Campfire Shelter.

Chapter 213 Betrayal

Chapter 213 Betrayal
"Deep Sea Messenger?!"

The man and woman wearing the golden mask obviously recognized what the monster was, and their faces were ugly, but they were not surprised.

Because without these former messengers of the gods, it would be impossible to break into here with just those big-headed fish.

Without waiting for them to think too much, the huge murloc creature raised its arm and grabbed a harpoon, then threw it forward vigorously, throwing the harpoon made of black metal in its hand, and pointed the tip at Colin. Not much, at least half of the people are within the striking range of this spear.

At this time, before Colin could make a move, the man and the woman wearing the golden mask had already stepped forward at the same time as they exclaimed.

Then they opened their hands, and a stance shield made of energy stood in front of them.

In the next moment, the harpoon with its huge force slammed into the shield, and amidst the huge sonic boom, the harpoon was abruptly blocked.

And after the force of the harpoon's sprint disappeared, the "Deep Sea Messenger" stretched out his hand, and some kind of force remotely blessed it, and the harpoon flew upside down, as if it was about to return to his hand.

"Beautiful thinking." With a thought of the man in the golden mask, the stance shield immediately changed shape, stretched out an invisible hand, and firmly grasped the front of the harpoon, making it impossible to retract.

"It's not weak either."

Ke Lin was surprised, and while they were blocking the attack, he turned his eyes to that side, seeing those familiar human-shaped fleshy balls, his eyelids couldn't help twitching.

He didn't expect that he came to another world, and he could still see these guys doing trouble.

It can almost be said that every time Colin sees them, he is either working or on the way, they are present in everything, and this time seems to be no exception.

I just don't know what they are going to do this time.
But before he had time to think about it, Colin's feet shook for a while, and then he saw that the entire corridor was like the stomach and abdomen of some huge creature, wriggling crazily, pushing them towards the D-3 area and pushing them forward.

"Split, revitalize. The power of this ghost thing is still so weird"

Colin stabilized his footing to prevent himself from falling on the suddenly soft ground.

At the same time, in the direction behind him, a layer of silver-white nanomachines on the ground flowed like water. It penetrated directly into the wriggling walls, and blood gushed out from the metal walls. It seemed that they had been destroyed, and the wriggling gradually stopped. .

"Not right, not right." Hu Zheng suddenly felt something, and quickly said: "My intuition tells me that if I move forward, not only may there be no way to prevent the disaster, but everything will be even more troublesome."

"Then let's retreat." Qin Chuan decided to follow what the other party said.

For now, Hu Zheng's intuition is relatively accurate. Although there are many small problems in the direction of guidance, the general direction is relatively correct——

And this is also the reason why in most operations, the team is willing to bring one or two "death-pushing" Beyonders who have little combat power.

Sometimes with their intuition guiding, things can be solved a lot easier.

However, the two who were wrestling with the "Deep Sea Messenger" were not very happy to hear the decision in the words of several people.

"We've all come to this place, and we can stop them if we go any further. Do you still want to withdraw?"

The man in the golden mask didn't quite understand what "death push" was, and he couldn't understand it at all. These guys wanted to do this kind of thing just because the other party said that their intuition was wrong.

At this moment, shouldn't we just rush in and break through the defense, lay down the beacon, unlock the defense level of the "Hague Research Institute", and let the Foundation launch missiles to blast in to solve the evil ritual with precise blasting? !

But in the next second, a "noise" came from the earphones of the man with the golden mask. He was stunned, and then shouted: "Withdraw, there is an inner ghost, terminate the mission, be careful Chen...!"

Before he could finish speaking, under the ground, a giant khaki hand grabbed the lower body of him and another woman wearing a golden mask, and then pulled them hard.

Almost instantly, the bodies of the two were crushed and exploded, but there was no blood spilled out of them, but electric sparks splashed everywhere, and the broken section was densely packed with smoking and short-circuited metal components.

Then, the big khaki-colored hand casually threw away the two bodies that seemed to have lost their power.

"Director Chen, what are you doing!?" A member of the "Human Future Research Institute" who was wearing a yellow heavy protective suit and looked like a humanoid tank looked behind him in disbelief.

I saw that Chen Guang, who was also wearing heavy protective clothing, did not know when to release the protection, and a distorted hand reached into the ground, which was almost the same as "Son of the Twilight".

And his whole person is rapidly transforming into a certain inhuman appearance
As people from the same research institute, they knew very well that Deputy Director Chen was transforming himself into a "son of the twilight".

This is not a strange thing in itself, it is certain to be transformed into "Son of the Twilight", and it is also their hole card, but the problem is that he started to deal with his own people!
"Chen Guang, are you fucking crazy?! You betrayed human beings!" Not a second after the 223 with the golden mask fell to the ground, he suddenly sat up on his back, cursing angrily.

He didn't expect human traitors to appear in the "Human Future Research Institute". Before that, he always felt that all members of their board of directors rebelled, and the other party would not rebel.

But unexpectedly, just now, when he blocked the "Deep Sea Messenger" in front of him, a voice suddenly came from the earphone. It was the deputy director of another "Human Future Research Institute" telling him, be careful Chen Guang!
Then, before he could react, he was directly attacked by the opponent, crushing half of his modified body.

"Betrayed humans? Heh! I didn't betray humans, it was you who betrayed the goodwill of the ancient gods first!"

Deputy Director Chen Guang looked at Ke Lin and the others with resentment, and the thoughts in the brain were transformed into reality, reflected in everyone's mind:
"You have no idea what kind of benevolent being you are targeting. If it wasn't for Him, few people would have survived the tsunami that hit the world.

"If it wasn't for His kindness, I would have died long ago, and I would never be able to return to land, but would be trapped in the sea forever.
"However, you used my son's bloodline to get close to him, backstab him, deprive him of his divinity, and lead his downfall.
"Because of your false lies, you killed my children and took away everything from me, my descendants, and my faith.
"You are the traitors, the real sinners who deserve death!"

While he was speaking, his hands rested on the ground, his body muscles continued to swell, tearing through the original clothes, and a layer of gravel-like growths ooze from the surface of his body. The luster reflected by these growths is like sunset.

The others were not idle when he transformed, they kept attacking with weapons, trying to stop him. Unfortunately, bullets and bombs could leave some holes in his body at first, but as he transformed, ordinary thermal weapons were no longer effective.

(End of this chapter)

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