Campfire Shelter.

Chapter 100 From now on, I will stand at the top

Chapter 100 From now on, I will stand at the top

The ground shook slightly.

What movement?
Colin squinted his eyes, turned sideways, and looked towards the place where the shock came from. In the village and town shrouded in darkness, the silhouette of a colossal figure could be seen faintly.

There was also a faint stench of blood in the air.
"Come here! It's the priest!"

"Great! As long as he comes here, everything will be back on track!"

In the darkness, a group of heretics who were gnashing their teeth angrily but were helpless showed ecstasy.

When the sacrifice comes, there will be victory!

On the other side, as the shock got closer and closer, Colin finally saw what that thing looked like——

A huge sarcoma a circle bigger than a dump truck.

The tumor was covered with scarlet bloodshots, had countless fleshy tentacles, and was shrouded in a shimmering red haze.

Under it are six thick thighs. Except for the absence of wings and skin, the overall appearance is very similar to the mythical creature named "Chaos" in the Shan Hai Jing.

With its appearance, the number of black figures around it suddenly increased.

"Not bad, finally came a decent one!"

Colin seemed to have finally found fun, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

It's just that, feeling that some recognition was shaken because of its appearance, he frowned unconsciously
The strength that has been growing continuously in the body has actually weakened a little.

Although there was only such a trace, it still made him feel very unhappy.

Because this means that there are already people around who doubt whether he can solve that monster as before!

"My strength is not allowed to be questioned! In this town, such a transcendent thing is not allowed to exist."

With a wave of his hand, Ke Lin shattered the surrounding shadows with absolute power
Then, he stood in the middle of the road, with his hands behind his back, looking at the huge monster rushing forward like a dump truck, without any move to avoid it.

On the other side, Hu Xiaoyuan, who was about to return to defense, was shocked when he saw this scene, and quickly reminded:
"Mr. Lin! Be careful of that monster! It has been blessed and it is difficult to deal with!"

Compared with the huge monster, Ke Lin's figure is like a watermelon and a sesame seed.

Such a huge difference in size made her unable to hold back her breath.

Seeing that Ke Lin didn't seem to want to move away, especially when she saw that she was more worried, for fear that something might happen to Colin here.
The power of this "idol" is strong, but he is too... arrogant and conceited.


Ke Lin ignored it, watching the huge monster that was getting faster and faster, as if it was a rock.

The aura on his body also exploded further, the beam-like aura spread rapidly like oil on the water surface, and finally caused a hurricane.

Such a move has re-established the "approval" of some people.

And that monster of flesh and blood, which was as huge as a dump truck, sped up its hexapods, the blood vessels on its body burst, and bloody mist spewed out.

Ke Lin noticed that as soon as the bloody mist touched the surrounding objects, no matter whether they were organic or inorganic, all of them underwent obvious changes.

The limbs grew out of the car, metal and flesh fused together, giving out a weird growl, eyes and mouths grew out of the wall, and the plants pulled out their roots, rose from the ground, and charged together with the huge meat ball.

The whole world is mutated, full of unforgivable depravity and blasphemy.

At this moment, not only Colin, but also the huge sarcoid seemed to want to decide the winner with one move, instead of choosing to procrastinate.

After a little thought, Colin understood the reason.

Most of the power of this blessing cannot continue to exist.

It was obviously not that easy for the priest to get away from the "border guards" and rush over, and he had to pay some price.

If it is delayed, maybe it can be dragged until it collapses and disintegrates on its own, and then all the dust ends.

For Colin, this is impossible.

He doesn't allow anything more eye-catching than him to exist here!

This kind of thing must be solved by him!

"Especially, dare to have the idea of ​​killing me, what kind of arrogance is this?"

Ke Lin's eyes were cold, watching the other party approach quickly, reaching into his pocket and taking out something leisurely.

50 m.

30 m.

ten meters.

five meters.

"World! Stop it!"

Colin stretched out his hand and pointed forward, the golden light flashed past, and everything stopped immediately.

But outside the arena, when everyone was holding their breath, waiting for the real meeting between the two sides, they suddenly discovered that
The picture in front of him suddenly froze.

Whether it was Colin standing in the middle of the road like a rock, or the huge sarcoma rushing wildly, everything was frozen.

"What happened?!"

Everyone was stunned, wondering if there was a bug in the world in front of them, which is why the freeze phenomenon occurred.

But before they could think of anything, the picture in front of them moved again.

The blood-red smog engulfed everything present, the huge body stood in place, and the pretender who had been beeping non-stop did not know where to go.

"No way." Hu Xiaoyuan's heart shuddered, and he was a little flustered.

She doesn't know what this hemosarcoma is, but it can come from the "border guards", which can explain the problem.

If Mr. Lin dies, they will not be able to live either, because they have no ability to deal with those cultists.
"Win?! Finally killed that guy?!"

Some cult members wept with joy, they were really fed up with the guy who couldn't be beaten or killed.

However, before they could be happy for a long time, a mournful cry suddenly came from the hemosarcoma.

Then, with a bang, the six-legged tumor fell to the ground.

Its body convulsed continuously, as if it wanted to stand up again, but a layer of hoarfrost quickly spread from its body.

At first, it could still tremble a few times, but in the end, even the trembling disappeared. In less than a few tens of seconds, the icy hoarfrost froze this piece of meat that was about the size of a large truck.

The temperature of the surrounding environment is also dropping rapidly at this moment, making people feel as if they are falling into an ice cellar, with chills in their bones
Da da da.
The sound of crisp footsteps came from the piece of meat.

"It is indeed a bit strong, but it is a pity that challenging me itself is a reckless decision."

A figure walked up step by step stepping on a huge chunk of frozen meat. It looked like Ke Lin who thought he was dead!

"Before I come, you may be evenly matched and pull each other. No one can stand in the position to decide everything."

"However, it is a pity that such a window period is over."

Ke Lin put away the bone spur in his hand, stretched out his hand, and stroked his hair back. His eyes were full of undisguised conceit and arrogance.

He announced to everyone in a calm tone:
"From now on, I will be at the top."

(End of this chapter)

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