Campfire Shelter.

Chapter 18 Who Came Uninvited?

Chapter 18 Who Came Uninvited?

There are no more good and innocent villagers, no more nuns and priests
The seemingly ordinary villagers, except for the clothes, all the skin on their bodies had long since rotted, and their limbs were incomplete. They stared at them with pale eyes, and imitated the living people and murmured inaudible obscene language.

As for the unusually beautiful little nun, in Colin's eyes, she also turned into a living corpse in pure white clothes, with a rotten face and pus, and skin swelling like a pale corpse soaked in blisters. There was no so-called holiness or beauty at all. .

The red-robed priest standing next to her is also a highly decomposed living corpse
At the same time, the surrounding buildings seem to have revealed their original appearance. They have been abandoned for an unknown period of time, messy and dilapidated, and the walls are covered with moldy spots and mosses that emit green light.

The pleasant fragrance in the air changed to a strong, rotten stench that was sickening.

Colin froze, but before he could think about it, the scene in front of him changed again.

Splendid churches, holy maidens, majestic red-robed priests, pleading for salvation of sallow and emaciated villagers, and the charming fragrance in the air.
Everything seems to be back to "as it was", and what I saw just now seems to be just an illusion.

The few "brave men" around were still losing themselves in the villagers' voices, and kept making promises. Ke Lin was out of tune with them, and felt a little noisy.

However, due to Tuo Gang's sudden accident, Colin finally remembered his true identity and mission.

"Bonfire camp special item storage company."

Ke Lin muttered in his heart, and immediately, he established a connection with the company in his mind.

But before he could think about it, his scalp suddenly felt cold, and he found that "beautiful girl" was looking at him - he suddenly realized that compared to other people, he was the one who was wrong.

"No one knows better than me how to make the world great again!"

Colin spread out his palms and made a gesture of playing the organ, blending into the group of eight people behind him, and the girl looked away.

"Dear eight warriors, please follow me to the treasure room of the church. I will offer you precious weapons. Uh?! How come there are nine people?"

The red-robed priest sensed something was wrong.

"Nine brave men? How come, one, two, three nine, really nine brave men!"

The girl in plain white school clothes stretched out her hands and counted delicately, then opened her beautiful eyes and exclaimed, "Aren't there only eight brave men?"

Who is it, uninvited?
Colin didn't speak, and looked at each other in blank dismay with the others, as if they were equally confused.

A "brave" who was thin, wearing a shirt, and messy hair asked curiously: "It might be an accident, wouldn't it be better if there were more people?"

"This..." the girl shook her head, "but the prophecy says there are only eight people."

"It doesn't matter, praise the great Creator, this must be His arrangement." The majestic old man in the red robe suddenly cut off the conversation.

"It is inevitable that we cannot understand the knowledge left by the great creator. Since it is the nine brave men, it obviously has a deep meaning."

As he said that, the bishop of the "Guangjiao" in the red robe turned around, and the villagers behind him immediately gave way, "Come on, I will offer you weapons to defeat the enemy. With them, you can save those who have fallen into darkness." people in."

With such powerful weapons, why do you guys unconsciously slap Colin and complain from the bottom of your heart, glance at each other, and then follow behind him.

The nine people walked in a group, flanked by devoutly worshiping villagers. Led by the young girl and the old man, they left the altar and walked towards the white church in the small town.

"The shape of this church seems a little familiar. Wait, isn't this the kind of church where former colleagues were sacrificed? But it seems to be several times bigger. Well, this town seems to be bigger than that few."

Colin noticed the imprint of the sun on the white church, a circle surrounded by straight lines of varying lengths.

Added to this are gray clouds that seem to be constantly moving above the sky
In addition, there is a familiar "tyrannical" atmosphere in his heart.

Ke Lin had a smile on his face, but he wanted to scold his mother in his heart. He can confirm that this is a "advent type" mission!

And the place of arrival is still a familiar place.

The key is that this time he came to this world as his body!
"Dice of Probability" misunderstood me!
He cursed secretly, and then skillfully recalled the task-related information in his mind.
[Event: "Call from afar". 】

[Description: The mysterious disappearance of some fringe groups has attracted the attention of the company. After investigation, unknown forces are infiltrating into reality, and through means that ordinary people cannot discover, they are taking people to a world outside this land. 】

[Requirements: Temporarily suppress the memory, obey the call, find the main body and kill it, and complete the containment of the corpse of the mastermind behind the scenes. 】

[Remaining time: 14:33:33. 】

【Remarks: Try to save the victim as much as possible, which will help you get a higher mission evaluation. When necessary, you can actively activate the power of "lycanthropy" to break the illusion and face the enemy. 】

[Finally, Bonfire Company (full name: Campfire Camp Special Item Storage Company) wishes you all the best for this event! 】

Why do people here fool ordinary people from the earth to come here?Is it really because of the so-called prophecy of the brave?The expression on Ke Lin's face remained the same, his eyes poked and surveyed the surroundings secretly, and he was going to observe first before speaking.

The mission requirement is to contain the body of the mastermind behind the scenes.

These are mostly just its puppets.

He needs to gather more information.

In short
Be careful and never go out of style.


Colin felt a touch on his shoulder, and he turned his head. It was the fat young man with messy hair.

"What's the matter?" Colin asked.

"Uh, I just wanted to ask, you've been looking at Sister Elisa. You don't like her, do you?" He asked with a blushing face.

"No." Colin shook his head decisively, "I'm not interested in women."

Especially rotten girls.
"That's good, if that's the case, then I'm going to pursue her."

Hot buddy, you are a real bully, Colin's mind was full of the girl's highly rotten and pus-filled face, and he expressed his admiration for this brave man who wanted to be a warrior of the undead.

"Yes, yes, my name is Liu Dun. I feel that the reality is meaningless. There are fun people, diodes, and other people who have forgotten their way recently. They are either color pictures or Jianzheng, so I conform to the aborigines. I came here because of your prayers, I want to build an utopia here, a utopia without strife, no hunger, you can be called like me, and I think you are also a person with the same level of skills as me, what is your name?"

There was a hint of arrogance on Liu Dun's face, and when he talked about the locals, he felt a sense of superiority.

In the introduction just now, he already knew that this was an ancient and backward barbarian world with magic, waiting for them to conquer.

And under the influence of some factors, he also believed that he could solve everything.

(End of this chapter)

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