Campfire Shelter.

Chapter 13 Golden Equipment

Chapter 13 Golden Equipment
"Currency collector": 1 to 300 US dollars, collect points, honesty collect points, you can trade with other currencies according to the real-time exchange rate, you can charge as much as you have, don't question whether I have money anymore, and don't use your savings for several lifetimes The property that I can't reach is challenging my pocket money. In short, if you are interested in @我 or private chat, there is already a transaction record!

"Bai Shou is so cute": Don't believe it!Don't believe it!Don't believe it!Do as little as possible to do things that expose your specific coordinates within the company!I will send a sentence to these liars, and I will follow a sentence!
"Son of Sexual Abuse": E-level promotion trial - team trial project 'Ghost Train', please, please have a good support.
"Unnamed 114514": I can play support, but I think we should meet and discuss in private.
"Never Surrender": Help, I'm trapped on the negative [-]th floor of the event "Non-existent Hospital". Is there any boss who can save me when I do this task? I'm willing to pay for everything I have in the past three years With [-] points in my family to save my life, I knelt down to my brothers.
"The small building was windy again last night": Ask for advice!Why did I buy a welfare lottery ticket with the "Book of Fortune Telling Remnants", but I failed to buy the first prize twice in a row. The first time I thought it was a wrong purchase, but the second time it was the same, every time I put it aside , it's a shame.
"Unnamed 114514": A lottery ticket?I have a way to buy it, I suggest you contact me offline, and I will take you to buy it.
"莣孒嫒①勼勼⑦": Laughing, I did something upstairs that I've always wanted to try, but I was reluctant to do it. Sure enough, it's just as I thought, even a stone hammer can't buy this thing.

"Fishing Immortal": Hahaha, give up buying lottery tickets to make money!That is the truth that you can never touch!Also, can these @unnamed114514 robots die
"Brother Xun of Bard": Those who try to change their fate will be fooled by fate——'Dice of Probability'.

"Tsk, the atmosphere is more joyful than I thought."

Looking at these conversations, Colin felt like entering a mentally handicapped bar.

Of course, the mentally handicapped must be those "intruders". Their names are basically "unnamed + numbers", and they reply the fastest, but they only talk about meeting offline, and they seem not very smart.

It is true that everyone knows Sima Zhaozhi's heart.

The second is some popular science, chatting, buying and selling equipment, asking for help, and scolding
After thinking about it, Ke Lin felt that he could use the resources here a little bit.

For example, ask through forum posts what good equipment can be purchased.

So, he edited a title and posted directly: [With all due respect, all props within [-] points are rubbish, if you don't accept it, let's argue! 】

This thing is quite amazing, it can directly input text with consciousness.

Although no one responded right away, based on how active these people are, it shouldn't take long for someone to come over.

The most important thing in fishing is patience.

Ke Lin was not in a hurry, so he called and ordered a takeaway. He hasn't eaten lunch yet.

I ordered a fast food from Fujiang Roasted Pork Restaurant from Meituan, put down my phone, and saw that someone sent a message in the sheepskin roll chat room, and the whole chat room flickered.

"Unnamed 337546": Mengxin joined the 'Bonfire Company', and just got a [Self-healing Mark] from a mission. Effective for grades D- and below.
"Unnamed 114514": Is the poster planning to release it?I am very interested in this item. You can pay a large price to buy it. The price is negotiable, and the offline transaction is negotiable.
"Heavenly Dumplings": Blue name equipment?To be honest, it’s not very good, and it takes up space in the backpack. It is recommended to auction the designated transaction on 50 points to solve your worries
"Bai Shou is so cute": It's too late, why don't I have this kind of luck, seeing you guys produce equipment is more uncomfortable than killing me.

"Arsonist·Glutton": I'm so angry, I'm annoying you seals the most, I don't usually talk, and whenever there is something good, I jump out to dry it and dance again, okay, okay, I've received your joy.jgp , go to other places to dry it.
Ke Lin found it interesting, thought about it, and entered a paragraph of text in the input box.
"Mengxin just released a [Time·Stagnation], I feel that the effect is acceptable, but the ability is a bit weak, does anyone have any suggestions for using the scene?"

And just after Colin edited the content and sent it out, he saw that the entire chat room seemed to be stuck, and no one sent a message for a few seconds.

Immediately afterwards, a large amount of information burst forth!
"Unnamed 114514": Golden equipment? !I have a friend who is very interested in this item and can really pay a lot of money to buy it. The price is easy to talk about, and we can talk about it offline
"莣孒嫒①勼勼⑦": Wori, 6, since I joined the company five years ago, I have heard of gold, but I have never seen it.

"Bai Tiao is so cute": Before this, it seemed that the best prop was purple, never heard of gold, wait, I asked my master to deduct 6 @生活途该喜多.
"Anonymous 1997": Well, to be precise, I heard that there was a better orange prop than purple before, and it was a sensation, but the golden legend is even more important than this!
"Life mentor is so cute": Came from the chat room next door, where are the golden props?Let me see, let me see, who is pretending, shit, it's so dazzling
"Anonymous": @unnamed123456, for Shunzi, please suck your luck
"Anonymous": Generally, just like that, licking lemons.jpg.

"Master of the Fish Pond": @unnamed 123456, can Brother Shunzi sell it?I am a real person, I really want to buy your props, here is my resume [D-level authority certificate], [-] points + [-] million US dollars, as long as you want, money, gold, large company shares, fixed assets, as long as you willing!Any transaction method is fine, and it will be sent to your account immediately!

"Fighting the wind and pissing three feet": @沙塘之主, rich brother V me 50 to verify the strength.

"Life mentor is so cute": Dude, I have to remind you that although there is a high probability that this person is a real person, I still don't recommend any private transactions, and don't trade casually. People who can spend [-] million US dollars in spare money at will will trick you It's a very easy thing. In addition, @粤池之主, how can you be sure that this golden prop is a real person?What if it's a new type of scam from 'Intruder'.
"Sea God Mingyue": Why don't you play Infernal Affairs here, the 'intruder' has such a brain, I'll eat the cesspool in my backyard on the spot, and I just saw Brother Shunzi's employment notice
"Anonymous": Entry notice?What do you mean, I don't understand, why can you be sure that he is not an intruder with this item?
Immediately, someone explained it to him.

At present, one of the ways to distinguish whether a person is a real person is through the entry notice.

For each new employee, there will be an "entry notice".

The mental retardation of the "intruder" seems to have popped up out of nowhere, and there will be no prompts for the "job notice".

(End of this chapter)

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