

【Congratulations, you have become a campfire employee, and F-level company authority will be activated for you, please wait a moment.】

When this line of information appeared, on the parchment, a stick figure of an eye was outlined, staring straight at him.

Looking at each other, Colin felt that the eye pattern became more and more real.

It was as if there really was an eye staring at me through the paper.

Inexplicably, Colin felt an inexplicable sense of shame, as if he had seen everything inside and out.

Even what type of art he likes has been seen through.

What is this?
How do you feel innocent
As Ke Lin thought about it, he realized that the simple eyeball finally disappeared after staring at it for 30 seconds.

I breathed a sigh of relief.

This feeling of being seen through is not very comfortable.

At this time, on the parchment, a character data map emerged.


Internal name: Unnamed 123456 (can be reset once).

Title: None.

Permissions: F-
Status: "ALS (early stage)", "Chronic myocarditis (early stage)".
Personal experience: "Complete an advent mission and get an A- evaluation".

Requirements for the next round of authority promotion——

Requirement [-]: The authority level reaches F+.

Requirement 0: Use the "Grade F Genetic Compensation Solution" three times, and the number of times you have taken it so far (3/[-]).

Requirement [-]: After meeting requirements [-] and [-], apply for the E-level authority trial (three silver mission certificates are required to start the E-level authority promotion trial for the first time).

"What? When did I get myocarditis?"

Ke Lin looked at his resume in a daze. He knew he had ALS, but he didn't know he had myocarditis.
Forget it, no problem.

Compared with ALS, it is a younger brother.

After reading it, it will fade away intimately and become a [personal resume] option.

Not only that, beside this option, there are some other functional options.

[Storage Room], [Trading Field], [Interaction Hall], [Task Bar].
"Is this the so-called 'F-level clearance'?"

Colin reached out and clicked on the [storage room], only to find that his hand reached into a separate space.

An inspiration strikes—

This is a portable independent space of about 100 liters.

He can access the items inside through the parchment.

To Colin's surprise, in addition to the normal task rewards, he also saw a familiar revolver lying in it.

when attention is turned to the top.
Information related to it emerges on the parchment.

[Revolver Retrograde (seriously damaged, unusable): It takes 337 points to repair to the lowest usable state. 】

"Is this the equipment of that former colleague? Did the campfire company leave it to me as a trophy? It's easy for me to leave."

Colin licked the bag tearfully.

However, when he was not sure whether the repair was a loss or a gain, he did not rush to repair it, but turned his attention to the most concerned "F-level genetic compensation liquid".

["Grade F Genetic Compensation Liquid": a special potion provided by Bonfire Company for F-class employees. After taking it, it can fully strengthen the body functions. deficiency symptoms). 】

"It's clear from the name that it's what I want."

Colin took it out, and it looked ordinary in his hand. It was a transparent test tube with a stopper, and the test tube contained a black viscous liquid.

Without hesitation, he uncorked the bottle and drank it in one gulp.

Well, a faint salty taste, nothing special, it feels like drinking a little saline?

Colin closed his eyes, trying to feel the changes in his body.

Nothing seems to have changed.

It's not fake medicine, is it?

Just when Colin was thinking this way, he suddenly discovered that his legs seemed to be able to move.

Colin was startled, looked at his legs in disbelief, then tried to move his toes and stretched his legs

Colin was emotional.

one Year!

It's been a whole year!

He finally saw hope.

Colin inexplicably felt like crying.

Physical weakness and paralyzed legs brought more than just a wheelchair.
The gazes of others and some unspeakable physical incontinence constantly destroy a person's dignity.

Now, everything is fine.

Although it was only relief and he couldn't even stand up, Colin knew that as long as he didn't die, everything could be restored to the past.

It took him a while to calm down, and he sat back in the wheelchair, sliding his fingertips on the parchment, and looked at other things.

["Silver Mission Voucher": It cannot be transferred, it cannot be traded, it is a prop to prove that you have completed the mission, and it is generally used to purchase special props and career advancement. 】

A one-inch-sized silver round coin with a metallic luster, like a casino chip.

"It's also a very important thing."

Colin nodded, shifted his attention, and looked at something else.

A scroll about the length of chopsticks.

["Random Props Draw Voucher": You can randomly obtain a prop with special functions manufactured within the company. 】

【use or not? 】

"Draw a lottery? Well, there is no rush, I have to make preparations, take a bath first, and get rid of the bad luck. Right now, just draw a miracle!"

Ke Lin took advantage of its inattention and used it directly, trying to draw a powerful item.

Then, he was taken aback suddenly.
There was a flicker on the retina, and strands of pale golden light appeared.

It's a big deal!
Row after row of golden fonts emerged from the retina one by one.

(End of this chapter)

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