Campfire Shelter.

Chapter 12 The Campfire Company

Chapter 12 The Campfire Company
"Where did you get all these weird things?"

Ke Lin couldn't help complaining, he also wanted to see if there were any powerful items that he could buy, but unexpectedly, they were all unknown things.

And this one that sells fire-breathing crows.
This note quite means that there is no 300 taels of silver here.

However, after a brief browsing, Colin accidentally discovered something——

["Book of Numerology Remnants" price: 200 points. 】

【quantity: 1. 】

[Remarks: Use it to predict the fate you will experience next, so as to make adjustments to the future, but be careful! 】

[Do not use three cards in a row within 24 hours! ! !Otherwise, a "Dice of Probability" may be triggered. 】

[Although it may make your luck better in the next 24 days, it is more likely to make your luck extremely bad in the next day, and it may bring bad luck to the people around you, bad luck! 】

[And this probability, after testing, the probability of good luck may only be one percent]

["Dice of Probability": Those who try to change their fate will be fooled by fate. 】

"'Probability Casting'? Why didn't I see these notes before? Could it be that I read the castrated version?"

Colin raised his brows. Could it be that the sound of the dice he heard earlier was the "Dice of Probability"?
Why did he see the castrated version of the notes?
Did the company do it unintentionally, or on purpose?
He thought about it, and felt that there was a high probability that it was intentional, otherwise he would never gamble with his character
"This is a gamble with my life!"

Ke Lin was a little displeased. If he failed at that time, wouldn't he be killed on the spot?

If it dies, replace it with another one and continue to perform that task?

Ke Lin understood how the 90.00% and [-]% probabilities came about.

The only good news now is that he used it three times in a row. Although he failed the third time, he still triggered the "Dice of Probability" and cast "Lucky".

Immediately afterwards, the entire future direction changed.

"In the future, you must be careful when using this thing!"

Colin is a little scared, 90.00% of the probability of more than [-] is bad luck and the probability of less than [-]% is lucky.
He can afford to gamble once, but he can't afford to gamble every time.

But [Book of Numerology Remnants] should be bought or bought.

Be careful.

This thing is really easy to use.

After buying it, Ke Lin still had 1899 points left. After scanning the trading field for a while, he didn't see anything useful, so he opened the [Interaction Hall] that had been flashing before.

This should be the internal communication channel of the campfire company. There are forum posts and chat groups.
After opening it, Colin saw it at first sight, and it was the first post at the top.

[Notes on the use of campfire company employee permissions (applicable to FED-level permissions)]

Foreword: The following information is compiled and edited by the employee "Life Mentor Lovely". It is relatively accurate, but it is not guaranteed to be completely accurate.

1. On the parchment, do not disclose information that may reveal your geographic coordinates to anyone to avoid tragedies.

Supplementary Note: Some ghost employees will deceive or hunt other employees, maybe to get more parchment, or for other things, the reason is not sure, in short, be careful.

2. The authority of each level of company is not completely equal to the strength of the employees themselves. For example, a fully equipped F-level employee has a complete probability of killing a D-level employee by leapfrogging. There is a lower limit for the strength of employees at each level, so the probability of this situation is not high, and it is only mentioned as an example.

3. The task is done once a week, usually by a single person, and occasionally there will be a team, but no matter what, when there is a task that exceeds your own authority, please reject it decisively. This is one of the basic rights of employees, and the price is the next Moon doesn't have any missions, usually this kind of thing doesn't happen, but there are always exceptions.

Supplementary explanation: The difficulty and complexity of high-level tasks are at least three times higher than those of the same level. Doing something that deliberately throws you into a desperate situation and expects you to suddenly wake up is not in line with the company's sustainable exploitation, no, it is in the interests of sustainable development.

In addition, there are some special task types, such as "out of control copy", "advent project", "support task" and other tasks, all of which have the characteristics of high difficulty and high death rate.

What exactly happens is unclear because there are so few examples.

Once it appears, except for "out of control copy", others can be rejected.

4. There are clearly "intruders" in the campfire company. They are mainly distributed in the [Interaction Hall], and they will appear in anthropomorphic postures, trying to induce employees to inform them of their real location. Once informed, they will disappear immediately.

Supplementary note: Due to the lack of anthropomorphism, it is not difficult to distinguish them. First of all, their names are unified as "unnamed + six random numbers". Some people think that this is because they do not have the [character resume] function, so they cannot be replaced Names, and they usually end each statement with something like " in private."

5. At present, we can only see the information sent by the employees of the company with the three levels of authority of FED. Above this, we guess that we can only see it when we reach level C. However, after this level, we don’t know if there is a confidentiality agreement. There are still too few people. At present, we can only know that they exist through some props, but we have never seen or heard of their deeds.

After silently reading the information, Colin's expression became more and more strange—is this campfire company so dangerous?

"One and four express similar meanings, and they cannot reveal the real coordinates. It's just that the former is mostly a person, and the latter doesn't know what it is. Two and five seem to be nothing special, just normal science, mainly three"

When Ke Lin saw the word "Advent Project", he suddenly had a bad feeling.

If not mistaken.
Wouldn't his current mission be the "Arrival Project"?

Think back to previous experiences.
If it is not for a "big success", the death rate is indeed very high.

The former colleague who was sacrificed is an example.

"No one told me that the task could be refused!"

Colin looked at the countdown on the top of the parchment, his head ached, but in the end he could only sigh.

It's too late to say anything now.

Then, Ke Lin scrolled down, only to see some thank you messages left by other employees, such as "The post owner is safe and sound", "Thank the post owner", "Is the post owner making an appointment offline, I want to thank you in person" and so on. of.

Then, there was still a reward.

Ke Lin thought about it and tipped him a point.

[Thank you for your reward. The company's operations are completely transparent. After deducting the cost of procedures and other costs, 0.1 points will become the income of the owner of the post. 】


Colin was dumbfounded.

You are completely transparent, I am afraid that it is not only the income of the poster, right?
He opened his mouth, not knowing what to say, but silently sighed about the level of vampires in the company, then closed the post, and found a chat group to check in.

At this moment, there seemed to be a lot of people inside, and pieces of information kept scrolling on the paper.

(End of this chapter)

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