Campfire Shelter.

Chapter 308 Attempts to initiate the "Bonfire Agreement".

Chapter 308 Attempts to initiate the "Bonfire Agreement".

[Trial mission - "relic recovery (3/3)". 】

"Description": Through investigation, it has been confirmed that there is an important information left by former employees in this area, which is related to whether the company will take further action on "World Number".

"Requirement": Follow the guidance to approach the area where the object is located, and obtain as much information as possible on the legacy.

"Remarks": After completing this task, you can return to reality and settle the rewards.

When everyone opened this task, they all felt that in a certain direction of the deep sea, there was something weird that was releasing a strong attraction to themselves.

"Okay! It's almost finished! As long as you find that thing, you can go back!"

Brother Gou and the others were excited for a while. They didn't want to stay in this deep sea any longer!
Even if there are very seductive mermaids, they will feel a certain breathless pressure getting heavier every time they stay for even a second longer.

This feeling is most obvious when sleeping, and some of them have begun to repeat an uncomfortable nightmare.

In the dream, they were floating alone in the lightless sea, cold, oppressive, and dark, something was calling in their ears, their lungs were gradually filled with sea water, and finally they woke up out of breath.

And the thing that shouted would not reply at all except for calling. When they couldn't help but want to respond in their dreams, they found that the other party would not respond at all. The purpose of existence seemed to be just to make them have nightmares.

Brother Gou and others were furious, but there was nothing they could do.

So much so that now, except for Ke Lin, the mental state of the few people can't help but decline.

The only way to appease the spirit is to warm up the flames.

While the few of them were excited, Colin couldn't help sighing:

"I knew that after the company obtained the information about the 'Fire Bearer', it would never let go of further investigations on it. Unfortunately, I thought it would be a turnaround if there were no side missions at that time. Alas, I really don't know. stupid."

From this direction, he can basically be sure that the target should be in the holy city of "Sea Demon Girl".

This risk has to be taken in the end, there is no way to avoid it
Moreover, this kind of guidance is a bit special and familiar. The last time it appeared, Colin finally got the result that he found the head of the former colleague and the equipment "Retrograde Revolver" that exploded from him.

"It feels similar this time. If there is no accident, there is either a 'Fire Bearer' who is being hung up to suck oil, or some kind of limb is left behind. Tsk, if it is the latter, it will be interesting."

Colin raised his hand and rubbed his forehead, feeling that the Extraordinary on the road of "Fire Bearer" is really like a natural firewood.

Whether you burn it yourself or burn it for others, it is a five-star praise.

However, now that his vision has improved, Colin suddenly discovered that the information left by the "Fire Bearer" may be much more valuable than he thought.

But the rewards given to him at the beginning seemed a bit too small.

"I remember how many points it was only one or two thousand. I thought it was pretty good at the time, but now that I think about it, it was only one head that I recovered at the time. It felt like it was too little for ten or twenty thousand, let alone only one or two thousand."

Colin couldn't help complaining, feeling that he was cheated.

Of course, in terms of mission difficulty, because of "luck", except for the corpse of the chapel, almost no enemies were encountered during the whole process, and the mission difficulty was not high.

It's really not incomprehensible to give that much
At the beginning, the rare part of the task was only the part of rolling the dice. If you can't roll the "lucky", you will be replaced with the next one. If you roll it, it will be the beginning.

However, he didn't think too much about it, as Colin was about to continue his preparations for the holy city.

At present, it can be confirmed that there is at least one individual similar to Omar before. It is very troublesome to deal with a guy of this level, and he has no background, so he must be prepared.

But at this moment, a message popped up in his mind.

["World Number-4" Event 0: "Try to activate the '9-[-]' Hunger' breath in the body after obtaining the holy fire relic of 'Sea Demon Girl', and apply to the 'Bonfire Company' to initiate a 'Bonfire Agreement'." 】

"This is an additional task that Ms. Rabbit gave me?"

If Ke Lin felt it, seeing the words "activating the 'hunger' in the body", he could basically confirm that it should be a separate task.

Because, among the people present, he should be the only one with such an unlucky thing in his body.

"Wait, does this mean that after obtaining that holy fire relic, I can even use the power of 'hunger'?"

Ke Lin's face showed joy. If he could use "0-9 'Hunger'", even if it was only part of it, he would have the confidence to face the things under the "Crimson Abyss".

It's just that he has never applied for the "Bonfire Agreement" before, so he doesn't know how to do it.

He wasn't even quite sure what the "Bonfire Agreement" was.

"It shouldn't be a big problem. As long as I can reach the 'Sacred Fire Relic', with the special nature of the company, I should be able to teach myself by then. The only problem now is how to break through."

Taking a deep breath, Colin turned around and called Gouge and others, and began to prepare for battle.

And after the bonfire was lit, the mermaids respected Colin to the point where they couldn't be more respectful, and they never hesitated about any of his needs and arrangements.

As Bubble Island continued to advance, Ke Lin rescued several murloc teams, and the team expanded.

"There are more than 200 murlocs. If I use the 'false powerhouse' at this time, it should be able to improve my physical fitness to the point of 'half-step perfection' in an instant. With other items, it is not impossible to fight with those things. "

"After all, the stuff of 'Crimson Abyss' should only be sold indirectly with some descending containers, and I can't do it myself."

Ke Lin stood in front of the bonfire sacrificial site, overlooking the sea ahead, and thoughts flashed through his mind.

At this time, the queen's guard came over, and seeing Colin turned her head, she said with a serious face:
"It's not far from the holy city, and we can arrive within three hours. Are you ready?"

"no problem."

Concentrating on the thoughts in his mind, Colin nodded and gave an affirmative answer.

At this moment, he can also feel that there are explosions in front of him, and there are faint terrifying auras. There are at least two individuals like Omar near the holy city!
But the good news is that judging from the aftermath of their continuous attacks, they probably haven't broken through the holy city of "Sea Demon Girl".

While thinking, Colin glanced past the Queen's guard inadvertently, and seeing the scene behind her, he couldn't help but twitch his eyes.

I saw that Tina and a group of murlocs tied them to a wooden stick with ropes and set them up beside the bonfire in order to better deal with the crimson spores on the "Sea Fairy".

Then, turn it slowly like a suckling pig to make the fire radiate more evenly.

(End of this chapter)

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