Campfire Shelter.

Chapter 214 Even if it is a god, I will kill you!

Chapter 214 Even if it is a god, I will kill you!
"Are you fucking stupid? If it wasn't for these ancient gods, how could there be such a tsunami? If He is really kind, then what happened to those murlocs? Don't tell me you don't fucking know how these things come from !"

The man wearing the golden mask cursed angrily, but Chen Guang, who was filled with resentment, couldn't listen to his words.

He supported the ground with one hand, raised the other hand, and propped up his position to attack the opponent.

But don't say that he is incomplete now, even in a complete state, his attack will not have much effect on a "Son of the Twilight" who is at least level 5.

The "Son of Twilight" is immortal, except for the "Old God", the only way for others to deal with it is to procrastinate until their sanity disappears, and they will return to the "Angel of Twilight" on their own initiative.

Its yellow-like condensed body couldn't spread out in this corridor at all, but it could fill the entire corridor, completely blocking everyone's escape route before attacking much.
Whether it is the reinforcements that came later, or those nanomachines, they will not be able to break through this layer of defense in a short time.

However, Ke Lin and the others have actually fallen into the encirclement circle of "Son of Twilight" and "Deep Sea Messenger".

At the same time, the entire metal corridor squirmed again, as if it was active again, and its squirming again showed that the nanomachines that had just penetrated into it had all been resolved.

At this time, it cooperates with the "Son of Twilight" stuffed in the corridor, and seems to want to push people forward.

Ke Lin squinted his eyes, and a picture popped up in his mind again: the "Deep Sea Messenger" who took back the harpoon swung his weapon and threw it at him again. The harpoon was attached to lightning, and everyone in the corridor was killed. Included in the strike range, there were casualties in an instant.

At this moment, the deputy director of the "Human Future Research Institute" rebelled, and the two members of "Dawn Light" fell to the ground. Qin Chuan and others were unable to stop them
"It seems that I have to do it, and my intuition tells me that it is impossible to escape now. I must make a decision as soon as possible. The worse it gets, the more likely it is that something will be resurrected."

Just as Ke Lin's thoughts were turning, the sound of thunder and lightning exploded at the end of the corridor. Immediately afterwards, Qin Chuan and others looked desperate to see the flickering harpoon pinched in the hand of the giant mermaid again and aimed at them.

Xia Liufang gritted her teeth, her temperament changed suddenly at this moment, she took a step forward, and pulled out a long knife from the air, trying to block the attack with her life.
But at this moment, a hazy ice-blue blurred figure blocked the front.

The figure raised its chin slightly, and seemed to be dismissive of everything. Facing the coming attack, it just casually stretched out a finger forward.

It was also at this moment that the giant murloc completed the throwing action, and the harpoon in his hand was wrapped in terrifying lightning and arrived in an instant.

Some even closed their eyes in despair, thinking that everything was over.
But just when the harpoon was about to hit everyone, the vague figure opened its mouth slightly——

Spicy stuffing!

In an instant, an invisible and terrifying repulsion erupted from Ke Lin's body, directly attached to the harpoon, and the two forces of impact and repulsion erupted on the harpoon, directly causing it to explode into countless fragments and fall to the ground.

This sudden scene made everyone stunned, and turned their gazes—who is this?
Under the blessing of watching one after another, Ke Lin's aura rose steadily, but he didn't give any response to the doubts of these people. He just looked at the debris on the ground and said with disdain:

"That's it?"

While speaking, the "Son of the Twilight" huddled behind him stretched out a big khaki hand. Colin didn't even know how to do it. With a wave of his hand, all the black metal fragments on the ground were immediately affected by the repulsive force and flew towards the "Son of the Twilight" , directly knocking it back temporarily.

In just a moment, the problem of front and back attack seems to be solved
Ke Lin didn't expect these metal fragments to kill the enemy. He glanced at the bewildered crowd and said directly, "All follow me."

After finishing speaking, he was about to go to the D-3 area, but a member of the "Human Future Institute" couldn't help but said: "But their purpose is to drive us there as sacrifices for the ceremony. Our best way to escape , maybe with your strength."

Before he could finish speaking, under the great oppression brought by Colin's gaze, his voice gradually stopped, he swallowed his throat, blinked his eyes, and did not continue speaking.

"Don't teach me how to do things."

Colin withdrew his gaze, turned and walked towards the D-3 area.

Behind him, everyone looked at each other in dismay, finally gritted their teeth, picked up the two "Light of Dawn" members who had fallen to the ground, and followed behind.

"Well, where's Colin?"

"do not know"

"Could it have been saved by this boss?"


There were whispers from Qin Chuan and others behind him, but Ke Lin ignored them. He looked at the "deep sea believer" blocking the door, and his pace became faster and faster step by step.

When he was less than 30 meters away from the "Deep Sea Messenger", Colin heard an angry neighing from the other party.

It seemed to be another language, and Colin couldn't understand it, but it didn't matter.

He pulled out "Revolver·Retrograde" from his pocket, and the flames started to burn from his body, and spread from his feet to the surroundings. In the corridor space, the terrifying temperature rose in an instant.

Seeing that the monster did not hide or dodge, the whole body was flickering with electric light, and the bloodshot eyes of the dead fish were agitated, and there was still no intention of retreating, Ke Lin gave a slight "√" at the corner of his mouth:
"Very well, your courage to challenge the strong is commendable, then the next step
"You can die in peace.

"Don't worry, if your god is resurrected, I will send him down soon.

"As long as it is a living thing, even if it is a god, I will kill it for you."


The "Deep Sea Messenger" was so angry that he uttered human language, his muscles agitated, and with a sizzle sound, a large number of tiny electric snakes emerged from his body, and then shot towards Colin like lightning arrows.

If each of these electric snakes hits an ordinary person, it is enough to kill him instantly
However, as soon as hundreds of electric snakes approached, they were directly swallowed by the flames that erupted with terrifying heat.

"How is this possible!" He widened his fish eyes.

"Nothing is impossible. It is your luck to see your own weakness from me."

Ke Lin's sincere and serious face, full of arrogance, caused the huge fish man in front of him to almost burst the blood vessels in his forehead, and then he activated his own power again, calling out a large amount of lightning, and grabbed it into his hand, condensing into a ball of lightning.

"Death to me!"

With a roar, it charged towards Colin with lightning on its body. The water vapor surged on its body to disperse the flames around Colin, and it swung its fist with lightning, and slammed it down on his head.

"I see how you block this time?!"

It roared and lowered its fist, but it didn't feel the touch of the opponent. It froze for a moment, then withdrew its hand, and found that the opponent disappeared from its eyes at some point.

But at this moment, a plain word suddenly sounded in its ear:



Before the words fell, a strong repulsive force suddenly erupted in its body.

The "Deep Sea Messenger" with a mermaid body and snake tail erupted instantly like fireworks, and countless shattered body tissues flew all over the sky, as if it had rained.

The people who watched behind Colin gasped.

(End of this chapter)

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