Campfire Shelter.

Chapter 222 Fighting Allies!

Chapter 222 Fighting Allies!
"Working for 800 years, for him now, only freedom is above everything else?"

Ke Lin saw the other party leaving with a large number of figures through the cracks that were torn open by the "Father of the Ocean" in the "The Hague Research Institute", and his heart was a little complicated for a while.

According to his feeling, the other party may die if he helps him leave after 24 hours, but even so, He can be so open-minded.

After thinking about it, Ke Lin could only silently pray that the other party could suck his favorite deep-sea squid during the last period of time, right?
As for the chances of basking in the sun on the beach, there is no chance. There is no normal rotation of the sun and the moon in the world of Little Garden. The day and night are completely random. If you have to look for a pattern, then follow the law. There is a high probability that the sun will not be seen until a month later. .

'Aside from these, the other party said that the thing escaped, and the end will come a little bit in less than three years. This, this is not very realistic. I have just started, and I haven't had time to enjoy life. I don't even have a mortgage or a car loan. I haven't paid off the gift loan, oh, I don't have a mortgage, I don't have a car, and I don't have a girlfriend, so it's all right'

'Forget it, you can't believe everything he said, go back and ask Miss Rabbit. '

'And thinking about it, maybe that guy escaped and was directly picked up by the campfire company executives or something else. '

Shaking his head and refraining from these irrelevant thoughts, Colin looked at the water mist slowly dissipating around him, and gradually began to feel a little headache——

Even if he didn't want to reveal his identity this time, he had to.

After thinking about it for a while, it's a pity that he couldn't think of how to explain why he suddenly had such a strong power at the critical moment in the follow-up.

"It would be great if I had some props that can reduce people's intelligence and modify memory. All of them have such a keen sense of smell, which makes me very embarrassed."

Colin sighed secretly, and then glanced outside again. Seeing that "Evening Angel" turned and left following the departure of "Father of the Sea", he withdrew his gaze.

At this moment, the dense seawater vapor around him with a strong isolation effect is dissipating.

But after a few minutes, Colin was able to see some figures outside. They were divided into two parts, one was members of the "Light of Dawn Foundation" wearing various masks, and the other was wearing yellow and exoskeleton A member of the "Future of Humanity Research Institute" in mechanical armor protective suits.

Colin still admires these human beings who dare to disobey "God", but after knowing the reasons behind everything, he feels somewhat indescribable.
He wasn't sure if he should say something about the "Father of the Sea" communication.

After contemplating for a few seconds and having some ideas, Ke Lin saw Qin Chuan and the others in the thinning water mist. Except for an unknown official Extraordinary who was killed in battle, now there are only four of them. It's not that big.

When the water mist completely disappeared, a large number of armed personnel who invaded the place did not relax their vigilance after seeing Colin alone. They did not seem to relax until some kind of instrument scanned and confirmed that his pollution value was not high.

At this time, Qin Chuan and the others walked over first, looking at Ke Lin with complicated eyes: "Did you just say 'God Strike'?"

Before Colin could speak, Hu Zheng said, "We were originally the ones who explored the Bonfire Company, but we didn't expect them to master our stuff instead. It's really unexpected."

Colin's expression was weird. Before he said that, these people made all kinds of excuses for him?

However, thinking of the look in the eyes of these people when they first came up, he was almost sure that his identity had been seen through.

"However, since these people don't know why they don't want to pursue this for the time being, then I don't need to say anything more. Anyway, they can't tell me the reason. Alas, even if the scene really hides the past, it probably won't be able to hide it when they go out."

Colin knew very well that most of them would experience the strictest scrutiny by then.

It's okay for others to say it, but he definitely can't hide from it.

It is impossible for one or two of the relevant departments to be fools.

"Forget it, the boat will go straight when it reaches the bridge. We'll talk about it when the time comes. The most important thing now is to escape from this place."

Stopping his wild thoughts, Colin glanced at the weapons aimed at him behind the crowd, and looked away again: "That... the ancient god of the deep sea has left. If there is no accident, he will not come back in the future."

"What do you mean?" an armed and researcher from the "Human Future Institute" asked in surprise.

"He is dying soon, but that's not the point. The point is that after tomorrow, we will leave this world. If you have any ideas, it's best to discuss them as soon as possible."

Knowing that he would basically be unable to escape the fate of revealing his identity after going out, Ke Lin didn't intend to continue pretending, and directly talked about tomorrow's matter.

"Leave? Where are you going?" Some people were puzzled, but some said in a happy tone:

"Wait! Have you found your way out?"

The voice sounded familiar. Colin turned his head and saw that the person who made the sound was a "Light of Dawn" armed man holding a head with half of a broken golden mask in his hands.

Below the neck of the head, some pipes and wires protrude from the chest of the armed personnel to connect.

'I said why I couldn't detect your biological breath through the smell at the beginning, but I didn't expect that your whole body is full of hard work of technology. I am afraid that you are not taking the path of mechanical ascension. '

Colin complained in his heart, then nodded and said:
"Well, there is a high probability that it cannot be copied, and the leaving action can only be carried out once, but the specific methods of leaving are not very sure. I can only know that the opportunity is tomorrow. In addition, I hope you can assist us in collecting the information here. .”

This is almost equivalent to showing that they are not "locals".

But it's no surprise that 223 has only half of his head left.
"Okay, but I have to report the situation here."

After the conversation between the two was temporarily over, the armed personnel of the "Human Future Research Institute" seemed to have received some hints, and interjected:
"Our director has a question. Is it true that the threatening individual that caused the first major disaster is going to die? Do you have any way to prove your statement?"

Major disaster individual?
The directions of the two refuges are different, one is to escape, the other is to fight.
However, when they were in the library before, they learned that the highly militarized "Human Future Research Institute" has always regarded itself as the last wall of human beings. Threat, even if that threat may only be a potential threat.
Otherwise, they wouldn't have directly participated in the "God Killing War" back then.

I just didn't expect to use it directly.

The actual situation, from the perspective of Colin, can be roughly summed up in this sentence——

"What the hell, you're fighting friendly troops!"

(End of this chapter)

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