Campfire Shelter.

Chapter 275 Red-named teammate!

Chapter 275 Red-named teammate!

"The first task is a team task?"

Colin just noticed this, and looking at the task name above, somehow, he thought of the place where the previous female "Fire Bearer" died
The other party's last words seemed to mention the name "Lightless Sea".

It's just that he has not officially participated in it now, and Ke Lin is not sure about the specific situation. It may just happen to have the same name.

but compared to this
Ke Lin took a look at the five people who participated, and some of them looked very familiar.

"Brother Gou has also been promoted? So fast? Oh no, he is not bad. He has been a goalkeeper at F level for almost two years. The mission certificate is already enough, plus a lot of points from the last mission, It's normal to go up fast."

Ke Lin thinks it is reasonable, after all, in a sense, this is a "Ten Lippo Sword Master".

But besides Brother Gou, some other people are quite familiar. Among them, after paying a little attention, they realized that this so-called arsonist was the one who sold oil to him before?


Why is the name of this "arsonist-Taotie" in red?
After staring at the name for a second, a line of prompts popped up.

[Excellent employees with [-]% task completion, but please note that other employees who perform tasks with this colleague often have unnecessary death or disability. 】

"Ah, what did this do? Kill teammates? It shouldn't be, otherwise I would say it directly."

Ke Lin was a little speechless. Among the five people, apart from him, there was an orange named "Treading the Waves to Find Pigs".

[An excellent employee with [-]% task completion, but due to personality reasons, this employee often causes accidents outside the task plan. 】

"Because of personality triggering additional events outside of the mission? Isn't this a good thing?"

Ke Lin was thoughtful, and then looked at the other two. They were not bad, and their names were light green.

And his own is a kind of green that looks very comfortable
[Excellent employees with [-]% task completion have never died with their peers, and they have all given very positive comments. 】

"What the hell, this mission is not famous, but teammates are famous, right?"

Ke Lin has a bit of a headache. Sometimes the most taboo task is to cause accidents. Once this happens, the difficulty of the task will skyrocket.

But now, the mission has been accepted, and if you want to refuse it, you have to wait for it to disappear naturally.

Then the next quarter is not allowed to start the promotion task.
"Three months, let's forget it. My teammates should be able to control it for a while, and the task is not difficult, so I shouldn't have to worry too much."

In the end, Ke Lin did not choose to refuse, and then opened the internal communication channel of the parchment to take a look.

At this time, when I first came in, I saw a person of a special color @自己—"Miss Nilu's dog".

After clicking in, Colin saw that all the people involved in the mission had arrived here, and there were many other spectators speaking.

"Double Face": Hahaha, red-named teammate, the people who perform missions with this B are basically either dead or disabled. The whole company seems to be only three or two. You can meet each other, so be careful.

"Arsonist-Glutton": Don't talk nonsense, it has nothing to do with me.

"Children of the Last Birth": Tsk, the list of participants in your mission is a bit interesting. They are basically problem children. I don't know about the one with the red name, but the one with the orange name. Tsk, I can only say that you are blessed.
"Miss Nilu's dog": @火火家-饼餐, @跟泪色猪, what's the situation with you two?If you have something to say quickly, otherwise my brother Shunzi might give you two seconds to go in.

"Treading waves to find pigs": I definitely didn't, I have always done righteous things, don't slander people randomly, but the one who might kill teammates is not necessarily the case
"Life mentors are so cute": I'm just curious, one of you out on team missions 100% of people will either die or be disabled, one out of missions 100% will cause additional incidents causing casualties, one out of missions 100% teammates, all survive and who will be the last BUFF stronger?
"It's really hard to pick a name": The bosses put away their supernatural powers and leave a way for the little ones to survive.

Looking at the information on the parchment, Colin was silent for a while, and finally did not speak.

Now even if he has the heart to ask these people, he may not be able to tell the truth.
"Don't talk about anything else, these two problem children will go in when the time comes, let's control it first."

Colin probably had some ideas.

He didn't speak, and didn't say whether to warn or not. After briefly reading the speeches of these people, he put away the parchment.

And less than an hour later, Qin Chuan called and told him that the car was already waiting downstairs.

Today is the day when Colin's new official takes office.

Regardless of whether the official task is done or not, you still have to show your face when you are there.

Not long after, Ke Lin came downstairs in a wheelchair transformed into a kitten maid. Qin Chuan, Xia Liufang, and Hu Zheng were already waiting here. Not far away was a not-so-luxury but pretty good car.

"Come on, I'll be in a wheelchair."

Colin waved his hand. Ever since he experienced wheelchair racing, he has fallen in love with that feeling.

Qin Chuan and the others looked at each other and smiled wryly, but said nothing.

Ten minutes later, Ke Lin and the others arrived at their office area, a small office building not far from the center of Coastal City.

Many people had been waiting inside for a long time, but they couldn't help but be surprised to see Colin's youthful appearance.

"Today, I will take you to understand the basic situation of Coastal City, the internal situation, and the functions of some relevant departments, so that you can handle things later."

Qin Chuan took Ke Lin to a spacious office on the top of the thirteenth floor.

Of the hundreds of square meters on this floor, more than half can be regarded as Ke Lin's office, and only a special elevator can go up.

After inviting him to take a seat, Qin Chuan continued to act as a secretary to introduce the situation.

However, just as the document was handed over to Ke Lin, the elevator door suddenly opened again, and there was a rush of footsteps.

Qin Chuan's complexion changed, he raised his head, and saw a group of people in suits and leather shoes approaching. The man at the head looked straight at Ke Lin, who was very unfriendly.

It can be seen from the faint breath on the other party that this is a fourth-level personnel!
Qin Chuan also knew him, and knew that the opponent was good at fighting, not the type like Hu Zheng who just hugged his thighs and had no fighting power.

"You are the newly appointed fifth-level person in charge, Ke Lin? Our leader has something to ask you to come over."

Although the content of the words is still polite, the tone is not polite at all.

However, when he was talking, Ke Lin still sat still, ignored him, and continued to check the documents in his hand, which made him frown and wanted to continue speaking.

But at this moment, he suddenly saw that Colin raised his finger and waved it lightly.

call out!
In the next instant, a terrifying force slammed onto him, and before he could even make a scream, this fourth-level personnel with good combat experience flew out, his body smashed into glass with a crash, and thirteen people fell down. Floors.

And those shattered glass hadn't landed yet, and were manipulated by the nano-machines dispersed in the air, re-melted and stitched back.
The people who came up with him couldn't help but gasp at the air conditioner in the top office when they saw this scene.

Although they knew that it would definitely not die, it was thrown out like rubbish.
For the other party, it can be said to be the ultimate humiliation.

(End of this chapter)

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