Campfire Shelter.

Chapter 15 Revolver Retrograde

Chapter 15 Revolver Retrograde

【Revolver Retrograde】

[Quality: Rare. 】

[Status: Can't bear to look directly at it (completeness 11%). 】

[Energy level: none. 】

[Effect: Very low recoil, compatible with all kinds of conventional pistol and rifle bullets, you can attach some skill effects to the bullets, and attack with special effects. 】

[Exclusive feature "Draw the knife and chop (American style)": Complete a series of actions from drawing the gun to shooting within 0.2 seconds. 】

【——300 points are required to activate this skill. 】

[Exclusive feature "Adaptive Aiming": With it, even a three-year-old child can easily blow the head of an enemy who is living a good life at a distance of 80 meters. 】

【——300 points are required to activate this skill. 】

[Remarks: Ninety-nine out of ten girls use it for themselves]

[Next repair: 3346 points + a gold clearance certificate (repair can open more functions). 】

"My day, rare?"

Ke Lin looked at the revolver in his hand and muttered to himself, for a moment, he was half happy and half worried.
Opening the box and getting a piece of orange equipment whose quality is second only to gold is of course a happy event, and it is still a great happy event.

What's worrying is that he's really worried about what kind of gift of fate, as that one said, and the price is marked in secret.

After all, this is the first time he has successfully completed the task, even if 90.00% of it is up to him, the [-]% of the "Dice of Probability" still cannot be ignored.

So I don't know if there will be any price to pay after this effect disappears.

"'Probability Casting' is really ruthless. This day is simply not going well. Unfortunately, there is only one box, and the luck given is only 24 hours."

Colin suppressed his emotions and let out a sigh.

If only I could be this lucky every day
Ke Lin suddenly thought, can he continue to use the [Book of Fortune-telling Remnants] card to get lucky before the effect of his luck disappears?
If you can
Wouldn't it be possible to have unlimited refills?
After thinking about it, Colin opened the parchment and sent a question - "I have a friend, he."

After the question was sent out, there were some answers quickly - no.

"The luck of 'Probability Casting' is not unheard of. Sometimes accidents occur during missions, and when cornered, some people will do this. Although most of them end up in a more desperate end, there are exceptions. Among these exceptions, some people tried to 'refill', and the brain exploded in an instant, and the reason is unknown."

An employee privately told Colin something little known.

"Is the news reliable?" Colin replied.

"I can only tell you that this thing is what we put up for sale. If you can ask this question, it is probably because you voted for 'lucky'. Don't deceive me on this point. I know this thing very well. Let me give you an example. : I haven’t been in the interactive hall for a long time, and when I came up, I saw and responded to your post as soon as you posted it, which means that you are lucky, and it can prove that you voted for ‘lucky’.”

"As for the refill, in short, it's up to you to believe it or not, I can only tell you, don't try it, no matter how lucky you are, you can't beat the dead."

Seeing this answer, Ke Lin gave up the idea of ​​"refilling the cup", paused, and added the reply: "It's not me, it's a friend of mine."

no answer.

"Oh, it seems a pity. If you count the other world, there should be seven or eight hours of effect. I will go out and buy some instant scratch pads to replenish the pocket thickness."

Colin sighed, and then sorted out his current equipment——

"Time: Stasis", "Revolver Retrograde", "Decrypted Lens", "Ring of Flame Dominion", "Book of Numerology: Fragments"*1
Four pieces of equipment plus one disposable item.

"This, this, plus this should be able to deal with that monster?"

Ke Lin looked at the five props on the table and gained some confidence, but not so much confidence.
"The Book of Numerology" mentions that he thinks he's well-winged enough to deal with the enemy. But still that sentence.

I don't know, this is full-fledged, has the gold card and the purchased props been counted.

The only thing that is certain is that the "Orange Equipment" must be counted, because this thing can be obtained as long as you go to the lobby
"Forget it, there's no rush, we'll talk about it when the time comes, anyway, this 'book of fortunetelling' must be used."

Colin put the things into the storage room one by one, and then, when he was packing the "Retrograde", he suddenly thought of one thing, what to do with the bullets?
Colin blinked, is it too late to go abroad to buy bullets now?

doesn't seem to work
By the way, take a look at the auction house.

Ke Lin opened the auction house to have a look, and was lucky to find that there were indeed bullets for sale, even the cheapest bullets cost three points a piece.

Taking the ratio of the mall to exchange, it is nearly 500 yuan a piece.
Exchanged with the offline ratio in the interactive hall, it is the price at which Ke Lin's heart is bleeding.

The only thing that can comfort Colin is that it seems to have special effects attached.

[Silver attached bullet: The damage caused to evil spirits and filthy creatures is 150% of that of ordinary bullets. 】

"150 percent. Wouldn't it be enough to shoot two shots?"

Colin complained a bit, and finally bought 62 bullets, and the deposit was reduced from 23 points to [-] points
"This should be the first time I've grown up to be able to spend so much money, right?"

It’s not too bad for Ke Lin. After doing the math, he realized that if he converted the points into money, he would have spent at least 30 in just a few hours.

But at this moment.
A message suddenly appeared on the parchment: You have a new quest "Call from afar" which has been included in the [task column]. Please decide whether to accept it within an hour.

"Oh, by the way, I almost forgot, there is still a task bar that I didn't see."

Colin clicked on the task bar.

There are currently three tasks in it.
The first one is "Expel all intruders" at the top, and the content is also very simple, which is to request that the robots in the [Interaction Hall] be cleared.

Of course, this task is definitely impossible.

The second is the "Unknown Land", which is the mission to come after seven days.

The third is the task just received——

【"Calling from afar"】

[Description: The mysterious disappearance of some fringe groups has attracted the attention of the company. After investigation, a force is infiltrating into reality, taking people to unknown places through means that ordinary people cannot detect. 】

[Requirement: At twelve noon on Wednesday after accepting the mission, in a deep sleep, follow the call, go as a dispatcher, find and complete the containment work of the source behind the scenes. 】

【Suitable employee grade: F grade and above. 】

[Remarks: When entering, you need to suppress the memory to prevent the other party from escaping, and please try not to expose yourself until you determine the source behind the scenes. 】

[Accept this task? 】

"F rank and above, then I'm still suitable, but it's a pity that the time is the day after tomorrow, otherwise, while the lucky effect is still there, everything will probably go smoothly. No."

Ke Lin leaned on the wheelchair, tilted his head and thought for a while, this is the task he received in a lucky state, especially.
He just felt short of money, and then the task came.

So the task itself should be fine.

So he accepted without much hesitation.

(End of this chapter)

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