Campfire Shelter.

Chapter 218 The recovery of "Red Moon"!

Chapter 218 The recovery of "Red Moon"!

"Is he out of his mind?"

This bewildering action made Qin Chuan and the others look confused, because Ke Lin asked them to save those alien races as much as possible.

"It's simply incomprehensible." Everyone had the same thought at the same time.

But even if those alien races are kept and more "effective recognition" is kept, the situation is still declining uncontrollably.

As the light from the red eyes became scarlet, Colin could even see that some murlocs were just glanced at by him, and then collapsed into living minced flesh running around.

However, just as the situation was deteriorating, there was a sudden vibration outside the hall of D-3 area. Immediately afterwards, a large amount of silvery liquid-like "nanomachines" melted the dome, and then, several positions on the top ceiling An explosion occurred, and multiple long black metal pillars more than ten meters long pierced into the field.

Seeing these things, 331 wearing a golden mask was a little excited: "It's a 'Level 7 Abnormal Stability Device', six!"

This is the big killer among the big killers in their foundation!
They have always wanted to get the exact coordinates before, in order to create conditions for the use of this thing.

And as they exclaimed, a large number of breathing-like light spots flickered on the long metal pillar, and then an invisible but powerful position was immediately imposed on the reborn ancient god.

Almost in an instant, its 15-meter-high huge body seemed to bear something dozens or even hundreds of times its own gravity, and fell directly to the ground.

The ancient god of the deep sea uttered a loud roar, and the terrifying thunder and lightning erupted on the surface of his body, but before the lightning extended far, it was melted by the ripples from the "Level 7 Abnormal Stabilization Device".

Seizing this opportunity, Colin picked up the pistol and aimed it at the blood-red eyes and fired several shots, reloaded, and continued to shoot, firing three rounds of bullets.

This time under the pressure of those few guns, his bullet finally hit the blood-red eye.

However, although more than a dozen bullets were hit, when the "lethal" effect was not triggered, everything seemed to be neither painful nor itchy, and had no effect at all.

"There are still 33 rounds to go before 15!"

Undaunted, Colin quickly opened the revolver cylinder, filled it with bullets, and was about to continue shooting when he saw a man wearing a golden mask dragging a black sword made of strange black crystals, rushing towards the ground that was suppressed. body of an ancient god.

The strange black great sword was raised high by the thick arms, and then chopped down towards the strange and peculiar head of the ancient god of the deep sea.
"Wait! Don't do it!"

Colin opened his mouth to stop, but the other party ignored him at all.

With a crash, the big sword cut open the special gelatinous skin, but not a single drop of blood flowed out of it, instead, an extra eye appeared under the crack in the skin.

Seeing this, the person with "4" engraved on the golden mask seemed to be stunned, not expecting this to happen.

"what's going on."

Suspicion arose in his heart, but he didn't wait for him to think about it. This man, who was not weak at all after being supported, was ranked fourth in the "Light of Dawn Foundation" and felt his brain boil, followed by countless thoughts.

"Activate the 'Nuclear-3 Standing Device' detonation order!"

"Upload my 'consciousness' and connect to the second backup mechanical body"

Before the brain floating in mid-air was completely assimilated, it issued two instructions at the same time.

However, the horrific explosion did not happen.
Because a consciousness that also came from his body uttered words of resistance——

"I refuse!" The "nuclear-3 stand device" directly rejected his instruction.

"Me too!" The part responsible for the transfer was equally rebellious.


He was stunned for a while, and taking advantage of the last opportunity, he used the only organ he could control to convey some news urgently.

Afterwards, he could no longer suppress those new consciousnesses.

Bang sound.
Colin saw him disintegrate in an instant. Except for the head, the body was made of parts made of various materials.

But even so, these parts still couldn't escape the encounter of being activated.

So far, Colin has not seen a few things that are not affected by this force
At this time, with the appearance of a second blood-red eye on the body of the ancient god, the process of his being controlled was greatly shortened, and the red light gradually enveloped the body of the ancient god.

The effect of the "Level 7 Abnormal Stabilizer" is also rapidly failing.

"What the hell, you think you have a mechanical body, that's why you're so brave!?"

Colin gritted his teeth, and before scarlet completely occupied it, he fired six shots at the red eyes.

The good news is the bullet hit
The bad news is that when the "slash" effect is not triggered, the hit is just scraping.

"Nine rounds to go!"

At the same time, Ke Lin's eyelids twitched, and when he saw the body of the ancient god, there was another tear, and a gap was opened. Under the gap, there were still blood-red eyes that moved restlessly.

Two, three, five.
Cracks that are several meters in size, a few dozen centimeters in size, and even smaller cracks appeared on the body of the deep sea ancient god.

Behind the gap, there are only blood-red eyes without pupils. With the rapid increase of the number of eyes, the red light on the body of the ancient god of the deep sea became more and more powerful like a snowball.

In the past, the ancient god of the deep sea wailed in pain and wanted to suppress it, but he couldn't do it at all.

Even when the "divinity" still existed, if he was parasitized by this thing to such an extent, there would be no good way, let alone losing his power now.

At this moment, even though he was separated by some distance and was not directly looked at by it, Ke Lin still felt very restless all over his body.
There were even familiar fluctuations in the two halves of the brain.

"Damn, what the hell, I thought I was here to help, but I didn't expect it to be a disservice!"

Ke Lin cursed from the bottom of his heart, and increased the flame coverage on his body, and then suppressed all kinds of weird agitation in his body.

However, seeing the body of the ancient god whose number of blinks had increased to seven or eight, Colin's scalp tingled for a while, and he was even forced out of the effective range of the gun bullets, and he was a little helpless.

But at this time, something in his body seemed to sense something, and forcibly broke through a seal emitting white light.

Accompanied by a strong sense of hunger in his stomach, Colin heard a familiar cry.

"Without me, you can't defeat him. Only with my strength can you have a chance to defeat him!"

"You have no idea what it means for him to come successfully. It's not as simple as 'reactivation' as you thought. Everything you cherish can't be escaped, including the group of people in the orphanage you were in in reality."

"Before he comes."

"I will assist you so that you can finish the remaining bullets smoothly."

(End of this chapter)

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