Chapter 9 The Return
[After you were vigilant for a while, you finally couldn't help but start to try. First, you moved your body in a small range, and found that there was no attack, so you turned around]

[You saw a scene that shocked you. There were corpses everywhere in the church. They died in kneeling postures, and the direction of kneeling was exactly the position of the pulpit inside the church. There seemed to be an altar of an eight-pointed star there. 】

【After confirming that the invisible monster didn't attack anymore because it didn't know why it didn't enter the church, you walked towards the altar. 】

[Because, are you sure, the signal came from the eight-pointed star altar. 】

[During this period, you have been careful about the corpses on the ground, worried that they might be resurrected, but fortunately, this kind of thing did not happen, they died more thoroughly than you thought, even if the mage who can resurrect the dead came, it would probably not be able to Bring it back to life. 】

[Not long after, you came to the altar and saw the former company employee. 】

【His state makes you feel surprised. 】

[But fortunately, apart from the accident of the former company employee, no other accidents happened. 】

[You have successfully completed this mission. 】

[You return to reality and become a full-time employee of the campfire company, and the rewards you get from this mission allow you to stand up from the wheelchair again. 】

【Not long after, you came to this world again. This time, you thought you were full-fledged enough to deal with the enemy outside the church. 】

【Therefore, you no longer ink, and decisively open the door to meet the enemy. 】

[After you went out, you used a color spray to try to make the enemy visible, but failed, and not long after you went out, you were attacked again. 】

[With the help of "Fatal Insight", you avoided the attack three seconds in advance several times, but you didn't find the opponent. 】

[Unable to detect the enemy, you wanted to return to the church, but unfortunately, you failed, and your head was cut off just halfway. 】

【Before you die, you finally realize】

[The enemy will not be invisible, but another method, and it must exist. 】

【I didn't wait for you to figure out why.】

【you are dead. 】

The contents of the pages are engraved into the brain as before, and then disappear.

The feeling of being beheaded reappeared.

After Colin scanned the information for the first time, he extracted some relatively important information.

"First, there is no danger inside the church, and as long as you enter here, the monster outside doesn't seem to come in."

"Second, the former company employees are indeed here, but they should be in poor condition and unable to respond. They should be injured by external enemies."

"Third, the campfire company does have the means to treat 'Alosia'"

Colin's thoughts paused here. For him, this is the most important information in front of him.

After confirming these points, Colin thought about the last few paragraphs.

Isn't that monster outside invisible?

"It's not invisibility, but it has a means similar to invisibility? There are still entities."

Colin thought for a while before giving up.

Let’s leave this question for later, the most important thing now is to complete the task!
"I don't want to stay in this ghost place for a moment!"

Colin took a deep breath and turned around.

Even though he was mentally prepared, he was still a little shocked when he saw the scene in the church.
The church hall of about 1000 square meters was densely packed with corpses.

They are all corpses with withered flesh and blood. They are next to each other, kneeling and kneeling towards the back of the church.

Look along the direction of these people worship.

There was an altar there, and several things were enshrined on the altar, and some white candles that had been melted beside it.

Suddenly, a lot of associations emerged in his mind.

Didn't everyone in the town escape, but came here?
What are they worshiping?
What are you avoiding again?
Is that invisible enemy outside?
No. Not at all, if it does it, it should be all broken corpses, not mummified corpses, and the coverage of this disaster spans at least tens of hundreds of kilometers, and even the passing bacteria will die.
Colin restrained his mind, took a deep breath, and then walked cautiously towards the altar—just like what was mentioned in [Book of Numerology: Fragments].

All he has to do now is to do things step by step.

The huge body stood on tiptoe in a somewhat funny posture, walked past the corpses, came to the altar and saw the things placed on it——

A broken skull in the center without a chin, polished brightly, engraved with many mysterious runes; a rusty badge about the size of a palm on the left; a broken skull on the right, A rusty .revolver?

Speaking of which. Where is the former colleague?
Colin was a little puzzled. He didn't see his former colleague like the book of fortune telling said.
At this time, a message appeared in his mind.

[The specific source of the signal has been confirmed, "Event [-]" has been completed, have you completed this event? 】

"It's done? What about ex-company employees? Wait"

Colin felt something flickeringly, and suddenly realized something, and looked at the skull on the altar—could this be the former employee of the company?

"Event [-]" flickered slightly in his mind, and a kind of "enlightenment" from above made him realize that this was indeed a former employee.


Colin made a rude statement. Before he came into the church, he thought that the employee might be in trouble and needed assistance. When he arrived at the church, he didn't see him. He thought he might be seriously injured, unconscious, or cold.

But what I didn't expect was that the former employee not only died, but his head was also chopped off and made into a sacrificial utensil.

This is a bit embarrassing.

Colin glanced back at the large group of dead corpses behind him—are the local residents so unfriendly?

Or did this old man do something outrageous?
"However, this old man's appearance. No wonder the 'Book of Fortune' said that I would be surprised."

At that time, he was still thinking, what battles had he not seen along the way?It doesn't matter if you're seriously injured, comatose, or dead.
After coming here.
Look at this polished and shiny skull - it's really not seen before.

Colin took a deep breath, suppressed the slight emotional ups and downs, and decided to complete the task.

Immediately afterwards, a transparent vortex suddenly formed in front of it.

A suction force was generated in the vortex, directly sucking in the skull and badge on the altar——

mission completed!

At the same time, the world in front of me began to lose its color and become blurred, as if it had been painted layer after layer of mosaic, gradually losing its original color and outline.

In a short time, it turned into a gray space.

clang - clang - clang -

The long, distant, and heavy bells rang in my ears.

【"Arrival Protocol G-2" is starting】

(End of this chapter)

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