Campfire Shelter.

Chapter 217 Strike Out!

Chapter 217 Strike Out!

"It's just such a piece of rotten meat, it was actually resurrected"

Colin glanced past the red eyes on the ancient god's chest, and soon realized that these should not be his original body organs.

If nothing else, it should be the real purpose of the followers of "Red Moon".

"Are these murlocs really stupid or fake? How could they believe the words of the followers of 'Red Moon'?"

Ke Lin complained silently. Unlike the group of murlocs who went to the doctor in a hurry, he didn't think the "Red Moon" believers would sacrifice themselves to help a group of aliens for no reason.

Right now, this should be the result the other party wants to achieve.
At this moment, flames danced all over his body, shielding him from the power emanating from the reborn ancient god. Even if he used the "false powerhouse", he acted wisely and did not rush forward.

At least in a short period of time, he reckoned that he wouldn't be able to rush forward to deliver.
Then he discovered that what is embarrassing now is that he may not be able to fight well, and he may not be able to run away either.

"No, the ancient god is strong now, but he doesn't seem to have that kind of divinity, like 'hunger' and even 'tyranny' have shown some similar aura, this guy doesn't have it at all, it's just because he is strong."

Ke Lin suddenly remembered that he seemed to have heard before that this "ancient god" seemed to be deprived of his divinity by his "future self".

That divinity did not return because of His return.

To put it bluntly, He seems to be just a "show guy" at the moment.
The difference between creatures with "Divinity" blessing and creatures without "Divinity" blessing is not 01:30 points. The former seems to always use power beyond common sense to attack and suppress everything, while the latter is stronger biology.

Although I don't know how that guy managed to strip his divinity, but after confirming that this guy has no divinity.

Colin decided to strike hard!

While the monster was chewing and savoring his family members, he threw out his right arm, his eyes, arm and gun were in a line, aiming at the scarlet eyes on the chest of the behemoth.

"So what about gods? It's just some slightly stronger creatures, I'll kill them!"

The corners of Qin Chuan and the others in the back couldn't stop their eyes from twitching when they heard the words - how dare you say it!
Before they could think about it, Colin pulled the trigger.

Bang bang bang!
In the flickering flames, three bullets with trailing flames like comets joined together and shot towards the eyeball on the chest.

However, in the past, apart from the bullets that were guaranteed to be hit by scraping, this time when it flew into the air, the flame disappeared first, and then when it approached the faintly red eyeball, the bullet actually grew eyes and a mouth.

Then Colin's eyelids twitched and he saw the bullets shooting towards him with a faster speed and a red light.

And a picture flashed in his mind - after he was hit by these three contaminated bullets, his whole body "exploded" instantly, all organs became independent, and he sent out unexplained praise, flying towards the blood-red eyes.


Colin dodged to avoid the bullet attack, but the murlocs beside him were not so lucky.

Several murlocs were hit by bullets, and their entire bodies disintegrated immediately, turning into countless scattered flesh and blood. They uttered noisy whispers like praise, and flew towards Colin.

But before they approached, Colin stretched out his hand and grabbed them from the air. A large number of flames surged up, and the flesh and blood were swallowed up, obliterating all their activity.

It was also at this time that Colin noticed that the flames manipulated by the power of "Revolver Retrograde" seemed to have a strong erasing effect on the activity of such things.
And those flames that are not controlled by oneself are not so strong to suppress them.

At this time, without waiting for Colin to think, a pair of big hands suddenly stretched out from the metal bottom of the ground, trying to hug him.

Colin already had a premonition, and stepped back to avoid the attack.

"Damn, this Hongyue's ability is really troublesome. I always feel that even the air might be activated at any time, just slap me, or explode in my body."

Ke Lin muttered something in his heart, and smashed the thing with a fist wrapped in flames, directly shaking off the strange activity on it.

Then he aimed at the sea creature again, trying to attack the deep-sea monster itself.

It's a pity that even if the opponent has no divinity, his ancient god's body is still tyrannical, and countless lightning flashes, directly melting the bullets in mid-air, making it impossible to hit the opponent.


Thick and terrifying electric lights erupted from the surface of the huge deep-sea monster tens of meters away, attacking and killing Colin. He was about to use the gold card to deal with it, but found that all the electric lights disappeared in half.

And at the same time, this deep-sea terror was trembling in place, with countless tentacles surrounding itself, making a sound of extreme pain, as if it was fighting against something.

"This is, he himself seems to be fighting against the parasite? No wonder, I said why he has been staying where he is."

Ke Lin realized for a moment, who wants to be parasitic and used by other things?

However, even with the opponent's instinctive "help", Ke Lin still had difficulty breaking through the defense. He didn't dare to get too close, because once he was locked on too close, he couldn't avoid it, even with "time stop".

Ke Lin remembered that although the red light could be affected by "time stagnation", the effect was limited, and the probability of overturning was not small.

"No, it won't hurt it at all now."

Ke Lin frowned, but he didn't wait to think too much. He wrapped himself in flames and quickly dodged to the side. At almost the same moment, dozens of tentacles wrapped around lightning stabbed at the position he was just now.

The thickened metal floor is like butter cut by a hot knife, and a big hole is easily broken.

Looking at the big crater crushed by tentacles in an instant, he was secretly startled.

Then, narrowly dodging a few attacks, Ke Lin felt more and more pressured. At first, when he faced the opponent, he felt that he was just dealing with a "baby" who had no strength.

But as time went by, the monster in front of him both increased in attack accuracy and strength.

What this represents is that it is being replaced by the "Red Moon" a little bit.

Once it is completely replaced, the terrifying figure in front of him will not stand still as it is now, allowing him to output.
What's even worse for Colin is that as the surviving murlocs were killed from time to time, the effective approval of the "audience" decreased, and Colin felt that his strength began to decline.

In the eyes of these murlocs who have changed their life forms, Colin who can deal with the "great will" is naturally extremely strong, which can be regarded as an "effective recognition".

For this reason, he even had to take action, saving some murlocs who were kneeling on the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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