Campfire Shelter.

Chapter 17 The Great Brave

Chapter 17 The Great Brave
"Eight great brave men, I pray for your arrival, and implore you to save this era that is about to come to an end."

"May this rotten world be able to get your attention"

"Fearless and noble warriors, please listen to our humble prayer, at this moment, come!"

There were pious calls again and again.

Colin was woken up.

When he opened his eyes, he was taken aback for a moment, and saw a group of sallow, skinny and ragged villagers bowing down to him not far away.

And behind them, there is an ancient town that is different from the modern one, and there is a conspicuous white church in the town.

The place farther away is shrouded in haze, unable to be seen clearly.

who am I?
where am I?
what am i doing?
Ke Lin couldn't help asking three philosophical questions in his heart, and then recalled that he seemed to hear some voice calling to him when he was sleeping.

Then the consciousness sinks
When he opened his eyes again, he seemed to be here.

Although there are still many key things that he seems to forget for a while, but looking at the strange world in front of him, he vaguely has an outrageous guess in his heart——

Crossed over again!

Well, why "again"?
"Welcome to this dangerous world, eight honorable warriors." Among the villagers, an old priest standing in the front, wearing a red robe, a crown, and holding a golden staff, looked He looked at himself frantically.

No, to be more precise, it is looking at a group of people.

After hearing his words, Colin looked back and realized that he was standing on an altar in a square of nearly [-] square meters.

He stood at the forefront, and there were eight people behind him.

"In these days, do you still bring a group of people through time travel?"

Colin looked curiously at the other people standing on the altar like himself.

Most of the dozens of "braves" who have traveled so far, like myself, have a somewhat confused expression, and at the same time, they also look full of vigilance and defense.

"What's going on?" A young man in a black wool coat standing a few meters away from Ke Lin asked.

His whole body was wrapped tightly, so that his figure looked a little fat.

"Great and benevolent brave men, I am a bishop of the 'Light Cult'. Our world is suffering from hunger, monsters, and black mist. For this reason, we have to accept an ancient sacred art, Pray to you who God has given the earth to."

"Praying for mercy, you have heard the plea, come to our land, use your wisdom beyond ordinary people, and unyielding determination, start from this small town, save this endangered world, and bring about the miracle of salvation."

"As long as you can save this endangered world, then we will be willing to offer everything we can as a gift, everyone will be grateful for your deeds, and everyone will know your greatness and immortality"

While praising the arrival of the brave, the red-robed holy light piously told Colin and others the basic situation of the world.

After listening to it for more than ten minutes, Ke Lin had a slightly weird expression on his face, because simply speaking, the world is in dire straits, and there have been prophecies about the end of the world since ancient times. Sure enough, in the past 1000 years, various disasters have broken out, and the human world is at stake. outside the town.
Not far away, there are noble princesses of the kingdom, pure saints of the church, poor noble mothers and daughters, helpless sisters in the village, etc. A lot of people are waiting for them to distribute, oh no, it is salvation.

Following the ancient prophecy, they summoned eight brave men to come here, and they will save this calamity world in danger as prophesied.

Of course, what the old man said was not so straightforward, but Colin heard that clearly and secretly.

It is not clear whether they can save the world, but this old man seems to understand "braves", knowing that all kinds of beautiful girls are the motivation for ordinary people to save the world.

And the old man's Mandarin is quite standard?

Wait for Mandarin?

How can these people speak Mandarin?

Colin suddenly felt that it was inconsistent, and found that something seemed a little bit wrong.

At the very least, these people should speak another language.

Strange, I don't seem to have any contact with these people, why would I assume they can speak another language?Colin frowned.

On the other side, ten minutes after the old man finished speaking, a blond girl in a white teaching uniform suddenly squeezed out from the crowd.

The moment she appeared, Colin clearly heard the sound of eight people breathing in at the same time behind her.

Because, the girl who suddenly appeared in front of me is really pretty.
She is petite, with a slender neck and fair-skinned body. She is dressed in plain white church attire. Against the poor looks of the villagers, she is like a lotus flower that emerges from the mud without being stained. She has a natural beauty without modification, holy, dignified, Eye-catching.

Because of her appearance, there is a layer of elegant but refreshing light floral fragrance in the air.
It can be seen that the brave men are full of energy and blood.

At this time, the girl's eyes were red and swollen, and she looked at them pitifully, and opened her small red lips: "Great brave men, I beg you to save this world, protect these kind and innocent villagers, and defeat the enemies from the cracks in the ground." the monster"

"Yes, please save us, brave men." A group of villagers knelt down and begged, and outside the altar in the square, Wu Yaya knelt down a large area.

A "brave man" looked past the villagers and didn't even look at them. Instead, he stared at the beautiful girl and issued a declaration: "Don't worry! We will save this world!"

"This friend is right. As a brave man, he should eliminate the strong and support the weak, and suppress all enemies!"

"I will spread my knowledge across this land, and let those so-called monsters see what is called a torrent of steel!"

"By the way, my name is Lu Sheng, may I ask your name?"

"Yes. Honorable Mr. Brave, my name is Elisa Kent. I am a nun of the 'Guangjiao'. You can call me Elisa."

Most of the other traversers behind Ke Lin spoke up, and consciously assumed the identity of the "brave", ready to become the savior to save the world.

At the same time, smelling the fragrance, Ke Lin's originally calm state of mind began to show an inexplicable restlessness——

This feeling is an inexplicable extra strong self-confidence.

The heart seems to be expanding.

It seems that he has really become the savior after being flattered for a few words.

I want to make promises like those behind me, and I want to do one thing after another that is almost impossible to accomplish.
But at this moment, a slight tyranny surged in Ke Lin's heart. Immediately afterwards, his pupils shrank slightly, and the world in front of him changed drastically.

(End of this chapter)

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