Campfire Shelter.

Chapter 243 The 2nd "Fire Bearer"!

Chapter 243 The Second "Fire Bearer"!
"However, this feeling of being on the sidelines and not being able to go up, sometimes feels more disgusting than a direct conflict."

Colin took a deep breath. The uncomfortable feeling of peeping in the sea would disappear briefly every time the lighthouse light flickered, and then reappear shortly thereafter. It was disturbing and extremely irritating at the same time.
Without thinking too much, Ke Lin calmed down his inner anger, and then arranged for everyone to go upstairs.

After walking to the top through the quaint spiral stone steps, they unexpectedly discovered that the space on the top of the lighthouse was much larger than they imagined, and it was almost [-] square meters.

Xia Liufang couldn't help but marvel: "Is this some kind of special way to compress space?"

If you look up from the lighthouse, it will only be thirty or fifty square meters, which is impossible.

The inner and outer spaces are different from what they observed with the naked eye.

"Don't worry about his means, call everyone up first." Qin Chuan reminded.

Since the upper space is so spacious, there is no need for people to continue to squeeze in the narrow corridors, and when they called the staff to come up, Colin walked towards the middle of the lighthouse.

There is also a staircase of only about two meters. On the staircase is a small platform, on which there seem to be luminous objects.

Somehow, after walking into this spacious hall, Colin felt that the attraction was getting stronger and stronger.

Soon, when Colin walked up the stairs and saw the items placed on the platform, he couldn't help but gasped.

That was actually a person!

No, to be more precise, it was a corpse.

A mummy that is almost no different from a white bone skeleton. The clothes and skin on the mummy seem to have weathered long ago, and only mottled bones remain here.

"Looking at the shape of this bone, it looks like a female corpse"

Although he has not studied any medicine, he has a lot of practical experience, and he quickly identified the gender of the bones by touching the bones.

But immediately after, Colin couldn't help being puzzled while being surprised.

Since what is placed here is a corpse, what is that glowing thing?
The heartbeat suddenly rang in the ears.

Ke Lin was startled, and subconsciously looked towards the sound, only to notice that there was actually a dark red heart-like thing full of cracks on the chest of the woman's skeleton with some signs of weathering.

Now, indeed, it bulged like a heart, and beneath its old bark-like surface a bright flame burst forth.

Firelight spreads outward through Colin
For a moment, from the perspective of the lighthouse.

The bright and clear flames almost lit up the entire area including the inside and outside of the lighthouse.

All the unspeakable and irritating sense of peeping, like a cut-off water flow, all retreat and go away.

At the same moment, while Colin knew the source of the light, he also understood why the flickering light in the lighthouse gave him an inexplicable attraction.
Because, the mummy lying in it is a "fire bearer"!
The characteristics carried in the heart have not disappeared because of her passing, but have been shining in the lighthouse by the dark sea, guiding the lost.

"Hiss, the personality contained in the fire just now feels stronger than the flame on me by more than one level?"

Colin recalled the flames that passed by the Buddha's face, and knew that if it was aimed at him, he might have died.

But compared to this, he suddenly remembered that when the fire was flickering, he seemed to have noticed that there was a line of text on the edge of the platform, on which a line of arrogant and confident words seemed to be randomly carved with a knife——

'I will stay here for human beings, ignite myself, overlook the lightless sea, and prevent them from going ashore, even if my soul is gone and my body is dead. '

"The things in the sea didn't come up because of this? Is this so powerful?"

Ke Lin clicked his tongue, wondering who this was. If she was an employee of the company, then she probably had at least a C-level or above during her lifetime. She could be said to be a real senior employee, not a parallel importer like Luo Yiming.

But in the end, perhaps in order to prevent the disaster, he died here in the end.

Afterwards, Colin saw a line of small characters next to Zhang Kuang's handwriting: "Until the end of 2044, this sentence will always be applicable. Those who enter by mistake don't need to worry. You can jump off the lighthouse and leave here after 'dawn'."

"It's '2044 again."

Colin whispered to himself, feeling like the whole world knew that the end of the world would come that year, but only they didn't.

But he was not surprised by this, and planned to ask Miss Rabbit when the time came, so he didn't think much about it.
Afterwards, Colin saw a familiar eight-pointed star-shaped copper badge next to the corpse.

After hesitating for a moment, he leaned forward and took a closer look at the copper badge stained with some weathered ashes.

It seems that due to the battle, the badge is severely damaged, but if you pay attention, you can still vaguely see it. On it is a right hand holding a burning heart and holding it high, like a torch, lighting up the dark pattern.

Flipping the badge, Colin saw some mottled words on the back of the incomplete copper badge.

Even though these words were missing and could not be pronounced, Colin still silently recited them in his heart——

"When the night comes, someone should light a fire to shine in all directions."

Holding the badge, he slowly raised his head and glanced at the corpse of the fire bearer lying on it, his heart was touched, and a feeling of admiration was rarely raised.

With respect and paying tribute to the corpse, Colin put the badge back in place.

He didn't dare to have any thoughts about the above things.
In case something is taken away, causing the disaster here to break out, it will be troublesome to make the end of the world come one step earlier.

"Did you find anything special up there?" Qin Chuan's voice came from under the stairs.

All the people have been brought up, but I don't know what Colin is doing up there.


Ke Lin shook his head, withdrew the hand that placed the badge, turned around and glanced at the lightless sea, keenly aware of the inexplicable sense of peeping coming again and again, but this time he felt much more at ease.

Sheltered by the embers of the venerable "Firebearer", those things in the sea can only look at them and dare not go ashore.

"Really domineering"

Colin sighed inwardly as he walked down the stairs.

He felt that when disasters broke out in the future, it was hard to say whether he would survive, but if he couldn't survive, he hoped to end his life in such a domineering way like this senior.

Extremely powerful in life, can suppress one party in death.
"Speaking of which, if the end of the world is really coming, it's hard for others to say, but the old dean and those people in the orphanage have to find a way to arrange it."

Colin didn't care much about many things, but he couldn't let go of the old dean who raised him.

After returning to the normal world this time, apart from money matters, he had to leave something for the orphanage.

Just, at this time.

A soft humming sound interrupted Colin's thoughts, as if some child was humming a ditty.

On the train, the children were humming, so he wasn't very surprised. He heard it and thought it was very pleasant.

However, the next moment, when he noticed that the sound was coming from downstairs instead of upstairs, Colin woke up suddenly——

"Who's singing?"

(End of this chapter)

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