Campfire Shelter.

Chapter 276 Close the door and release "Snow Maiden"!

Chapter 276 Close the door and release "Snow Maiden"! (Add more monthly tickets)

"Okay, other people can go down by themselves if they want to go down, if they don't want to go down, I'll take you all the way."

Ke Lin didn't even bother to glance at the group of people, and continued to look at Qin Chuan, asking him to continue to introduce the situation here.

"Uh, uh yes." Qin Chuan took a deep breath.

He first informed the situation of some relevant departments in this city. For example, the grassroots is usually composed of basic units such as "vagrants", "cleaners", "couriers", and "property management".

Most of them are candidate Beyonders or Level [-] Beyonders, stationed in "health stations", "logistics" and other places, and their main job is to collect information.

Then there are second and third-level personnel like Qin Chuan, who generally serve as official personnel such as patrol teams.
Further up is the Regional Head, usually a Level [-] or [-].

Finally, there are fifth-level personnel like Ke Lin who manage a city.

Generally speaking, the extraordinary power of a city is usually composed of two level [-] personnel and one level [-] personnel in theory, but the specific distribution is generally based on the city's population and prosperity, and whether it is an important city.

Personnel after the seventh level are usually responsible for looking around the province.

As for the eighth level, which is the ceiling level in Qin Chuan's view, it can only be found in key large cities.

Ke Lin's place was originally Liping, but due to recent changes, this place is temporarily unoccupied, and it is currently managed by two seventh-level personnel transferred from the neighboring province.
"No, it's not right to say that there is no one. I heard that there is an eighth-level person in the fifth base, but he can't leave the base for half a step. Even if the city is flattened and his family dies tragically, he must ensure the safety of the base at all costs. .”

Qin Chuan told Ke Lin a little bit about the situation in this area.

Although Ke Lin met many high-level personnel in a short period of time, in fact, there are not many masters of this level overall, and it is a bit difficult to divide them into key cities.

And next, it is not clear whether there will be new eighth-level personnel coming.

Some other people may not know it yet, but Qin Chuan and others who came out with Ke Lin are very clear that the so-called "level five" person in charge in front of him actually has a combat power no weaker than that of an eighth level person.

With such strength, it is somewhat wasteful to defend such a large place.

However, just as he continued to introduce, there was another sound outside the office door.
"It's Team King"

Qin Chuan's scalp tightened, and he felt the breath of a sixth-level person coming, and knew that this was the unlucky guy who was robbed of his position by Ke Lin.

If there is no accident, after this personnel change, the other party will sit in this position.

As soon as he finished speaking, the door was pushed open, and a short but very strong man walked in.

"You are Colin?" The man looked at Colin displeased.


Ke Lin took a deep breath, felt it for a while, and didn't want to say anything more to the other party. He took out a big eyeball ring from his pocket, melted three "colorless crystals" into it, and threw the ring directly out.

While the ring was tumbling in mid-air, a large amount of frosty mist burst out, as if the place had entered a severe winter for a moment.

A quirky phantom rushed outside with a weird and hearty laugh like a female ghost.

Outside the door, the Wang Corps looked like a formidable enemy.

"This..." Qin Chuan and the others looked at each other, some of them didn't know how to speak.

"Okay, let them fight, let's continue."

Colin waved his hand, and the kitten maid closed the wooden door.

To be honest, the sixth-level personnel may not be able to beat the "Snow Girl" who knocked the "Colorless Crystal".

Then, the conversation continued.

Colin also roughly understands what he needs to do - after he takes office, he will not participate in the specific management of the actions of various departments, but if he feels that there is any need, all departments must cooperate with his actions.

This power is great, as long as it makes him feel that there is a "problem", then no matter what it is, he has to cooperate with him.

Even if they have objections, they must cooperate.

To put it more simply, in some special cases, they have the right to challenge and report the denial of Colin's order, but they do not have the option of refusing to execute it.

"It's as fast as the Emperor of Earth."

Colin secretly sighed.

However, although the power is great, the responsibility is also great. He must ensure the safety of the area under his jurisdiction.
After discussing for a while, he roughly knew the scope of his authority, and he looked at the time. It was almost five o'clock in the afternoon, so he was going to leave work on time.

Only then did he open the door, and with a creepy laugh, a gust of cold air rushed over his face.

"Still fighting? My friend, is that okay?"

Colin smiled facelessly and spoke to the person outside.

In the hazy ice fog, the sixth-level personnel was still dealing with "Snow Girl", but the battle lasted for an hour or two. "Snow Girl" was fine, but the sixth-level personnel were already on the verge of their limit.

"Forget it, let me fight you, lest you be unconvinced."

Ke Lin waved his hand into the air, and suddenly the figure of "Snow Maiden" flew towards him, transforming into a ring again.

In the next instant, surging heat erupted from his body.

Amidst the surging flames, Ke Lin walked step by step towards the sixth-level personnel who was struggling to stand.

Although the flame did not burn anything under Colin's control, the sudden change in temperature still caused countless glass, tiles and other things to crackle and explode.

Amidst the snow-like shattering, Ke Lin walked slowly in the light of the fire.

Seeing this scene, Captain Wang finally lowered his head and said with difficulty:
"I admit defeat."

At this moment, he clearly realized that the other party was not what he thought before, a young man who knew nothing and came to be gilded, but some kind of special recruit.

The actual strength is far beyond the level of the face, and it is impossible to fight at all.

If it's the former, even if it's the child of a big shot, he has to teach the other party the rules of the "Special Operations Department" - strength is everything!
Although he knew very well that by doing so, at most he would embarrass Colin, and he still couldn't get the position, and he might be punished, but he couldn't be angry with this kind of guy who had no strength and came here by air.

Before he came, he checked Colin's background. If he wanted credit, he didn't get credit.

After so many years of life and death, which mission did he fail to take on?When should he work hard when he didn't?He has saved more people than the other party has eaten. He thought he would be promoted steadily, but he was still held back. Being robbed of his position by such an unworthy person, he really couldn't swallow it!

If in the future, the relevant departments are taken over by this kind of related account who somehow got involved, can we still do the work of dealing with abnormalities?
Didn't they rely on them when they really went up?As a result, the benefits could not be implemented.

But now, after verifying it himself, Colin is the latter, and he is really coordinated by virtue, so he has nothing to do.

"Actually, you don't need to be so depressed. I don't particularly care about this position, and I don't know much about management. If you work hard, it's not like there are no opportunities."

Colin walked towards the elevator and said, "I guess I won't stay for too long, and you will still sit here."

Since the other party didn't play any particularly disgusting moves, he didn't intend to beat him to death either.


Commander Wang was taken aback when he heard the words, knowing that Ke Lin must not have lied to him. After all, with his strength, he might be promoted directly in a short time.

Although they are all gold-plated, they are not the same. Colin's talent is convincing.

"Sorry." Captain Wang apologized earnestly.

Seeing that Colin looked at the cracked tiles and glass, he resisted the fatigue of the battle and said, "I will take care of the situation here."


Colin nodded, and then left directly.

There was nothing to do, and he didn't want to stay here any longer after get off work.

In his opinion, the only important thing in the next few days is the promotion task a few days later.

ps: I understand everything I know
(End of this chapter)

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