Campfire Shelter.

Chapter 242 The Strange Gaze in the Sea

Chapter 242 The Strange Gaze in the Sea
Clap la la.
A sea breeze blew past me.
Colin didn't know what happened next on the train, and he didn't know that the D-class personnel was lucky, and he might have been lucky enough to take decades of detours than other employees.

At this moment, they stood on the beach full of fine sand, looked around, looking for the "lighthouse", but this area was extremely dark, and the "Purification Heart" BUFF had long since disappeared, so they only relied on a few flashlights to see clearly Stuff is not easy.

That is to say, Colin can use all kinds of senses that have been strengthened, and use the light of the flashlight to see around.

But unfortunately, he still didn't see where the lighthouse was.
Taking a deep breath, Colin held up the flashlight to shine on the beach less than 100 meters away.

Under the pale beam of the flashlight, the dark and dull sea reflected a dark dark green that made people feel uncomfortable. The waves washed over the beach one after another, making crashing sounds, and at the same time brought a strange fishy smell .

Vaguely, an inexplicable sense of gaze emerges from the sea
As if in the sea that Ke Lin and others were observing, the sea was also observing them.

Realizing this situation, some people couldn't help but shudder
But for some reason, compared to other people, Ke Lin not only did not feel depressed and uncomfortable, but also had an inexplicable sense of intimacy, and even wanted to go down for a swim.
Thinking of this, he couldn't help raising his foot, ready to take a step there, but the next second, he suddenly woke up.

"No. Am I influenced?"

Colin realized this for the first time, and then immediately locked on the source of his influence-the egg currently stored in his mind in an incomprehensible way.

It seems to instinctively want to go back to the sea
"This sea can't be lowered."

Colin muttered secretly, the instinct to return to the sea is not serious, after being easily suppressed, he felt the situation in his body, and he couldn't help laughing at himself from the bottom of his heart.
Now in his body, counting the egg, the "lycanthropy" and the "hunger" will in the "lycanthropy", plus himself, and the snow girl who "lives" in from time to time, it is almost the same as raising Like Gu.
But without waiting to think about it, Ke Lin felt that the screen in front of him suddenly lit up, and then an armed man who survived escaped beside him said, "Something seems to light up here."

Hearing this, everyone turned around and looked at the place pointed by the other party.

Just when everyone looked over, another light flickered in the darkness.
Colin vaguely glimpsed the outline of a tower building emerging in the darkness when the light was flickering.

Inexplicably, he felt that there was something on it that seemed to be attracting him.
This can be a trap.

But regardless of whether it was a trap or not, there is no doubt that the lighthouse is there, and there was no ink mark immediately, and he opened his mouth as he moved:
"Come on, it's the lighthouse."

Looking at the distance, a simple visual inspection feels that it should be at a distance of 2000 meters or more.

I can't say how far, but I can't say how close.

If you were in the city, no one would notice that light flickering at all, but on this dark and lightless coast, it can be clearly seen
"I don't know why it didn't light up just now, until the thing in my mind instinctively appeared, it suddenly turned on."

Colin muttered in his heart, and his intuition told him that there must be danger in this place, but at the same time, it is within the range that can be dealt with——

The premise is not to go to sea.

Once in the sea, Colin didn't know what would happen.

I don't know what is in the dark sea, anyway, it doesn't feel very good to him.

Just as more than 100 people walked slowly in the direction of the flashing lights for about 1 minute, the lights flashed again, and the distance could be felt to be much closer.

Seeing this, Colin was somewhat relieved. He was most worried that no matter how he walked, the thing that he would not be able to get close to the lighthouse did not happen.

After a while, after walking quite a distance, they were finally able to see a lonely black stone lighthouse standing by the sea through the flashlight.

The structure of the lighthouse is nothing special, close to 20 meters in height, with a luminous roof above it, and something inside emits orange-red light like fire from time to time.

At the bottom, Colin could still see traces of weathering and corrosion on some walls, as well as biological parasitic attachments such as shell barnacles.

Obviously, its existence here should not be short.

But although it looked ordinary, Ke Lin didn't dare to take this place as an ordinary thing.

"wait first"

Just to remind everyone, Colin looked at the lighthouse again, several action plans flashed through his mind, thinking about which one to choose to carry out.

At this time, Hu Zheng who was beside him took the initiative to say: "How about I go up with Team Qin to explore the way first? If there is no danger, you can come here again?"

He can also feel some danger, but the degree of danger is not very great.

And Qin Chuan on the side didn't object to this proposal. If it was him, he would most likely allocate it in this way, but now the power of how the team should act is no longer in his hands, so he can only ask Mr. Ke Lin.

You two are not afraid of sacrifice.
Colin muttered something in his heart, but after listening to it, he thought about it and shook his head, rejecting the other party's proposal.

It's not that he can't trust Qin Chuan's ability, but because he knows their ability, he can't be sure whether they will accidentally lead out something else when they explore the road.

Putting this aside, Ke Lin can go up by himself, but if he goes up, in case Qin Chuan and the others are attacked, even if he returns to the defense and misses the ambush, he will probably suffer a lot of casualties.

Taking everything into consideration, Colin still intends to bring everyone with him.

It is better to work together to advance and retreat together.
'Oh, I knew that the D-level employee had been forcibly brought down. In this case, there would be someone to help find the way. '

Ke Lin secretly sighed, if Luo Yiming, who is rich in experience and possesses the flash ability, is allowed to travel, he doesn't have to take the risk by himself
But he didn't think much about it. After making a decision, he said to everyone, "Follow carefully, and tell me if you find something wrong", and then took the lead to take action.

Holding the two props "Revolver·Retrograde" and "Time·Stagnation", plus the passive "Fatal Insight", Ke Lin also has some confidence in his heart.

In this case, even if the "Father of the Ocean" wanted to kill him immediately, it might not work.

Depressing his footsteps, he slowly approached in that direction, and a large group of people behind him also held their breath and followed nervously.

During the actions, Colin always felt an indescribable sense of crisis lingering around him, as if something was watching them secretly
But the actual situation is that until everyone came to the Blackstone Lighthouse and opened the iron door that was concealed, Ke Lin and the others did not encounter any crisis
(End of this chapter)

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