Campfire Shelter.

Chapter 253 "props" production intention.

Chapter 253 "props" production intention.

"Well, then with this journey, you should be able to find the fragments of our 'Book of Fortune', which are not in the same form as those in 'Bonfire Company', and can only be used by ordinary people or by 'Destiny' people use."


Ke Lin nodded, remembering that the official "Book of Numerology Fragments" has a physical body, but the company's does not.

As for the candidates, he didn't notice until after the other party talked about it.

"Hehe, this is the process of becoming a 'Fate Pusher', as long as you use it, you will be polluted"

"Will it be polluted if you use it?" Ke Lin was startled, he used a lot.

"Yes, but you don't have to worry."

Old Mr. Wu laughed, but the laughter felt a bit bitter: "I don't know how the people from the 'Bonfire Company' did it, they eliminated this pollution and turned it into a pure prop.

"Although I don't want to admit it, the use of the 'Book of Numerology' by the 'Bonfire Company' is indeed above us."

This is not normal, the body of the "Book of Numerology" was lost from the "Bonfire Company", but I don't know how it got into the official hands
Colin didn't care about this, and the producers in the "Bonfire Company" were indeed very good at making various abnormalities into props.

The props with various effects in the internal trading market can also be said to be a history of blood and tears for weird anomalies and reviewers.

But even though he knew this, he didn't say it out loud.

"Not only 'Book of Fortune', but 'Bonfire Company' also seems to be good at making various props,"

The old man put down his bottomless teacup, took an almond and threw it into his mouth: "Perhaps in this regard, we can also have some space for cooperation. There are many dangerous things that are dealt with in containment across the country or around the world. What do you think?"

Is this the idea of ​​exporting "raw materials" to be processed by "Bonfire Company", and then using "raw materials" to offset the price to obtain items?
Ke Lin didn't need to think too much when he heard the words, and he understood the other party's thoughts.

After a short thought, he nodded: "It should be possible, wait for me to find out later."

Compared with the huge number of "gene compensation drugs", the possibility of cooperation in this area is much greater.

Because "Bonfire Company" also has a lot of demand for those dangerous things.

And his bonfire sacrifice site in the different world "World Number-13" still needs a three-stage "lycanthropy" to upgrade.

If the two parties reach a cooperation in this regard, then I don't have to take the risk to catch it. After all, isn't it normal for the official to spend some fire during the transaction process with the "Bonfire Company"?
At this time, Ke Lin suddenly thought of something, and couldn't help asking: "Mr. Wu, there are some things I don't know, can I ask?"

"If you have any questions, just ask. I can't just ask you to answer." The old man said with a smile.

"Do you know what the end of the world looks like in 2044?"

Ke Lin has learned about 2044 through various channels more than once, but unfortunately there is no place to ask. It just so happens that there is someone in front of him who can ask questions.

As a strong man whose main abilities include "precognition" and "deduction" to observe the future, Mr. Wu must know something.

"In 2044, we have been collecting intelligence on this, but"

Mr. Wu shook his head: "I don't know."


Ke Lin was stunned for a moment, but he didn't expect the other party to shake his head so simply.

"Although I do feel that I have observed something, it is difficult for me to actually describe that feeling, so I can tell you that I have not observed anything, but compared to this, the bigger trouble may come from 2044 All kinds of disasters that have happened before."

The old man said with certainty: "For us, the end will happen before 2044."

Just as Colin was about to speak, he suddenly remembered the message from his "future self": You don't have to wait until 2044, the end of the world triggered by various ancient gods has already arrived.

The earth seems to be similar now. If you don’t pay attention, you don’t need to wait until 2044 to experience the feeling of the end of the world in advance.
Although he was still curious about 2044, seeing that Mr. Wu really didn't seem to know, he didn't ask any more questions.

Maybe "Bonfire Company" has more information.

Then, the two chatted for a while as if they were friends. Although the age seemed to be several times different, Ke Lin found that the old man and himself were able to chat quite well, and there was no such feeling of generation gap.

But at this time, Mr. Wu seemed to suddenly think of something, and said:
"Speaking of this, there are some things you need to pay attention to, about the end of the world"

"How?" Colin asked curiously.

"In the future I have observed, disasters will definitely happen, but the time is uncertain. It may be a few years, or it may be more than ten years later, but it will not exceed 2044 at the latest, so if you have the ability, you have to improve yourself as soon as possible "

"I understand." Colin nodded. As he experienced more, he also felt that a storm was about to come.

