Campfire Shelter.

Chapter 274 D-level promotion mission "Sunless Sea"!

Chapter 274 D-level promotion mission "Sunless Sea"!
5 yuan!

The old dean probably knew about Ke Lin's situation, and also knew that he graduated with normal grades and worked, so it was impossible for him to spend so much spare money. After confirming that the money was from Ke Lin's side, he immediately scolded him.

"Stinky boy, are you living frugally and thinking about repaying the welfare home? Listen, there is no need, our hospital is not so short of money."

"If you are rich, dress yourself up honestly, maybe find a wife to extend incense to your old Ke's family."

"If you're free, it's best to come to the yard to see those children. How many younger brothers and sisters of yours miss you, big brother, every day."


The old man was full of anger and criticized his head and face. In his opinion, it must be that Ke Lin was frugal, and he didn't know how long he saved before he got some money and sent it over.

Ke Lin couldn't get in the conversation, so he could only show a dumbfounding expression while holding the phone.

The voice did not look like a 90-year-old person at all.

After a while, the other side finally finished talking, and Colin finally had a chance to intervene, only to see that the 5 yuan just transferred was returned the same way, but the bank fumbled in the middle and lost some formalities. fee
"Don't worry, I just made some money"

"You made money? What about your girlfriend? Let her tell me, I heard from you that if you have money, you can find a girlfriend."

"Uh, not yet."

"Call me without you? Who gave you the courage?"


Colin pursed his lips, this was a bit different from what he had imagined.

Shouldn't the reality be that when he called [-], the old man called back with a sense of relief, saying that you have finally grown up and become capable?

How come he is going to be scolded here?

"Actually, what I want to find a girlfriend, as long as I send out a message, the girls who come to line up can queue up to ten meters behind," Ke Lin explained seriously.

However, the old man didn't believe it at all.

"Hehe, when you are the emperor? Be more pragmatic, don't learn anything in society, and start to learn to brag."

Uh, I'm being pragmatic enough, Ke Lin shook his head secretly in his heart, to be honest, it's hard to tell before his identity is announced, but after his identity is announced, with his current status, let alone ten meters, even 1000 meters is possible.

With this kind of confidence, he is not so anxious about these matters.

"Okay, you don't have to worry about the money. Xiao Chuan made a lot of money from overseas trade before, and recently made more than 1000 million, net profit"

Xiao Chuan is the second grandson of the old man, who is about seven or eight years older than Ke Lin. When he was young, he basically ran behind the other party's buttocks. Black internet cafe what.
The relationship is not bad, Ke Lin always calls him Brother Chuan, and he respects him very much from the bottom of his heart.

After all, when he was caught by the old dean, it was brother Chuan who took the responsibility, and he didn't confess to his younger brothers and sisters even if he was hung up and beaten.

More than 1000 million, Ke Lin squinted his eyes, knowing that Brother Chuan's small glass factory can earn 1000 a year, and it is almost impossible to earn [-] million at once.

It is impossible to cut the glass out of the flower
Almost instantly, he realized that this might be the "support" of the officials.

"Okay, okay, I understand, if you have a chance, ask Brother Chuan to invite me to go to the sea to experience what kind of feast that sea is."

A thought flashed through Colin, and he responded with a smile.

"By the way, when will you come back? Pay homage to your parents, you haven't been back these two years."

"Let's think about it, recently."

Colin didn't veto it either, he really hasn't been back for quite some time.

In addition, the orphanage is only a few cities away, and it can be reached in a short time by subway.

"'Gene Compensation Potion' seems to be able to be used only at the corresponding level of authority, otherwise, it seems that the effect will be reduced, and the digestion speed will also slow down?"

Ke Lin put down his cell phone, thinking of the occasional sound of the old man coughing up phlegm when making a call, thinking of giving the old man or Brother Chuan a shot of whatever.

There are not no examples in this regard, and internal groups have heard that it is used by people around them.

It's just that the effect will be reduced by more than half, and the fusion speed of the medicine and the body will be greatly reduced, and it must not be used beyond the level, otherwise it will be invalid directly, and there are many restrictions.

Ke Lin didn't know how the government would solve these problems, but after thinking about it, he decided to wait for the official information on the use of gene compensation drugs for ordinary people to come out before considering trying.

Then, without thinking too much, Colin flipped through the parchment to see if he could find some equipment.

Anyway, there are too many points and no place to spend them. Why don't you benefit your colleagues and buy some props at a low price while they are in a hurry to participate in the "optional trial event" shipment, so as to improve the people around you.

Soon, one day passed like this. Counting from the day before yesterday, it is now the third day.

"Start the mission, and then go to work."

Ke Lin took out the E-grade genetic compensation medicine that he had prepared a long time ago. This time it was a needleless syringe type. He pressed the front part on his arm with some unfamiliarity, and pressed the pusher hard.

There was a slight tingling sensation on the skin.

Drug injection completed
Since it was already the third one, the effect was not obvious. Ke Lin only felt his body warm up slightly for a minute or two.

When the fever was over, Colin opened the parchment and saw a message.

[The promotion requirements have been met, do you want to open the 'D-level promotion event'?To start this mission, you need to turn in a gold mission certificate + 1 campfire points. 】

'Bless a normal mission! '

While praying silently, Colin directly chose to confirm.

Immediately afterwards, a new task content jumped out.

【Team·Trial Mission——"Transactions Under the Dark Deep Sea" has been issued, please check through the task bar. 】

"Okay! Not a red name!"

A big stone fell in Ke Lin's heart, and he confirmed his acceptance without even thinking about it, and quickly opened the task bar:
【"Change under the dark sea (1/3)"】

"Description": Under a special deep sea, some changes have attracted the attention of the company, and you will, as a dispatch investigator, come here to complete some basic tasks as required.

"Requirement": On December 12th, enter the instance as required, and the exploration range in it reaches 8 cubic kilometers.

"Hint": Properly prepare props to reduce psychological pressure.
"Event Basic Reward": "Bonfire Points*2000".

"Attention": Do not respond to the call from the deep sea without authorization, and try to ignore it.

Participants in this mission (5/5): "Unnamed 123456", "Treading the Waves to Find Pigs", "Arsonist-Glutton", "Miss Nilu's Dog", "It's really hard to pick a name".

(End of this chapter)

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