Campfire Shelter.

Chapter 241 The train has been requisitioned by the "Zoo" army!

Chapter 241 The train has been requisitioned by the "Zoo" army!

"Now I believe this is Australia"

Luo Yiming stared at the thing outside the car and took a deep breath.

"Usually, when you go to some weird areas, there are monsters in human form, or monsters that have been corrupted by humans. Only here is special. There are more kangaroos than people, and the weirdness is stored in them." Luo Yiming couldn't help complaining.

If all the tens of millions of kangaroos in this place are mutated, then on average, every Australian has to deal with two kangaroos.
At this time, the kangaroo passing by outside seemed to notice something, stopped jumping, turned around and looked at the place where it suspected someone, twisted its muscular upper limbs, and bulged its lower muscles, as if to show its own strength, or through limbs Language, invite the enemy to come and have a fight.
And further away, more figures bouncing towards this side.

Some of them are the size of kangaroos, and even grow to more than three meters.
Everyone in the car saw this scene and were all ready to fight. After all, even though they were just kangaroos, if they rushed into the train together, it would be no joke.

But before the swarm of kangaroos arrived, the doors of the train closed and started again.

Seeing this, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that they had avoided a crisis of fighting against the kangaroo.
"I never dreamed that one day I would be afraid that a group of kangaroos would rush up and call me in the face." Luo Yiming thought that if he was beaten to death by a group of kangaroos, the way of death would be too embarrassing.

If people know it, it's better to die under the living tree in front of you
At this time, there was a sudden crash sound outside the train carriage, and through the gradually thicker foggy windows, some kangaroos could be seen kicking up.

The entire train carriage was shaken by their kicking, one can imagine how powerful it is.

However, it didn't take long for the sound to disappear when the fog thickened and covered everything.
Everyone breathed a sigh of relief and sat back.

"Next, trouble"

Ke Lin rubbed his forehead, wondering if he could find a suitable spot for the remaining two stops.

"Speaking of which, you don't seem to know where you are going to get off?" In the front compartment, Luo Yiming asked curiously—generally speaking, every time an employee takes a train to do a task, he will specify which stop he will get off at.

But these people don't seem to be like that
"Get out of the car wherever it is safe." Colin replied casually.

"Would you like to come back and come with me?"

Luo Yiming suddenly had some thoughts. His next task was to get off at the third stop to investigate. He might have to deal with something before completing the task.

If Ke Lin and others help, it will probably be a lot easier
"The drop-off location given by the task is usually not that dangerous, and it will not exceed our capabilities. Logically speaking, it is relatively safe."

Hearing what Luo Yiming said, Ke Lin didn't immediately veto it. Thinking about it, it seems that there is indeed a theory.

The other party got on the train at the second stop, and his third stop happened to be his fifth and last stop. If the fourth stop has no chance, then he has to choose if he doesn’t.
Thinking of this, Colin nodded, planning to proceed in this way.

However, at this moment, he seemed to sense something, took out the parchment from his pocket, opened it, and found that there was a sudden extra task.

[Special task - "Preparations before returning to the real world". 】

[Description: Follow this step to complete the task and return to the real world. 】

[Event [-]: Get off at the fourth stop (the next stop), find a lighthouse in the area, hold on to the lighthouse until sunrise, and then jump off the lighthouse. 】

"Remarks: When you complete this event, you will be able to return to the real world. Be careful that there may be dangers outside."

"Remark 2: Let that employee get off the car with you, but if you don't want to, don't force it."

[Event [-]: Only a part of the escaped personnel from the "Seventh Box Garden World" on the train can be taken away (the specific number is selected according to the task guidelines). After the rest of the personnel have completed the resettlement work, let them go to the fifth station alone. 】

"Remarks: The 'Zoo' army will pick them up at the fifth station, so don't worry. In addition, put the black box of the 'Seventh Hakoniwa World' and the "nano core" on the train. After I finish processing, it will Send back through the task route"

[Event [-]: After returning to reality, there is no need to worry too much about the "Special Operations Department" and contact it normally. 】

"Note: They may come to you for questioning, investigation and understanding of their demands."

"Is this the mission of Ms. Rabbit?"

Colin's eyes lit up, and at the bottom of the task, he saw a seal. He had seen the seal pattern when he was in the other party's office, and he was sure it was issued by the other party.

