Campfire Shelter.

Chapter 221 Even a "God" cannot escape the fate of part-time job.

Chapter 221 Even a "God" cannot escape the fate of part-time job.

"I heard that the first disaster in this world came from the deep sea? And what about those murlocs?" Ke Lin asked directly, wanting to know the inside story of that year.

According to "Light of Dawn", the first catastrophe was caused by the person in front of him.

But now. Apart from looking abnormal, he seems to be quite normal.

"That was my struggle before I died, and I couldn't control it. After all, the process of being stripped of my divinity was not as easy as you imagined, but full of pain. The leakage of some power is enough to turn the world upside down and change mortals."

"After they planned to leave successfully, I fulfilled my agreement with that person while I was dying, quelled the follow-up disaster, let the sea water return to the ocean, and temporarily dragged a part of the contents into the sea to temporarily seal and suppress it."

"As for how those transformed mortals interpreted my actions, I don't know, after all, I was just a rapidly decomposing corpse at the time."

The "Mother of the Sea" even made one hell of an ego joke, and then she responded again.

"I thought I would be wiped out, but I didn't expect to be resurrected again."

"Of course, I don't know the thing that resurrected me, but he also doesn't have a good idea."

"In the process of being controlled by the parasite, I can feel that his purpose is very simple. He seems to intend to obtain all the biological quality of this world, so that all life can return to his womb, and then achieve some purpose."

"I don't know why, but what I can tell you is that he is very powerful. Even among the creatures you classify as 'gods', he is one of the best, at least one of the highest member, has the same status as a ruler."


Is the "Red Moon" that can make a football team by one person so terrible?

Ke Lin could hear the fear in the words of life in the deep sea in front of him, that is, returning to His "son. Palace". How strange does that sound?

However, just when he was about to say something, a dull yellow light slowly covered the place, and a faint sense of fatigue arose in Colin's body.
Far away, the world of twilight is coming.

And the twilight light all came from one of the "twilight angels" with a huge halo of several kilometers above its head.

"Mother of the Sea" turned her body, as if watching "Evening Angel", and quickly saw something:
"I know its Primarch, it is also one of the 'Level 1 Containment' I suppressed, it seems to be called 'Twilight Undead'.
"And it is like this now - if nothing else, those members of the former 'campfire camp' should try to gather a large number of human consciousnesses to stimulate the 'campfire agreement', and then replace their original consciousness to complete the collective sublimation. Needless to say, it is a very bold move. Success is success, but there are not many successes.
"In a sense, those mortals are great, because this thing replaced my work to a certain extent, suppressed most of the subsequent harm during my time, and created a living space for the existing mortals.

"However, now it looks like it should be coming at me
"After it is fused with a part of the 'No. 2 Hakoba World Firewall Protocol', it will instinctively deal with those out-of-control level 1 or even level [-] containment objects. Although I am not a containment object, I can even be regarded as a member of the 'manager', but In this case, it will not distinguish between these."

"Mother of the Ocean" turned back and looked at Colin: "Actually, normally, I can't help you leave, but you have the aura of a 'fire bearer'.

"The 'Fire Bearer' has a relatively special status in the 'Bonfire Camp'.
"So one day later, on the sea not far from here, after you arrive, I will try to help you leave here. I don't know if it will be successful or not.
"Before that, you can collect some information here, and you may gain something else. In addition, you have to prepare for the troubles you will encounter when you leave here.

"After all, you are not the only ones who want to leave."

"Is it another containment that has gone out of control?" Colin wondered.

"Yes, there are at least ten 'Level 2' and above containment objects who will try to escape at that moment."

"I understand."

"Well, in the end, I hope that you can trigger the power of the pistol, and as a 'Fire Bearer', you can lift all the restrictions on me. At special moments, the 'Fire Bearer' or someone temporarily recognized by it People always have the right to special treatment."

Hearing this, Ke Lin's heart sank, as if all the other party's words were paving the way for this moment, and then he wanted to see it.

"The contract is still years away, but I'm no longer working for that moment, and with it in place, I can't try to do things that are forbidden, like opening exits"

Ah this
Listening to what he said, Colin felt more and more that "Bonfire Company" was something wrong.

Even if he is as powerful as the ancient gods, he can't escape the fate of working to death
Of course, there may also be lies in all of this, in order to let him release those contracts.

After thinking for a moment, Colin took out the revolver, and the flames on his body deepened again, while the huge tentacles of the ancient deep sea god in front of him waved, and one by one, special characters that seemed to be written in flames appeared in the air.

The font is very strange and strange, because it is a group of flames, which cannot be deciphered by others.

However, Colin who triggered the flame could directly interpret some of the above content.
What is certain is that it is indeed a contract.

"A contract that lasts for 800 years, the general content is, all year round, 007, no entertainment, assisting the administrators sent by the 'campfire camp', handling the contents of the seventh box garden space, and then a lot of restrictions Terms and conditions, and finally no salary."

Hiss. Ke Lin's scalp was numb, and he only felt that the capitalists had to give up the throne of streetlights when they saw it.

And the reason why the other party signed this is that a certain company employee promised him to help him repair the egg that was destroyed due to unknown reasons in Colin's mind at the moment.

"I don't know what it is hatching. As a god, he is willing to sell himself to the company for 800 years. Is it his descendant? Being a mother is tough."

Colin pursed his lips, and after a short thought, under a certain guiding instinct, he said, "As the representative of the 'Fire Bearer', I, Colin, will activate special powers to suspend this agreement. "

After the voice fell, the flames in the air slowly dimmed, and finally disappeared in the air.

Then, a burst of thunder erupted on the "Mother of the Ocean", accompanied by violent thunder and lightning, and weird laughter that seemed human but not human.

"Hahaha, I'm finally free!!!"

Ke Lin thumped in his heart, worried that the other party's nature would be exposed.

"Finally, I can do something I want to do, ahahaha!" A terrifying voice sounded in Colin's mind, and the surrounding air was constantly vibrating because of his emotions.

In this scene, it seems that the end is about to come.

Colin took a deep breath and asked bravely, "What do you want to do?"

Wouldn't it be revenge against humans?

"Of course, well, surf freely in the sea. Because of the agreement, I haven't touched the sea for almost 800 years."

The ancient god of the deep sea seemed to be freed from his shackles at once. In the flash of thunder, he fell directly into the sea dozens of kilometers away, swimming happily like a large elf in the ocean.

The neighing sound was filled with unspeakable satisfaction.

At this time, some words appeared in my mind again.

"Hahaha, I lied to you about the way to leave, I'm already dying, it doesn't matter if I resist the contract or not."

"But... I really want to swim, chase fish, bask in the sun on the beach, suck big squid"

"Since you really have the courage to do this, let me tell you something. After that guy returns to reality, it means that the real world will no longer be peaceful. Disputes and turmoil will soon come, and some disasters will come soon. It may even take less than three years, and the end will come little by little.”

"2044 represents the end, not the beginning."

"Caution represents the emergence and occurrence of plague, distortion, tampering, chaos... such things."

"Finally, those 'murlocs' will receive my will and no longer hold hatred against you."

"Finally, if you can communicate with those things, tell them that although gender is not important to me, strictly speaking, I should be male, and I prefer 'Mother of the Sea' to 'Mother of the Sea'. father'."


Before the coming dusk, countless ugly "murlocs" followed the figure galloping freely and left the land.

(End of this chapter)

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