Campfire Shelter.

Chapter 252 discusses the importance of "gene compensation medicine".

Chapter 252 discusses the importance of "gene compensation medicine".

"The key to the road of slaughtering gods? Is this an exaggeration?"

Ke Lin clicked his tongue. He didn't expect that the old man in front of him, or in the eyes of the officials, would have such a high status in "Gene Compensation Potion".

But after thinking about it, the "Gene Compensation Potion" is strong not because of how much it has improved, but because after using it, it will not be so easy to lose control and go crazy
Looking back on the state of the official Extraordinary and the senior staff of the Bonfire Company, it seems that they are indeed quite different.

As for what the other party said, there is less than a year of life left.
Ke Lin was not surprised, because Mr. Wu looked like he was in his 90s, and because of the special power he possessed, he had an inexplicable ethereal feeling, as if he would "turn into a fairy" at any time.

"Well, the exaggeration may be a bit exaggerated, but the value and importance of this thing may indeed be much higher than you think."

"We don't know exactly how this potion is made, but there is no doubt that after using it, if you try to integrate extraordinary power, the symptoms of loss of control will be greatly reduced."

Mr. Wu said as he opened the purple sand pot with Pu'er tea, and threw a handful of goji berries and red dates into it:
"Regardless of whether it is domestic or foreign, all means of power can be used as long as they are used. It can almost be said to be a panacea that Extraordinary people dare not even think about, or it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a cheat finger. Address the biggest hidden danger, out of control.

"According to estimates, if an eighth-level personnel can use this potion step by step, then his tendency to lose control can be reduced by at least 90.00%.

"In this way, we don't have to use our strength to deal with our own madness, and our strength will increase significantly."

Under the old man's patient explanation, Ke Lin finally understood how powerful this small bottle of potion was.

However, what did the other party say to trade thousands of pieces and tens of thousands of pieces at once?
Colin thinks the possibility is not impossible.

"It shouldn't be difficult for you to get some of the 'Gene Compensation Potion'. According to the process, Campfire Company will probably not give you any fakes, but you want too much."

Colin honestly expressed his opinion.

Although he himself felt that the potion was not difficult to exchange, it was only for him.

Once it rises to thousands and thousands of quantitative units, it feels unreal.
The required points and mission certificates are unimaginably massive.

In addition, many rules of "Bonfire Company" are relatively rigid. Ms. Rabbit does have a lot of authority, but she may not be able to make decisions on this matter.

Moreover, even if the official can really come up with property worth so many potions, it is not certain whether the "Bonfire Company" will exist.

Currently, Ke Lin guessed that the total number of people active in the "Interaction Hall" should not exceed [-], or even less than [-], excluding those "intruders".

It's not easy to say whether the potions received by so many people can add up to more than one thousand, let alone tens of thousands.
"It's not a big problem, it's as much as you have. According to what you said, as long as it's not fake or something, it's fine."

The old man didn't show any regret, and he seemed to be able to fight for as many as he could.

"Fakes should be nothing to worry about."

After joining the company and seeing all kinds of things, Ke Lin suspects that if a "devil" joins the company one day, as long as he does the task honestly, earns points and a pass, he can also get genuine medicine.

The company's main emphasis is on teaching without discrimination and treating everyone equally.
But when he was speaking, Ke Lin suddenly thought of something, and said:

"By the way, one more thing is that even if you can get the potion, you will most likely only be able to get the genetic compensation potion of grade D or below."

"Grade D genetic compensator."

Mr. Wu muttered to himself, as if he was observing something, and then said after a while: "It's almost enough, at least it's enough for level eight, and even my stage has a very big effect."

If you have these things, then the high-level personnel trained in the future will not be a time bomb that can explode at any time like now.

Things like "Li Ping" who had to take risks to accommodate dangerous things before going crazy, and eventually lead to stepping into a trap will never happen again
"Do you want to use it to solve the pollution on your body?"

Ke Lin looked at the old man in front of him and asked curiously.

To be honest, although the other party seems to have done a certain amount of hiding, he can still feel that there are a large number of almost illusory black thin lines spreading from the old man's back to the distance, connecting to nowhere, which makes people feel palpitating.

As for the life expectancy of less than one year in the other party's mouth, there is a high probability that it is not because of the real age, but because it is out of control and has to solve itself.

"Me? I'm hopeless."

Old Mr. Wu shook his head, poured himself a cup of wolfberry, red dates and Pu'er, and poured another cup for Ke Lin: "The best way to treat cancer is to solve it before the word cancer is associated with you, not before it use after appearing
"I am terminally ill, this thing may be useful to me, but it will not be very useful
"This has to be a sequential process, I am late anyway
"As far as I know through my own ability, it should have a good effect on level [-] and below, and the effect will be halved from level [-], and the effect will be worse when used at level [-].
"So, even if you get this thing, members of the seventh level and above have to give up using it."

"This..." Colin opened his mouth and didn't know what to say for a while.

"Hehe, it's not a big deal. Compared with my previous generation, I can at least see some hope, not bad."

Mr. Wu was very open-minded about this, and he couldn't help sighing after he finished speaking: "However, a few years earlier, maybe I still have a chance"

While speaking, he didn't ask if he could get more advanced potions, and he didn't ask if he could get more, as if he had gotten the result before he opened his mouth.

"After a while, I will learn more and tell you."

Colin was not sure when he would be able to talk to Miss Rabbit, so he didn't give a specific time.

In this regard, the old man expressed his understanding.

Then, in the conversation that seemed to be small talk, the old man did not continue to delve into the topic of "Bonfire Company", but casually talked about other things.

"You may not know, whether we or foreign countries, all Extraordinary people may obtain power in a variety of ways, what kind of orthodoxy, inheritance, belief, or blood, race, etc., there are many types."

"But in the final analysis, Extraordinary people are a group of people polluted by a strange atmosphere, using their own pollution to fight against abnormalities. We are like this, and others are similar."

"The same is true for 'Fate'. If you use too many things that are contaminated by a certain thing, you will be contaminated with this pollution. Of course, to put it in a more pleasant way, you have inherited extraordinary power, but in fact you have been polluted."

"The human body will collapse and go crazy in the process of deepening pollution, but some are fast and some are slow. Those various methods can be regarded as ways to slow down and share the madness, but they are just slowing down."

"Only the 'Gene Compensation Potion' can avoid this fate and truly allow people to hold power in their hands. That's why I'm telling you that if humans want to master the power of killing gods, then this is an indispensable thing."

Listening to the other party's words, Colin understood the importance of this thing more deeply.

"By the way, have you used the fragments of the 'Book of Fortune'?" The old man suddenly changed the subject.


Colin did not deny that not only he had used it, but most of the people in the campfire company had used it. From time to time, he could see newcomers thinking about buying lottery tickets after getting this thing, but they learned a lesson and lost everything. .

This aspect is no secret, and it is not a big deal to say it.

(End of this chapter)

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