Campfire Shelter.

Chapter 16 Preparing for the Mission

Chapter 16 Preparing for the Mission

"Today is Monday, and the day after tomorrow is the task event. You can start preparing now. The [-]-liter 'storage room' can hold a lot of things. Well, by the way, you can get some gasoline or something, and use it with the 'flame control' Ring' for use."

Ke Lin thought about it for a while. The effect of the "Ring of Flame Domination" is to control the movement of flames within a range of 15 meters. The more flames you control, the stronger the burning pain will be.

But before that, he needed something that could create a continuous source of fire that was difficult to extinguish.

Moreover, these things have to be easy to find in reality.

After thinking about it, it seems that I heard that there is a formula for gasoline and white sugar?

"Du Niang's answer is too simple, let's see what insights my colleagues have."

After Ke Lin posted the post, he went to the chat room to ask again.

It did get some replies.
Gasoline, sulfur, alcohol and stuff like red phosphorus and chemical names Colin can't understand
It's just that Colin has a feeling that he understands, but doesn't know what to do.

Knowledge is relatively fragmented and partial to theory.
In actual operation, he didn't know what the situation was, and he didn't know where to get a lot of things.

The key is that he has to use it the day after tomorrow!

At this time, Ke Lin saw a person named "Arsonist-Glutton" @自己——

"One hundred points, I can sell you a special 'Secret Blending Oil' formula that I made, which can be used with the 'Ring of Flame Domination'. I will guide you throughout the process to ensure the effect and the finished product."

After the man finished speaking, before Colin could reply, someone jumped out and taunted: "Is this still worth buying? Just a barrel of gasoline and high-purity alcohol will solve the problem. Just charge [-] points, which is almost three points for a mission." One or even half of it, it is recommended to grab it.”

Under him, many people joined in.

"Laughing, one or two have said so much, how many of them can output a complete set of theories? It's either Du Niang or I don't know where to find the fragments, and what white sugar gasoline is also called a formula? It's not as good as pure Gasoline, it’s already outdated! Besides, you already know what a recipe is for? You’ll be miserable if you don’t know the exact ratio! Also, do you know where to collect the materials so they won’t be discovered? Do you know where the raw materials are extracted from? Do you pay attention to details? Do you know what props to buy in reality to refine and purify? Do you know how to find mistakes if the effect is not up to standard? Do you know how to adjust the raw materials to achieve the effect you want? Do you know what is the scene when you use it? Did you pay attention? Do you know how to ignite and extinguish fire safely? I also bought the 'Ring of the Flame Ruler' and used it for a while. I can make you feel that the effect can be paid after you use it."

Good guy, you have a lot of words, try to mix with you.
Although Ke Lin couldn't understand it, he felt that it was very powerful. He supported the payment of knowledge, provided that it was worth the payment. Seeing how convincing this guy is.

He decided to turn around and try for the other party.

Of course, paying for it later is a negligible little plus.

As for the other party saying that he was the previous owner of the "Ring of the Flame Dominator", Colin was not too surprised - because this thing is like a bus, and many people have used it.

The ultra-low price makes many people with little money do not believe in evil
Colin casually wanders around the forums and sees nine people who have used it.

"Speaking of which, the weekly task rewards are so low, it's actually only two or three hundred or even one or two hundred points."

Colin looked again at the conversation between these people's disputes.

Once the "Arrival Mission" is completed, there will be more than 2000 points, which is nearly ten times that of them.
The fly in the ointment is that it is a little bit easy to lose your life.

Not too entangled in this, Ke Lin established a private chat with the colleague referred to as "Glutton", and initiated an interaction.

I have to say, perhaps for the sake of money, the service of the "Glutton" brother is very nourishing, which makes Ke Lin feel the meticulousness and delicacy.

It also let him know that in the eyes of some people, all the things in this world, such as beans, fruits, bones, eggs, various oils, medicines, fertilizers, shower gels and other common daily items, are not combustible or explosive. , is the combustible and explosive part.

In the words of my brother, everything in this world is art, and art is explosive.

Of course, the premise of achieving all this is after some processing.

Under professional guidance, Ke Lin got the "secret blended oil" he wanted that night.

It is golden in color and slightly viscous. The advantage is that it is as big as the bottle cap. Once it is ignited, it is useless even if it is pressed out at the first time. As long as it is exposed to the air later, it will continue to burn.

And if this point is not handled well, it can burn half the body of a person.
At the same time, it is green and environmentally friendly, with less oil fume, and does not contain too many highly toxic substances after burning.

As for burning and wanting to destroy it, it is not a big problem to have the "ring of flame ruler", unless the opponent also has similar means, so the enemy may use fire to fight back.

But my brother also gave me a formula of "neutralizer", put it in a glass bottle, throw it at the source of the flame, and it can quickly neutralize the unburned part, abolishing the "secret blending oil" Effect.

So as to prevent things from being used by the enemy.

It is a necessary blending oil for home travel, and the wives say it is good to use it.

"I'm touched, this kind of talent must be very comfortable in prison, right?"

Colin couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

If he was lucky, the remaining time would be enough for him to make at least ten liters of blended oil.

This thing is quite easy to make if you are proficient, have the raw materials and the preparation is smooth.

Time is fast, eleven o'clock in the morning on Wednesday.

Colin counted the things he had prepared, and then he lay down on the bed with his eyes closed according to the requirements of the mission "Call from afar".

It didn't take long for him to clearly realize that the memories related to "Bonfire Company" in his mind were fading rapidly, like a scallop lying in the sand, and he could only find it when needed.

A new memory filled this vacancy—in this memory fragment, he was also diagnosed with ALS, and he also went through a year of exhausting and exhausting treatments with no effect, at the same young age. have their own wheelchair
The only difference is that this time, he did not receive an invitation letter from Campfire Company.

This time, after emptying out all his savings and making no progress, he could only go home silently in a waking state, watching his illness develop rapidly, his body atrophied, paralyzed, and incontinent until he didn't know when he could recover. Usher in relief in respiratory or heart failure.
The whole process was hopeless and powerless.

But at this last moment, perhaps because there is no end to the road, one night, he suddenly heard in his dream that something was calling him.
"Great. Braves"

"Save us."

".begging your gaze to be able"

"Catastrophe falls. Save us"

"A brave man from the god-given land."

The long and distant call, repeated over and over again from a distant place that cannot be peeped
Some inexplicable premonition told him.

Once he responds, he may go to a different space, never return, and be completely cut off from reality.

Those who were friends, family, relatives and all, will be a thing of the past.

There is nothing left to miss.

In his drowsy sleep, Colin responded to the call from nowhere, and became the brave man in the mouths of those who prayed.

he thinks
To be born again, to shed the meager flesh and blood of reality.

(End of this chapter)

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