"The intensity of the disaster may exceed your and my imagination, and the destruction of civilization may only happen overnight. For this reason, perhaps before this sign appears, we will launch the 'Tinder' project. In your situation, there is a high probability that it will be destroyed. selected"


"Essentially, it is to leave this world and find other places suitable for human existence."


Colin was taken aback. Has this already reached this level of pessimism before it even started?

He still couldn't imagine the reality that the home he had lived in for decades might disappear in a short while.

"I can't tell you the specifics yet, but we must be prepared for this. In your situation, the possibility of being selected is not small."

Mr. Wu's tone was quite low, as if he was pessimistic about the future.

But soon, he shook his head again, restrained his emotions, and said with barely encouragement: "Of course, maybe the current efforts can save everything in the future.

"Okay, okay, after talking for so long, I still have some things to deal with, so let's stop here first this time."

"Okay." Colin had no objection.

After a few hours of "chatting", this first conversation is over.

However, before leaving, Mr. Wu suddenly said: "By the way, I will provide you with some help for what you want to do when you join us."

What am I going to do?Didn't I say it yet?Is it possible to predict again?
Ke Lin was taken aback for a moment, not quite sure if what the other party said was what he thought - investigating the status of the "Book of Fortune Telling".

But without waiting to think about it, the figure of the old man suddenly disappeared. After a few staff members who were waiting gave a signal, they took Colin out of the office and brought him to a room specially arranged for him.

The layout looks like a hotel, but I don't know if there are monitors or not, but Colin doesn't care much about these, and sits directly on the big bed in the room.

"The official request is clear. It's basically the 'genetic compensation potion' and the cooperation intention of handing over the 'containment' to the company to make props."

"However, their demands have been resolved, but mine still doesn't know what to do. Is what he said what I thought?"

"If you have something to say but don't understand it, Riddler, get out of here."

Colin rubbed his forehead. Miss Rabbit entrusted him with the task of investigating the status of the "Book of Fortune Telling".

It's just that there was no good opportunity at that time, so I didn't speak, but I didn't expect that the other party seemed to speak instead.
The more troublesome thing is whether what the other party said is what he thinks.

At this moment, the door was suddenly knocked.

Ke Lin tidied up his inner emotions, got up and looked at the door monitor, saw that Qin Chuan and the others were outside, and opened the door for them:

"what's up?"

"No, probably to inform you that we will go back tomorrow."

"So fast?" Colin was surprised.

He thought he would continue to stay here for a long time.

"Well, the other thing is, it has been decided in the organization. From now on, you will be the person in charge of our area to lead the local abnormal situation. We have no objection in this regard."

Qin Chuan felt emotional in his heart, but he didn't have much opinion, after all, Ke Lin's strength lay there.

It would be better to say that a person who is comparable to an eighth-level powerhouse just stays in one area, which is really a bit overkill.

"I'm in charge?"

"Well, of course you can refuse."

"Here, think about it"

Colin pondered for a while, and was not in a hurry to refuse, because this might be the "help" offered by the old man.

"I'm envious. You can talk to Mr. Wu for so long. It's hard for me to meet him. If I get some guidance, I might be able to avoid a lot of detours. His regimen seems to be quite useful."

Hu Zheng on the side spoke, his tone full of envy: "He is the youngest among the few ninth-level personnel in the world."

"The youngest? Mr. Wu looks like he's over 90, he's actually the youngest, but he's really well maintained. By the way, how old are the other ninth-level personnel?"

When Ke Lin thinks about the state of the old man, he feels that it is indeed possible. He is wise, calm, and understands life. Making red dates and goji berries in Pu'er tea can be seen as a way to keep in good health.

If there is a chance to get the maintenance method, you have to ask, and bring a copy to the old man in the orphanage.

However, compared to this, he is now more curious about how old the other ninth-level powerhouses are.
It was just that he had just finished speaking when he suddenly felt that there was something wrong with the expressions on his face.

"what happened?"

"Mr. Wu is only 38 this year"


"Oh wrong."

That is, how could it be possible that he was only 38? Ke Lin slandered inwardly, but when he heard Hu Zheng's next words, he almost couldn't hold back a mouthful of water.

"Strictly speaking, Mr. Wu is 37 years old this year, not yet 38."

(End of this chapter)

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