"It's confirmed, we will get off at the next stop."

Putting away the parchment, Colin immediately shared the news with everyone.

"Ah? Get off at the next stop?" Luo Yiming was stunned. Didn't we agree on the fifth stop together?
Ke Lin ignored him, but looked at Qin Chuan and the others: "If there is no accident, we will be able to return soon, but before that, we may only be able to take away some of those 'Unsullied Ones'. "

"What do you mean?" Qin Chuan and others were surprised.

"We can probably only take some people down, and others will let them go to the fifth stop, and other people will pick them up and get off at that time."

After Colin finished briefly, he glanced at the children in the carriage.

In the quest guide, there are probably only about a hundred of them that can return to reality, and the others are for Miss Rabbit to accept.
Facing Ke Lin's sudden decision, everyone didn't say anything, but those children were a little nervous, worried that they might be abandoned
A little reassurance will make them feel at ease.

After selecting the personnel, when Ke Lin walked through the aisle, Qin Chuan pulled Ke Lin and asked in a low voice:
"Are we really giving up on them?"

"Don't worry, no, they are absolutely safe, but we are not sure, there should be some minor troubles to deal with."

"Are we in trouble?"


With the group army to support them, Ke Lin felt that these children would be much safer than himself in the future, and they were afraid that something would happen to them. After all, if everything was safe, the task description should not use words like "persevere".

Afterwards, after dealing with the children, Ke Lin went to persuade that Luo Yiming.
But obviously, the other party is not willing to get off the car early
According to Miss Rabbit's prompt, Colin didn't make it difficult for the other party, but just prayed for the other party's own good luck. After all, from the current point of view, the route of this train may have been changed and it will not arrive at the original place.

It's hard to say what Luo Yiming will encounter at that time, and what will happen to him.

Of course, all of this has nothing to do with Colin. After completing the preparations according to the task requirements and placing a black box and a spherical "core" in this carriage, he is waiting to get off .

"If that guy is going to attack these children, don't hesitate to kill him."

Ke Lin secretly gave an order to the "nano core".

He wasn't very worried about that guy. It would be fine if the other party didn't have too much thought. If so, the best way would be to get rid of him directly.

"Okay master, I will act according to your will." A message came from the "nano core" shrunk into a ball.

This time, but more than an hour later, the train heard a long hum again.

When the thick fog cleared, outside the car window, a night scene of a seaside beach was displayed in front of everyone.
Holding the trust in "Ms. Rabbit", Ke Lin waited for the train to stop and open the door, and left the "Train in the Fog" with more than 100 selected rescuers, ending the train journey.

"That leftover thing, really don't take it away?" Qin Chuan and others glanced at the "gift" that was thrown on the seat.

"Don't worry, it should be sent back after a while."

After Colin said something, he was the last one to get off the train and stepped on the soft sand.

It was cold and damp, and the wind with a smell of the sea was blowing slowly.
There was the sound of crashing waves crashing in my ears.
And on the train, Luo Yiming watched them leave in puzzlement, finally shook his head, didn't say anything, and waited for the train to leave again.
To be honest, he didn't feel very safe in this ghostly place.

Especially the sea, it doesn't look right.
But this is the choice of those people, and he can't stop it.

Not long after, there was a clanging sound from the train, and it started moving again.

Luo Yiming looked at the people left behind, then at the mountain of corpses in front of him, thinking about whether to change places, but as soon as he thought about it, he saw the silver smooth ball on the seat vibrate, and a sense of crisis broke out in his heart .

"What defense did that guy leave behind? Thinking too bad of me?"

Luo Yiming was speechless, but he didn't say anything, and sat back down.

However, not long after the train started this time, inside the dim and warm train compartment, a burst of red light continued to flash, followed by the sound of a police siren.

Luo Yiming is not unfamiliar with this kind of movement, because he heard it before in the final stage of "World Number-13".

At the same time, lines of cold mechanical words appeared on the retina.

"Warning, from now on, carriages 'Fog Train-1045-7' to 'Fog Train-1045-24' will be temporarily requisitioned by the Eighth Army 'Bee Swarm' of the 'Zoo' Army Group."

"Next stop: 'First Hakoniwa World'."

(End of this chapter)

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